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INSIGHT: Are we doomed to always be a nation for sale?

EMBARASSED in international media, one of the most glaring shortcomings of our democratic process was laid bare for the world to see in the recent indictment of Peter Nygard. The horrific allegations should come as no shock to those of us who heard stories about the infamous Nygard Cay.

INSIGHT: Before we talk about oil pollution, what are we doing about plastic?

AS The Bahamas prepares for the possibility of oil drilling and the risk of spillage, this archipelagic nation ranks among the top 30 per capita plastic global polluters, according to a Forbes Magazine report.

INSIGHT: Dr McCartney was a pioneer and inspiration

YOUNG and veteran figures in The Bahamas’ psychiatric community gathered for a Zoom session last week to pay tribute to Dr Timothy McCartney – the “father of Bahamian psychology” – who died last month from COVID-19 at 87.

WORLD VIEW: Upholding human rights against arbitrary arrest

THE Government of Canada has taken an initiative to promote a Declaration by like-minded countries against the use of arbitrary detention in state-to-state relations.

INSIGHT: Who wants to be a millionaire?

SOME of you may remember the famous game show, Who Wants to be a Millionaire? where contestants answered multiple choice questions that would allow them to cash in on one million big ones. But who knew being born Bahamian paved an even easier path to wealth?

INSIGHT: ‘Police beat me and put hot sauce in my eyes’

A MAN who alleged police beat him and poured hot sauce in his eyes while in custody for a crime he was never charged with is now seeking compensation for the injuries he sustained.

WORLD VIEW: Guyana and Suriname can underpin Caricom’s sovereignty and prosperity

THE presidents of Guyana and Suriname have announced two major joint venture projects whose implementation will deepen the beneficial relations between the two countries, and could have a positive effect for the 15-nation Caribbean Community (CARICOM) of which they are members.

INSIGHT: It’s a tough time for Bahamians - and it’s not getting easier any time soon

THOUSANDS of Bahamians turned out at Island Luck’s food giveaway on Thursday. Boxes of foodstuffs containing cereal, cream, sardines and other budget-friendly cupboard fixtures all but evaporated by the event’s scheduled start time at noon.

INSIGHT – ‘Worst-case scenario’: Questions raised as oil ship churns towards The Bahamas

TWELVE metres. That’s how close the coastal communities of Nova Scotia, Canada came to total disaster in 2016, when a mammoth metal pipe, weighing the equivalent of 20 elephants, struck the ocean floor.

WORLD VIEW – The Haitian people: sadly and badly in need of a champion

HUMAN rights and constitutional violations in Haiti have been ignored for too long by the Organization of American States (OAS). The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) has also avoided dealing with incendiary political issues in Haiti.

INSIGHT: Whoever jumps into Turnquest’s shoes needs to fill us all with confidence

The lawsuit naming former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Peter Turnquest as part of allegations over a $27m fraud scheme last week spurred a wide range of emotions. While some defended the Member of Parliament for East Grand Bahama, others noted a distraction of this nature saw it necessary for Turnquest to resign with immediate effect.

WORLD VIEW: We’re in a new reality and those who control the purse strings need to realise that - and help

GOVERNMENTS in Central America are calling for “climate justice” after the devastation of their countries by Eta and Iota as both tropical storms and hurricanes.

INSIGHT: If a leader has a true vision the people will follow

IN times of crisis, the mettle of true leaders is put to the test. Winston Churchill, known for his refusal to surrender to Germany in World War II, Nelson Mandela’s leadership and negotiations that led to the end of Apartheid, George W Bush navigating the US through the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and his successor, Barack Obama, steering the country during the 2008 recession – all names synonymous with incredibly trying times throughout history. And now, with COVID-19 affecting the whole world, leaders have had to dig deep.

INSIGHT: From persecution to prison to poverty – a political refugee’s five-year ordeal in The Bahamas

Fleeing his native Gambia in fear of extra-judicial execution, Ousman Bojang accepted a friend’s invitation to take refuge in The Bahamas. Expecting safety and protection in accordance with our international obligations, he was met instead with arbitrary detention, false imprisonment, inhumane treatment and shocking conditions. Then he was released, only to be forced into poverty by a cruel and spiteful government.

WORLD VIEW: The world waiting to breathe normally again

CARIBBEAN Community (CARICOM) countries should by now have worked out a strategy for securing the early attention of US President-elect, Joe Biden, and the team working on his transition into the White House and to the helm of government.

INSIGHT: What climate, conch salad and the land have to do with knowledge of self and freedom

In the first of a series of articles compiled by the University of The Bahamas - entitled the Mangrove Series - writers take a critical look at what it is that we value as a Bahamian people and the risks that a changing climate poses to these treasures.

INSIGHT: We need to wise up - blind allegiance to parties who provide no solutions gets us nowhere

IDENTITY politics has been around long before my time and will be around for much longer. However, it may be high time for us to question how it has helped us as Bahamians.

INSIGHT: Open doors after months of the Abaco Rebuild

IT’S now over a year since Hurricane Dorian devastated Abaco and the long rebuilding programme began. Here’s Insight’s latest update supplied by abacobuzz.com on what’s open for visitors and residents on the island.

INSIGHT: Soothing platitudes which skirt over realities isn’t going to get the job done

PRESIDENT-Elect Joe Biden’s path back to the White House is a story of perseverance and triumph. While Americans had no shortage of reasons to vote Biden, President Trump’s response to the coronavirus is likely what led to him losing the election in a close race. Many pundits have discussed the early delay in responding to the pandemic in what looks to be the final nail in the coffin of Donald Trump’s political career.

INSIGHT: When there is no other choice, you play the hand you have

THE Bahamas is one of the most beautiful places on earth – charismatic people, pink sands and crystal blue waters - and attracts millions of tourists a year. Our natural beauty also enables citizens in the private sector to earn an income and put food in their families’ mouths. When a global pandemic snatches all of that away, we have seen that our gift is also our curse in some respects.

WORLD VIEW: Democracy is not guaranteed by elections alone

A BIZARRE moment at the 50th session of the general assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS), on October 20 and 21, was a claim by the outgoing Foreign Minister, Karen Longaric that her government had brought democracy to Bolivia.

WORLD VIEW: OAS General Assembly failed the people of the Americas

ANYONE who followed the 50th regular session of the General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS), would be forgiven for believing it was held to discuss Venezuela and Nicaragua.

INSIGHT: When lockdown comes, COVID takes a toll on mental health in the home

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, The Family: People Helping People Project - financed through a grant from the Templeton World Charity Foundation - met with over 300 participants in weekly supportive group therapy. These groups met in various locations including The Bahamas Department of Corrections, Kemp Road, East Street etc.

INSIGHT: Sally’s army may be small but it’s doing its bit to bring vital help to those most in need

As it stands we can safely say The Bahamas is in a crisis and needs an ‘all hands on deck’ call out to all of its Good Samaritans. Sally Van Tooren has heard that call and has decided that no one in the capital will go hungry under her watch.

INSIGHT: Forget Halloween, is November 1 the day we should be really scared of?

JUST a mere six days from now, we will be taking our second crack at reopening the tourism sector. Here it is, COVID-19 cases are surging with no flattening of the curve in sight, despite the reinstitution of stricter containment measures.