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WORLD VIEW: Guyana’s election impasse may be resolved but so much more is yet to be tackled

THE one upside of the challenges facing the Government of Guyana after a five-month impasse in declaring the result of general elections on March 2, is that the country’s economic growth in 2020 is projected at a whopping 52.8 percent – surpassing all 26 Latin American and Caribbean states. This trend is likely to continue for many years to come.

INSIGHT – Shell’s message: Our ability to invest remains dependent on the timely closure of current negotiations with BPL and the government

We are living in a crisis of uncertainty. In just a few months, we have seen the world go into lockdown mode in the face of an historic pandemic, causing serious impact to the global economy and upturning each of our lives. And as Bahamians know too well, this has happened less than a year since Hurricane Dorian, The Bahamas’ worst natural disaster ever, destroyed the beautiful islands of Abaco and Grand Bahama.

INSIGHT: We’re in a war and we’re losing - we need to bury petty differences and work together

THERE is no doubt our initial success in warding off COVID-19 was merely a test run. Indeed, we are in the thick of things as we may have overestimated our ability to open the country with cases surging in the United States.

WORLD VIEW: Climate change is killing the Caribbean one cut after another

AMID the feverish work to cope with both the public health and economic effects of COVID-19 on their populations, Caribbean governments can be forgiven for dropping their guard against the existential dangers posed by climate change.

WORLD VIEW: A tale of two neighbours

RECENT electoral events in Guyana and Suriname, which border each other on the north-eastern coast of the South American continent, display a remarkably different approach to democracy that could be the determining factor in catapulting Suriname’s development and prosperity well ahead of Guyana’s.

INSIGHT: Sharks skirting on the edge of wipeout but not in our waters

New research from Global FinPrint, headed by researchers at Florida International University (FIU), has concluded that sharks are absent from many reefs around the world and has deemed the species, “functionally extinct”. The good news is The Bahamas is not in that count as it is one of the few countries that still has a healthy shark population.

INSIGHT: We can play the blame game but, at the end of the day, we are all in this together

IT seems we have sobered up. After 170 new cases of COVID-19 in the past two weeks - all presumably a result of the country’s premature reopening - the emergency powers have been extended for another two months.

INSIGHT: Minnis warns of a marathon - but is Wells the right man to carry the baton?

WITHIN the past few months, the country has lost two of the most respected medical minds from the frontlines of the fight against the coronavirus pandemic.

INSIGHT: If black lives really matter, why are we killing each other, abusing our women and selling each other drugs?

In a period of severe racial unrest in the United States, Philadelphia-based pastor Gino Jennings, tells black people to stop giving bigots a reason to stereotype them.

INSIGHT: Putting the lives of broken children back together

WHILE children who have suffered from abuse and trauma are more likely to become violent adults, studies prove that early intervention can decrease the likelihood of them spiralling into a life of crime and violence.

INSIGHT: A radical voice on money-grabbing pastors, gays and women in the church

In a world where many religious institutions have evolved into mere money making organisations, where ministers live in million dollar houses, are chauffeur driven and have huge bank accounts, Philadelphia-based pastor, Gino Jennings believes these churches are worse than organised crime - practising deception at its worst and conning their congregations.

INSIGHT: What choice do we have? After all the years of independence we only have one hand to play

DESPITE the borders reopening, the country is still reeling with the coronavirus pandemic surging just next door to us. As we welcomed in the country’s 47th birthday, we also have been welcoming potentially thousands of tourists. Even with the US being hammered by COVID-19 with single-day records, with states competing to see who will clock in the highest numbers at day’s end, the government intends to take their chances.

WORLD VIEW: A new world faces CARICOM countries - how will they embrace it?

GOVERNMENTS around the world, including in Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries, have emerged as the principal players in the health and economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The private sector, for the most part, has taken a back seat with many companies turning inwards and concentrating on safeguarding their own survival, rather than playing a broader role.

INSIGHT: Uncovering the early childhood traumas that lead to violence

MANY of the adolescents who are brought before the courts for minor infractions suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), according to a pilot study conducted by leading psychiatrist David F Allen and local colleagues.

INSIGHT: Marchar Jean was her school’s star pupil - today she’s trapped by a nonsensical system which is a stain on our nation

Sadly, unnecessarily and illegally, the life of an innocent young Bahamian in waiting is in limbo!

INSIGHT: Can we all just get on the same page please?

LAST week’s confusion over the landing of 135 workers from Mexico brought in to help restore the hurricane-ravaged Bakers Bay led to quite a stir. Perhaps the biggest concern should have been the rising threat COVID-19 is becoming in Mexico.

WORLD VIEW: CCJ offers parties in Guyana pathway to the rule of law

There have been unhelpful and destructive attacks by leading members and zealous supporters of the APNU-AFC caretaker government in Guyana against all with whose position they disagree. The targets are international organisations, CARICOM Heads of Government, other governments that have been major partners with Guyana and their diplomatic representatives.

INSIGHT: The number of cases are skyrocketing and, to put it bluntly, reopening as planned will cost lives

As a concerned Bahamian citizen living in one of the southern states in the United States currently experiencing an unprecedented spike in COVID cases, I am deeply worried about the potential consequences of The Bahamas opening its borders to international tourists, which is scheduled to begin on Wednesday.

Rotary’s putting the ‘R’ in Dorian recovery

Rotary International to spend approximately $10 million on the recovery of the island of Abaco, immediate past president, Barry Rassin has told The Tribune.

INSIGHT: We can’t stay closed for ever but now isn’t the time to roll the dice

As we stand on the doorstep of the day of reckoning, anxiety is in the air. On one hand, many Bahamians are ready to get back to a place that can be considered normal. On the other, those taking a considered approach to the government’s decision to reopen the country are deeply uneasy. As we think about our loved ones and other citizens – those with compromised immune systems in particular - it is frightening to witness the coronavirus uptick continue with record-shattering force in the US.

WORLD VIEW: Caribbean among countries being unfairly targeted by US senators over Cuba

THREE US senators, who have done little to advance the interests of the Caribbean and with whom requests for meetings by many Caribbean Ambassadors are usually shunted to their staff, are now proposing US government punishment for Caribbean countries that request assistance from Cuba for medical personnel.

INSIGHT: A helping hand for the hundreds left devastated by Dorian

Last September, Hurricane Dorian struck the Northern Bahama Islands of Abaco and Grand Bahama causing billions of dollars in damage. The One Eleuthera Foundation stepped in to assist hundreds of evacuees who resettled in Eleuthera, with just over half still remaining today.

INSIGHT: We put our trust in the police but rogue officers must be held to account

COUNTLESS images of police brutality have nearly been just as common as the mantra of “protect and serve” - widely used terminology in policing globally. And yet, The Bahamas refuses to take much-needed steps toward enhancing the level of accountability that currently exists in local law enforcement.

WORLD VIEW: Yet another knee on the neck of the Caribbean

THE failure of the world’s richest nations to respond adequately to the abrupt and rapid decline in the economies of developing countries, including the Caribbean, is resulting in huge increases in unemployment and poverty and could, ultimately, erode democracy and the rule of law.

INSIGHT: Opening the borders is a high risk game we could live to regret

IT is no secret that success in the hotel business...