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Elections in the time of COVID

Several countries in the Caribbean have held early general elections in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

Too hard to visit

I am writing as a Canadian with Bahamian ancestry to express the hope that your Government will soon change the very difficult requirements to visit.

Issues facing the world

There are two issues I would like to address but I do so from a world weary cynical perspective:

United Bahamian people

The Bahamas is now a failed state in my view.

LETTER: Roadblocks for visitors to Bahamas

The Minister of Tourism outlined steps towards reopening the vital tourism sector. However, when reading the remarks, it does not appear to be very welcoming for prospective visitors. I wonder if anyone who is designing the harsh requirements for entry has ever consulted with travel agents or visitors themselves.

LETTER: Zimbabwe still in crisis

It is painful that the Zimbabwean situation has worsened and the social and economic crisis of the Zimbabwean is continuing daily. It shows very clearly that Zimbabwean president Emmerson Mnangagwa have failed to improve the economic conditions of Zimbabwe.

LETTER: More risk for displaced Bahamians

Please allow me a space in your column to share with you and your readers what I consider a very serious emerging issue that has already impacted residents of The Bahamas and may have devastating effects if not addressed.

Freedom of information

As a taxpayer and a businessman I find it strange and in fact take great offence when Bahamians are told by the relevant entity or authorities that the salaries of persons employed by governmental agencies and corporations are no one’s business in the public domain as the revelation could lead to those individuals being targeted by criminals.

Is JLP win a good sign for FNM?

At the recent heads of agreement signing for the Jack’s Bay Resort development, Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis is reported to have said that he is “more focused on saving lives than calling an early election.” General elections in this country, for all intents and purposes, have become pastime events for Bahamian revelers and entertainment seekers. Issues of national importance are usually not high on the agenda of these people looking for free entertainment and food.

Sir Franklyn's importance to the country

With thousands of job losses in New Providence, Grand Bahama, Bimini, Abaco, Exuma and other parts of The Bahamas, owing to the COVID-19 pandemic’s debilitating impact on the domestic and global economy, the announcement of the Minnis administration signing a $400m heads of agreement for the Jack’s Bay Resort and Marina development in South Eleuthera comes as good news, in an otherwise sombre environment.

In tribute to Pastor Roach

On Thursday, 3rd September, 2020, Pastor Hugh Roach transitioned into eternity.

A nation builder

I was saddened to learn of the transition of Pastor Hugh Roach.

Stop the Bank Lane shuffle

Under both the Constitution of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas and the common law, a person who is accused of a criminal offence is entitled to the presumption of innocence unless and until that person is lawfully convicted of a crime.

Psychology of COVID fight

It seems that COVID-19 slapped the face of the Bahamian society so hard that heads are spinning and the ship looks like it may be on the verge of going under.

Charities make a difference

It is important to honour, acknowledge, celebrate and recognise the work done by charities globally.

Davis did nothing wrong

The Bahamas continues to be inundated with COVID-19 infections. As of September 2, there were 2,337 confirmed cases on the COVID-19 Bahamas Dashboard, with 47 deaths and seven non-COVID deaths. With 14 deaths under investigation, the death toll could rise to 61.

Pintard and action on fisheries

Re: Tribune Article Entitled ‘Pintard Refutes Claims of No Fisheries Action’ The NFA would like to clarify the reporting of The Tribune on a matter regarding a voice note of one of its members circulating on social media.

UK and international aid

The UK should give enough notice to aid-reliant countries.

Students sent on a fool's errand

Minister of Education Jeff Lloyd’s announcement that schools on Grand Bahama will open “face to face” on October 5, while New Providence, Eleuthera and Abaco will resume classes virtually, is one of the most disappointing decisions that the Free National Movement (FNM) administration has made since the COVID-19 outbreak in March. I feel as if Lloyd is sending Grand Bahamian students on a fool’s errand. It simply cannot work.

A job done

You may recall my letter to The Tribune of 23/11/2018 on the topic of Eastern Cemetery Lane. I am delighted to share the content of an e-mail received this morning, from the Minister of Works, and my humble reply.

Law context

I must, outrightly, disclose that I myself have neither been informed nor benefitted by a personal read concerning “conduct” and its “code” – as expounded upon, evidently, in 1955 England, the Lord High Chancellor, Viscount Kilmuir, at the time the highest ranking judicial officer in Britain (see The Graduate’s Letter to The Tribune of Monday, August 10th, 2020). I have not had the privilege yet.

The rise of Renward

The Prime Minister recently appointed the Hon Renward Wells (FNM-South Beach) to serve as Minister of Health. Wells has come a long way since he, Andre Rollins, et al, patched together a rookie political action group some years ago. Wells has proven to be a political chameleon and made of durable material. He and Rollins were elected on the PLP ticket in 2012. They both fell afoul of the then Christie led PLP and the rest is history.

In tribute to Mr Justice Neville Smith

Grateful if you would publish this tribute in memory of Mr. Justice Neville L Smith (ret.): “It is a far, far better thing that I do, than anything I have ever done; it is a far, far, better rest that I go to, than I have ever known.” – Charles Dickens.

Appreciating aid workers

Humanitarians overcome unprecedented access hurdles to assist people in humanitarian crises in 54 countries as well as in a further nine countries which have been catapulted into humanitarian need by the COVID-19 pandemic.

All the virus secrets are revealed in the numbers

Being a Philomath and in particular a Matholephile, I created a mathematic model for the Bahamas’s Coronavirus cases and death. This is not accurate but it gives a ball park figure. It is similar to predicting the weather; things could change but there is a high probability it will occur.