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Stick to what you know and don't deal in rumour

There’s a video on YouTube and Facebook of a Gulf stream G650ER leaving the Lynden Pindling International Airport several days ago.

Madam Justice is out of order with her views

If Joan Sawyer was just an ordinary retired senior citizen she would be well within her remit to wax eloquent on any subject her heart desires.

Freezing toads unethical

I read your article about the authorities’ “battle” with cane toads and how they could be “humanely euthanised”.

Premature opening of borders

THE Competent Authority and his disjointed cabinet made the decision, collectively, to prematurely open the nation’s borders and to permit Bahamians to travel in and out of the USA (inclusive of hot spot areas like Florida) and to re-enter the country without being tested or quarantined if the travel period was less than 72 hours.

Time for Minnis to be ousted

It seems that our system of governance has devolved into a discretionary representative democracy. Politicians get elected claiming they will represent the interests of the people and somewhere along the way they seem to only represent their own interests. I don’t know when it happened, but it has been that way for decades.

Trump reduces U.S. to Third World

In my opinion US President Donald Trump, who is going through many twists and turns to be re-elected President of the United States, has certainly succeeded in reducing the status of the US presidency to third world status.

Why does Nassau put so much faith in tourism?

Atlantis Resort on Paradise Island is considering reopening around the Thanksgiving holiday in late November, according to a July 24 Tribune article.

Follow simple advice

It is interesting to reflect on the past and consider how far we have come in establishing our rights and our privileges. However, in our slow movement forward, we have left something behind. We have forgotten to emphasise our corresponding duties – the duty we owe our fellowmen when it comes to respecting their privileges.

Future ripe with opportunity

The US council on foreign Relations published and article entitled: “It Is Time to Abandon Dollar Hegemony”, on July 28, 2020.

Archie Nairn, a consummate professional

I had the honour and pleasure of working with Archie Nairn, who was the Permanent Secretary of the Office of the Attorney-General and Ministry of Legal Affairs for the first few years of my second stint as Attorney-General and Minister.

Mitchell's personal agenda does us no good

Today, I am once again left confused as to whether the opposition wants The Bahamas to win this fight against COVID or are they hell bent on playing politics with this matter?

Enlightened integration

Owen Arthur, the late former Prime Minister of Barbados, wanted everyone to know that once his feet were on the soil of any Caricom country, he was home.

Don't expose others

Fifty people die, and it’s a hoax says Dr. Trump.

The gracious Clarice Granger

MRS Clarice Granger, an iconic and gracious Bahamian lady, with kind, sparkling eyes, has passed from time into eternity.

Bahamians don't follow rules

I write to you with reference to an article that I saw in The Nassau Guardian, written by one Mr William Wong on July 24, 2020, headed: It Ain’t Right.

A reminder of childhood

THE recent predicament of the open travel to USA with unrestricted return within 72 hours reminds me of a childhood rhyme:

Who'd take high road?

There has been a lot of talk in the past concerning #1 Windsor Avenue and Village Road being a residential area, even newspaper articles written on the subject.

Egg on our faces

On July 22, the Bahamas government banned all commercial flights to The Bahamas save for those originating in the United Kingdom, the European Union and Canada. This meant that commercial flights emanating from the USA, where most of our tourists come from, would not be allowed.

Asking price too steep

As of July 25, there are a reported 159 confirmed cases of COVID-19 on Grand Bahama -- 29 more than in New Providence. Grand Bahama is now a hotspot for the virus. Many people on the island are jittery, for obvious reasons.

Leaders have got us into the mess we are in today

We are between a rock and a very hard place under this administration. Yes, as a student of Bahamian politics, unique in and of itself, I concur that one should not necessarily blame the Competent Authority and his people them for the abject mess we are in today. It is a given, however, that while they could not have anticipated or stopped Dorian last year or the uninvited arrival of the pandemic, their responses have been dismal at best.

Adding insult to injury

Having apparently been at the forefront of the decision to open our country’s borders to visitors from the world’s epicentre of the coronavirus, it must have been difficult for Dionisio D’Aguilar to exceed with insults his injuries to the Bahamian public.

The selfishness of others causes suffering for all

The Prime Minister took to the floor of Parliament and gave us a tortured insight onto a contentious issue that has bedeviled governments all over the world this year.

Madness of our entry requirements

There would be little doubt that Dr. Minnis' Administration and the COVID-19 task-force deserve our praise and heartfelt thanks for their superb handling of the extraordinary challenges facing our nation from the Coronavirus-19 pandemic.

Ludicrous lockdowns

I am a Bahamian currently in Ontario and read The Bahamas online news and comments daily.

Bahamas and the pandemic

These are my general thoughts thus far about this pandemic and its effect on The Bahamas.