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The worst is yet to come

According to the website https://countrymeters.info/en/Bahamas/economy, the Bahamas’s debt is US $7.338 billion and the Bahamas GDP is US $7.269 billion.

Columbus' statue

Please allow a little space in your powerful daily about Columbus’ statue. We call The Bahamas a christian nation.

Understand our history

When black Americans raised their placards and started marching in the thousands to inform their country and the world that “black lives do matter,” my thoughts slipped back many moons ago to recall a popular childhood saying – “monkey see, monkey do!” I wondered how my Bahamian brothers, who had settled the race issue many years ago and had taken over the government of our country, would find an excuse to get into the act.

Living in a time of madness and folly

The toxic Corona Virus in The Bahamas seems to be bringing all the political would-bee out of the woods. They seem to be going rudderless, wild and crazy about what should be done to deal with the contagion in our country.

My thanks to Victoria

Please allow a space in your great daily, regarding Her Majesty Queen Victoria.

Good to see Turnquest is leading by example

Read with interest your brief article on East Grand Bahama and Finance Minister Peter Turnquest’s health status.

Our cash was stolen while we were asleep

I am a seasoned international traveller and have been travelling to the Bahamas since 1968, so fair to say I have some experience.

I'm glad my two boys now manage to get some sleep

I was depressed and fighting despair.

A bitter but effective dose

Individual rights and freedoms are so sacrosanct that the framers of our constitution made it the third chapter, right behind declaring itself to be the supreme law of the land and the convoluted definition of citizenship.

Bahamas should take advantage

The COVID-19 pandemic has etched itself in the annals of history as it is defining public health, global economies, work environments, family life and everyday social interactions.

The bonds that tie

It is a pure fact that family bonds can last a lifetime.

It's sad to see people shackled

Please allow me to make a comment on a matter that has both puzzled and vexed me considerably for a number of years.

Time to find radical solutions

In June The international Monetary Fund projected that the world economy will contract by 4.9%.

Time to stop this unjust destruction of Bahamas family life

“SO God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God He created them; male and female He created them.” Genesis 1 v27 NIV translation.

Enlightened comments

In your July 9th 2020 edition there appeared a most enlightening and important letter under the heading ‘How we could have prevented pandemic’. I hope as many Bahamians as possible have read this contribution as it is invaluable. I, for one, learned many things I didn’t know about vaccines.

We need to find a new way to develop

The Bahamas requires an entirely new way of thinking about economic growth and development, and a new approach to structuring and operating its economy that can only be had by implementing innovative development economics and innovative development finance.

Our system is leading people to fail

Once again, the national exams are around the corner and students are in preparation mode.

World is on fire and we are a disgrace

The world is on fire, raging around us. Corona virus. Economic dystopia. A dying biosphere. Threats of nuclear war. Global warming. Rising sea levels. Here at home, there is “Confusion in the Senate” a “Clash in the House”, and an inability to come to grips with reality and pressing issues which Bahamians are paying for dearly.

Vaccine unlikely to solve pandemic

A report out of China - a herd man has caught the Bubonic Plague. A 15-year-old girl from neighbouring Mongolia also has the Bubonic Plague. In May a Kazakhstan couple who visited Mongolia died. The US Centre for Disease Control (CDC) says every year in the US, seven people are infected with the Bubonic Plague. The Bubonic Plague is a 14th century that killed 50 million people. Although thought to be eradicated the Bubonic Plague still kills people in the 21st century.

When it comes to beaches, I think Caesar had it right

During my short stint in politics, the party with which I was affiliated, the SDP fought a by-election in South Eleuthera. At the time we found ourselves fighting not only the PLP, but also the BDP/FNM, but that is a story for another day.

How we could have prevented pandemic

SARS-CoV-2 is a new coronavirus that causes COVID-19. The virus has destroyed lives and brought the world to a grinding halt.

Replace your advisers

I do not know the owners of the fabled Compass Point but it seems to me that they are being badly advised. Whoever those advisers are they should be replaced as soon as possible. It is most insulting and a non compliance with protocol.

Teachers are crucial

It should be highly appreciated that teachers play a crucial role in societies.

We should back PM over decision to close beaches

Yes, we have brought our community spread under control, thanks to the herculean efforts of this government.

America's leader is taking us to the edge

“Let’s protect each other and our communities. When you visit any BTC store to pay your bill in full, you will receive a free 3-layer protective mask.”