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We must turn our sights to other tourism markets in the world

We’re now a day away from July 1. Let’s try to carefully think about what’s going on.

We need trees on the beach – they provide us with shade

A minister was on the news talking about removing trees from beaches.

Bethel must offer his resignation

We profess to follow the so-called Westminster form of constitutional democracy here at home in our wonderful nation. Under that system there are certain constitutional conventions, while not having the force of an actual law or legislation, are followed and observed in the political arena.

Dollar collapse

The United States (US) national debt has reached 26 trillion and is expected to reach 30 trillion in 2021.

Strengthen Parliaments

The International Day of Parliaments was recognised on June 30.

Govt fails to inject any real thought

From the very beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the government has used WHO “guidelines” to justify the decisions they have made.

Why the people of Green Turtle Cay feel neglected

Today makes Day 304 without power at my residence on Green Turtle Cay. My residence has been repaired and is ready for reconnection to the BPL power grid. We were promised, again last week, that Bahamas Power and Light (BPL) would be coming to do hook-ups this week.

School hours should stay the same

As a person who works in the education system I must voice my input about how school should be run when it reopens. It is not feasible for there to be six feet of distance between students in the class room. Desks should be reasonably spaced but if students are wearing masks and using hand sanitisers this should not be an issue. The main issue should be the number of students in each class. There should be no more than 25 students in each class. This number allows for adequate spacing in each room.

Time to think of our children

Some have said that your opinion of the Andros project should be reserved until all that is proposed comes out.

Don't let motorbike riders spoil it for all

At about 4.30 this afternoon, at least four trail bikes were observed tearing up and down the road inside the Montagu Park that runs parallel to the beach. The ignorant riders were popping wheelies and endangering the people in the area.

Deal with shortcomings

During the last few weeks, following the white police officer killing of African American George Floyd, there has been a blizzard of posts on local social and news media with regard to racial inequality in the Bahamas with crusaders and lunatics alike, thankfully non-violent, coming out in imitation of our neighbours to the north.

A gift I can't forget from Peter Graham

I have been fortunate to have known the late Hon. Peter Donald Graham, who passed into Eternity recently.

Columbus keeps the tourists happy

Christopher Columbus statue is here to stay. Christopher Columbus is among the “been here” and will be here longer than Father Sebastian Campbell and all those other set of “just come here” opinions.

Stop these attacks on children

It is absolutely pathetic and heart-breaking that in situations where armed conflict breaks out, children who are the most vulnerable members of societies are mostly affected by the consequences of war. The six most common violations are recruitment and use of children in war, killing, sexual violence, abduction, attacks on schools and hospitals and denial of humanitarian access.

Marley called it mental slavery

American hegemony and cultural domination looms large all over the world, nowhere more so than here in the Caribbean.

Alam bells ringing

The alarm bells are ringing loud and clear.

Let the games begin

According to our minister of tourism it would appear that we may very soon be welcoming visitors from the US and from Europe to our shores at the drop of a hat. No quarantine, no negative test results.

Biden in a bind

Today, the conversation of drugs in America have politically resurfaced, and now it’s an open question whether Biden’s response to the issue can be an asset - catapulting him successfully or a liability - by eliminating him in the US 2020 election campaign.

Time to end provisions

The Prime Minister announced on 19th March, 2020, that he was invoking the provisions of Article 29 of the Constitution to decree a proclamation of emergency under which a number of emergency regulations and orders have been legislated to address the crisis arising from the Corona Covid-19 virus. The emergency regulations and orders put in place a number of measures such as a twenty-four curfew, a complete lockdown on weekends as well as limits on the number of persons who can gather in one place and imposed a 6ft physical distancing requirement on gatherings.

Time to look after our own interests

The Caribbean relationship with the US is complex but enduring as a result of the 1821 Monroe Doctrine that designates the region under US sphere of influence.

Ready for a second wave?

We all, inclusive of myself, have been demanding the relaxation or even absolute abolition of the powers granted, unconstitutionally in my view, to the Competent Authority. Well, over the course of the last week or two they are being eased and many businesses, where they still exist, will be reopening next week.

Now you are insulting our intelligence

I think that the ONLY thing that my good friend Mike Maura Jr did not say in this warning from the Wheelhouse of the Nassau Port was “We’re all right Jack, pull the ladder up” !

Like putting a band aid on a mortal wound

The Bahamas is in an unprecedentedly precarious fiscal situation.

It's time for leaders to improve performance

What with the laxity of Iram Lewis’s grossly incorrect report on the availability of hurricane shelters in Family Islands, and Customs “not wanting to come in and clear arriving boats” at multiple marinas in Nassau, things seem to be running just as irresponsibly as usual.

Columbus: Let a noble Lucayan family look him in the eye

At the moment, we are disconnected from those whom we love. We are living with deep uncertainty, a future unknown.