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All not well at BPL

BP&L - 80MW stand by generator RFP - are we supposed to accept what clearly from the letters published by The Tribune accept that the process was compliant with the norms? There was a serious breach of the Electricity Act 2015 and URCA who is responsible still is pussy footing around not doing what it supposed to do.

Alarm at NIB payout

Kindly permit me to share my views on the disclosure by the Public Service Minister that the government has decided to settle a dispute with the former NIB director in connection with a decision taken by the previous administration to effect his termination

Hurting customers

Surprise surprise! Those of us who saw in the Commercial Enterprises Act a backdoor assault on Bahamianisation have had to wait less than a year to be proved right. It turns out that the FNM’s sanctimonious proclamation of a reduction in labour certificate applications may reflect nothing more than the ability of would-be applicants to use this pernicious legislation to skirt the ordinary process for obtaining a work permit.

The true heroes of the nation

There recently has been much in the press and on radio and TV about Bahamian Heroes.

Where are all the projects?

It is now 16-17 months since May 2017 and a change of Government and the sole, only one, project that has been approved is the Wynn West Bay Condo/condo-Hotel project…struggling is the revamp of the Ginn Grand Bahama project on life support it seems.

Mandela legacy

THE Mandela speech at the UN yesterday... seeing that ZNS News was in full flight, suggesting that Prime Minister Minnis had some special choice or position in this UN event, may I clear the air?

The FNM's brightest

We have enjoyed, in most cases, parliamentary democracy over the past 55 years with the advent of ministerial government during the 1960s and the emergence of internal self governance and, eventually, independence. Over the years, I have seen countless men and women enter the hallowed halls of parliament filled with zeal and vision. Indeed, they come into parliament roaring like a lion only to leave, involuntarily or voluntary, mewing like a pussy cat.

Widening the divide across our nation

How long are we going to continue to denigrate each other, destroy people’s character and indulge in the worst sewer type comments. Why? Is there really anything to gain at the end of the day?

Grand Lucayan consultation?

IT might be too late, in fact it is but what if Cabinet had consulted with a few knowledgeable business folk on the Lucaya deal we might have saved ourselves what on the face of things is a raw deal. Sorry, since coming to office the FNM don’t consult!

Lighthouse Point park plan ideal

ONE Eleuthera Foundation’s proposal to turn Lighthouse Point into a national park with gateway economic zones fits perfectly with the government’s push to empower small Bahamian business.

Do better than Disney

To think God gave us this place of untold beauty....and for the love of money we were prepared to spit in his face, there is no greater shame.

Game of Thrones

MANY idle Bahamians who may have little to do or may have too much down time have opined in recent times that former Prime Minister, the Rt Hon Perry Gladstone Christie, may, along with others, be “plotting” to launch a coup against the current leader of the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP), the Hon Philip “Brave” Davis, QC, MP (PLP-Cat Island; Rum Cay & San Salvador). This, of course, in my opinion, is pure and unadulterated cow manure.

Govt in the North-East

HUBERT Minnis’s Government is to be congratulated for considering bringing local government to New Providence. Though, of course, there are more pressing problems, including crime and the debt, which should take precedence, bringing local government to New Providence will deepen our democracy. I wish Senator Ranard Henfield and his National Advisory Committee well.

A brave new world

There has been some idle talk in recent times that there is or might be a coup being plotted against the leadership of the Hon Philip ‘Brave’ Davis MP, QC (PLP-Cat Island; Rum Cay and San Salvador) by individuals and cabals within the Progressive Liberal Party. As a life long member and supporter of this iconic political juggernaut, I wish to disabuse right thinking Bahamians of this fake observation.

Why pave now?

I have seen the notice from the government that Bernard Road is to be paved. I’m thankful it is being paved.

Where has the BAMSI money gone?

During the waning years of the last PLP administration, the constant cry from the Bahamian people was, “Where has the VAT money gone?”

Questions over BPL and URCA

There is a headline today: URCA to investigate BPL fires attributed to URCA’s CEO Bereaux. With respect to Mr Bereaux where is the investigation as to why BP&L who are totally governed through URCA did not apply under Articles…15…25-28 for permission to change the type of generation and fuel at Clifton?

Murder is a national tragedy

THE murder of Inspector Carlis Blatch has rocked this nation. As it should. He is gone. We wish we could turn back the hands of time. We can’t.

Oh Shanendon

Would you kindly provide me with an opportunity to salute a dynamic young FNM politician in the person of the Shanendon Cartwright.

Lighthouse Point must be saved

I am a man and I cry. There, I have said it.

Work ethic

Re: Seeking to plug the skills gap.

Board chair should resign

I would title this “Being in the real world where you are required to uphold trust’ - the article headlined yesterday “Chamber endorses CEO over ten-year securities barring’ is incredible and exceptionally worrying.

Bewildered inside the hospital

This week, I went to the Princess Margaret Hospital to visit a patient. When I entered the lobby, I was greeted by a very pleasant, helpful security guard. I said I was there to see a patient and was asked his name and when he was admitted. I had his name but was unsure about when he was admitted. The security guard let me pass and directed me to Accident & Emergency.

Who uses a siren?

Who is permitted to legally use a siren and flashing lights?

It's down to education

I sat down this morning intending to write a letter about the astounding figure of $600m. This is the number put forth by Minister D’Aguilar, who says that Bahamians spend $600m per year in the web shops.