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When you look away...

WHEN the public does not watch things happen…been watching and report.

In tribute to James Catalyn

Bush crack and James Catalyn gone!

BPL turbulence

BPL - good for you Ms Osborne let it all hang out if what has been said is not the truth - truth Madam never lies so you have a big advantage.

Train the RBDF

US Embassy donates new harbour patrol craft - boat trailer, etc…this is a US global policy, big deal, they do it all round the world.

BPL saga concerns

THE ongoing saga of BP&L raises some primary issues - a Board is appointed by Government - a Board if asked to ‘resign’ is required to resign no questions asked and no exemptions. So why hasn’t the whole Board resigned?

Blatant discrimination

In reading the recent articles related to the change of the BPL Board, and as a woman in the workplace, the complaints of the Chairwoman resonate like a scratched record that continually repeats itself and I can no longer remain silent.

The VAT gamble

MAY 2017 brought a lot of hope but the subsequent 12-16 months that hope has been converted to anxiety - anxiety in that does Government really understand the complexities of governance?

Bad form, Ingraham and Christie

Last year, the Government of Australia practically begged a former Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, to accept their highest honour, a Companion of the Order of Australia.

Governing with bad priorities

The prevailing narrative that brought the FNM to office and has sustained it in campaign mode for the last 17 months is that the previous administration left the treasury bare. This, in turn, explains the cutbacks and tax increases that have characterised their tenure to date.

Bet Vegas plays fair

I have always supported and still do the so-called gambling, wagering or numbers industry. In fact, the first media personality to advocate for the legalisation and regulation of the same. During the assorted opinion polls, I stood tall and proud to support the “yes” vote. A number, pardon the pun, of individuals and corporate entities supported the same, inclusive of myself and several prominent clerics, et al.

RBDF, do your job

Defending our borders - why can’t the different agencies carry out their prescribed mandate? What is this smart talk of Task Force? Too American for me!

Gambling that hurts our nation

While driving on Wulff Road recently, I could not help but notice that a building that was previously occupied by a commercial bank is now occupied by a gambling house. In my view, it is a further prophetic sign of the new Bahamas. And it is a vivid reminder of how numbers gambling is destroying the economy of The Bahamas and the industry of Bahamians. Numbers gambling is an economic parasite that sucks the financial life blood of legitimate businesses, and it is an economic vice that destroys the industrial drive of Bahamians.

Political interference

There has been a lot of foolish talk about “political interference” during the public debate over events at Bahamas Power and Light (BPL), and some people who should know better have participated in this misrepresentation. It is a pity that journalists covering the story did not take this opportunity to educate the public on this point.

Toppling Trump

TODAY’S startling headlines in the US about two simultaneous criminal convictions, of Messrs Manafort and Cohen, hit me just as I was finishing a brilliant book about the sufferings and emotional reversals of the Italian populace during Word War II.

Drama over shanty towns

The furor surrounding the shantytowns has created a whole lot of drama in the country. Threats of civil unrest. Courtroom showdown looms. Family members and friends on opposing sides of human kindness. One side being sympathetic and the other without compassion with both sides standing their grounds. No compromise.

Lloyd not asleep at the wheel

EDUCATION Minister Jeff Lloyd has been one of the more productive ministers in the Minnis Cabinet. Education is a massive challenge to any government in this country.

Is it really the People's Time to beg?

I understand our country is in an economic crisis and the said government is trying, in their opinion, to fix and balance the budget. But living in the state we’re in, we see families are struggling more so than ever. On top of this, the increase of value added tax has caused the cost of living to become for some, unaffordable.

Farewell to James Catalyn

It was with great sadness that I heard of the death of my fellow writer and thespian, James Catalyn.

Lessons to learn, Mr Minister

‘OH Mr Minister’, the BBC programme should be constantly shown on ZNS as it will educate all of us as to the process and procedure of The Westminster system.

In tribute

It would be greatly appreciated if you would print this letter to remember a fallen colleague and friend, David Livingston Johnson.

Stop punishing our children

Since May 2016, we have seen a consistency of destruction either by omission or commission. For purely petty political reasons, the economy has been slowed down until the “masters” regrouped to now suck the very lifeblood out of the country. We believe that what is not tied down would be blatantly taken into the coffers of the gluttonous elite class.

Executions and the word of God

It is commonly accepted among Christians and a lot of non-traditionalists, that if an individual takes the life of another without legal justification, he/she must in turn be executed by the state. This is the law of God Himself as laid down in the Bible. This eons-old concept of an eye for an eye forms the very basis of most jurisprudence thesis universally.

Public service

TEN, fifteen, twenty years. That’s the amount of time it takes for some hardworking, dedicated public servants to receive their first promotion.

AG on death penalty

HOW strange was the comment of the AG on the PM’s comment and commitment to capital punishment. Such a controversial issue as only 53 countries globally still adhere or have execution on their law books - The Bahamas is in some strange company!

Potholes are a nuisance

THE streets of New Providence are filled with potholes. They are everywhere.