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$5m commitment will never work

I am young enough to recall Hon A D Hanna, then Minister of Finance proposing a massive redevelopment programme from south of the arch to Wulff Road…funded by The World Bank…it was impressive to say the least.

What artists can bring to the table

I was totally shocked by the recent appointment of the new Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture! Having smiled with relief when Minister Pintard was appointed, confident that his Ministry would benefit from his firsthand knowledge and appreciation for art and culture, I must now disappointedly admit that the machination of ‘politricks’ leaves me speechless!

The great marijuana debate

MOST Bahamians would never admit that he/she smokes or have smoked marijuana or cannabis, dead or alive. It is my considered opinion that unless and until an individual actually experiences something or an event he/she is unable to speak definitively on or about. Decades ago, as a youthful high school senior in Jamaica and later as a university student in London, England, I smoked and actually inhaled.

Inequality in Haiti

THE administration of President Jovenel Moise struck a raw nerve with the Haitian people when it announced that fuel prices would be increasing.

Time to scrap Privy Council appeals

WITH spectacular shock and awe reminiscent of a theatre of war, the FNM Government introduced 12 percent VAT! This decision is unpopular with Bahamians, but I commend the Government for doing what it had to do!

Symonette the FNM's Washington

EVEN though he has been dead since 1980, the name Sir Roland T Symonette is currently at the centre of the political furore which was created by the FNM’s decision to honour him as a national hero on Independence Day, along with Sir Lynden Pindling, Sir Milo B Butler and Sir Cecil Wallace-Whitfield. To PLPs such as chairman Fred Mitchell and Englerston MP Glenys Hanna-Martin, this latest political gesture by Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis borders on sacrilege. Sir Roland led the United Bahamian Party (UBP) during the tumultuous 1960s.

Run the numbers on income tax

YOUR columnist Dick Coulson argues again for Income but has he done his homework?

All-out war over gaming

THIS all-out war between the gaming houses and the Bahamas Government is good example of what happens when one entity is struck by power and makes risky, uncalculated decisions without any considerations to consult the other.

Put love ahead of division

It is so sad that instead of respecting the nation’s mantra to move forward together, a few self-serving politicians used the Independence celebrations as a platform to promote racial hatred over unity.

Memories of hate attack

With absolutely chilling effect, I read Diane Phillips’ column in today’s Tribune (July 12). She brought back in memory the potentially deadly consequence, perpetrated by individuals, bought and paid, to harm persons whose only aim was to do good for our country.

Title conundrum

OBSERVING the 45th Ecumenical Service this evening at Clifford Park.

Neymour a poster boy for marijuana?

THE re-emergence of former Free National Movement (FNM) Cabinet minister Phenton Neymour coinciding with the CARICOM Regional Commission on Marijuana’s highly anticipated study on the decriminalisation of marijuana in the Caribbean at the recent Heads of Government meeting was serendipitous. Being diagnosed with colon cancer must have been a harrowing experience for Mr Neymour and his family.

Moved too slow

SO we legalise marijuana for medicinal purposes - just for the local market?

Old and new

I wonder if the Graduate had given any thought to the East Hill Post Office Building or the Clarence A Bain building on Interfield Road when he threw out his advice on taking the old with the new.

Hypocrisy of PLP over VAT

Comments regarding VAT being increased from 7.5 percent to 12 percent, made by the leader and several members of Her Majesty’s loyal opposition as well as various, former government members unceremoniously dispatched from office just over 12 months ago under a cloud and shroud of mismanagement, incompetence and greed, can best be described as abhorrent, contemptible, detestable, despicable, hypocritical, insincere, repugnant and reprehensible.

Give a pet a home

The Bahamas Humane Society has lots of beautiful dogs and cats, puppies and kittens looking for homes.

Taxation honesty

We live in a funny country.

The hubris of Travis Robinson

Hubris is characterised by the possession of a potent witches’ brew of foolish pride, dangerous overconfidence, extreme arrogance and reckless ambition. At first sight it is hard to imagine one, much less all of these traits occupying the mind of the Member of Parliament for Bain and Grant’s Town, Travis Robinson.

Outriders and sirens

Officials - Official cars and police outriders and those damnable sirens.

Exuma tragedy

I wish I could find the words to express how deeply I am hurt when I found out about the unfortunate tragedy in Exuma. I want to send my heartfelt feelings to all families and friends concerned.

Who will be celebrating Independence?

I must ask all Bahamians this question, “Do we have an existential crisis in our country?”

Westminster Parliament

WESTMINISTER Rules and protocols are good for all, not when appropriate to be applied.

PM's shuffle

All of the Ministers moved in the Prime Minister’s recent so-called and highly unimpressive shuffle have been flat footed, uninspiring runners on a ministerial hamster wheel that has led to nowhere. What’s more, there are more within the Cabinet who remain in positions that they, in my opinion, are unqualified to have.

After the firings

THAT was the week that was…no doubt last week was eventful…the Budget vote - firing of two Parliamentary Secretaries the imposing of the whip on the majority, governing party with a majority of 35 and BP&L ain’t got a clue what blacked the island out.

Balancing the books

BUDGET 2018 we have been told is the commencement of a focus to cause in three years as close to a Balanced Budget something never heard of previously except pre-1967.