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We should welcome differences

It is a safe bet that 212 years ago some Bahamians looked aghast at the “modern” monstrosity that was being built on the most commanding hilltop on the island of New Providence.

Facelift for wharf

Prince George Wharf is in desperate need of a facelift. The area is very dirty and the smell of garbage and urine dominates much of the sidewalk across from the water.

Scapegoats in Munnings Road fatality

THE Minnis administration must stand its ground and not cave in to the unreasonable demands of the family of the late Garvinisha Carey -- the young lady who succumbed to injuries caused by a horrific traffic accident in the Munnings Road area after colliding into a concrete blockade which were erected by the Ministry of Works.

Is BPL abiding by the rules?

BP&L’s RFP to replace the current standby generator supplier - AGGREGO was it complaint to the Electricity act of 2015?

Who says yes to the eyesores?

I would like to quote from a letter in your paper dated February 14, 2018, from W Thompson where he/she commented: “I totally agree with the writer Ms Pamela Burnside – the gross ugliness of the design of this hotel (The Pointe) is extraordinary and sends a warning to me – God help us when the Symonette-Bethell Group puts their proposal for the harbour front of their Tropical and east property.

VAT and pricing

THIS an open letter to the Acting Financial Secretary with respect to the Vat exemption for bread basket items.

Police and a matter of trust

FIRST I would like to reaffirm my support for our policemen. But this is not about me. It is about our young men who have absolutely no trust in the police. Not only the young men but many not so young men and women are not happy with the way the police are executing their duties. Many of them feel as if the police are setting up young people to fail We are all aware of the problems we have with gangs, but that’s not to say every young person is involved with gangs and the police should treat everyone differently.

The firing of Travis Robinson

HAD Bain and Grants Town MP Travis Robinson severed ties with the governing Free National Movement, the narrative throughout the country would have been that Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis is losing control of his party, particularly his MP backbenchers.

Rules apply to politicians

POLITICIANS some-times make such a fundamental political mistake when they hang everything which they use, that is, only apply or abide with when it suits their political ends.

Grabbalicious web shops

Web shops - thanks Minister D’Aguilar for telling it as it is.

Don't believe in Ghosts

Patriotic Bahamians are invited to join a Junkanoo rush-out at the Lynden Pindling International Airport to bid a native farewell to the letter writer who uses the signature “The Ghost of Junkanoo Future”.

Elected to serve Bahamian people

GOVERNMENTS are elected to “serve” the people who selected them. They are chosen through an electoral process to represent and act in the best interests of the electorate. The recent firing of four MPs shows an obvious flaw in the system of democracy we practice.

Fit to walk, fit to drive?

Re: Dames wants police to pass fitness tests.

Secretaries should not be voting pawns

“A coward dies a thousand deaths; the brave but one.” Congratulations. Congratulations to the courageous four who put their conscience before their pocketbooks!

MPs’ attire

I am once again forced to be obliged from my observation of our present day MPs, who in my opinion, have no regard, respect or just ignorant and don’t know any better on proper attire when attending the Honourable House of Assembly. Gentlemen, you are leaders in society, where the youth of our country are looking up to you for guardians and leadership, your deportment plays a big part in that.

Futures of rebels at risk

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. So states Newton’s third law of motion.

Robinson’s pay

BAIN and Grants Town MP Travis Robinson’s decision to vote against the Free National Movement’s (FNM) VAT Amendment Bill in order to please his Over-the-Hill constituents came at a hefty price tag. Robinson argued that a 12 percent VAT would be too onerous on his poverty stricken constituents.

Travis the centre of attention

EDITOR, The Tribune . I read in The Tribune that Bain and Grants Town MP Travis Robinson has formally requested, via a written note to House Speaker Halson Moultrie, to address the House of Assembly at its next meeting. Despite the contents of the

Duty down on drugs

IT has been two weeks now (May 30th) since our Finance Minister announced the removal of duty on prescription drugs.

The things that MPs say

ONE is amazed at the incredible acts of certain MP’s, acts as in statements they make - ludicrous, stupid, inept and incredibly unfounded.

Bahamas gambling industry

I don’t like gambling. I think it’s addictive, it harms children’s wellbeing and it takes money from the poor. If gambling is allowed it should be in the form of a lottery with all money earmarked for Education and Health.

Posturing over crime

POLICE app for what? We have had Crime Stoppers since November, 2001! Using an app you are recognised… crime stoppers is private-secure.

Don't defect

IN a little under three months, Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis has flexed his muscles by terminating four parliamentary subordinates in the persons of Centreville MP Reece as chairman of the Antiquities, Monuments and Museums Corporation (AMMC); Pineridge MP Frederick McAlpine as chairman of the Hotel Corporation; Bain and Grants Town MP Travis Robinson as parliamentary secretary in Tourism and Golden Isles MP Vaughn Miller as parliamentary secretary in the Ministry of Social Services and Urban Development.

Watch and drive?

Re: Texting while driving to be made illegal.

There's a better way

NO more sitting by the sea at eventide to watch the sunset.