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Thank you, Princess Margaret Hospital

OFTEN times, we criticise the administration of PMH, particularly that of the A&E Department. With this in mind, I’ve decided to express my sincere gratitude to the administration publicly.

Budget and web shops

THE government establishes taxes so the government has the right to raise or lower taxes - that is a given. Discrimination, etc, laugh at that.

Leave term limits alone

Must we copy-cat the United States on everything they do, even the dumb stuff? The government wants to tinker with the Constitution by imitating the American practice of limiting their president to two terms in office.

Healthy start has fallen flat

I am obsessed with being sober. There is absolutely no one, or occasion that I can use as an excuse for me to consume alcohol, I am not telling anyone if they should drink or not.

Majority Rule

IN a letter to the editor “the Graduate” answered my article about Majority Rule in The Bahamas. I seldom answer such letters because the writer has not got the moral courage to use a proper name. So in this article I will refer to “the Graduate” as “He/she/it” which will cover all the possibilities of identifying the person or beast.

Focus on Oban

Abracadabra! I never thought in my wildest imagination that provisions would have been made for me to finally get a helicopter. This proves that dreams do come true.

FNM is a jungalist

A vast majority of Bahamians voted for the Free National Movement and, by extension, the elevation of Dr Hubert A Minnis (FNM-Killarney) to the post of Prime Minister. We were all dead tired of the juvenile leadership of the former Prime Minister, Perry Gladstone Christie. The Progressive Liberal Party and a preponderance of its leadership cadre had ceased to check for those Bahamians whom they professed to have once “believed in”. The PLP and Christie had to go.

Downtown derelicts

For over ten years many of us have been staring at the decaying structures blighting eastern Bay Street, and agitating for their reconstruction, replacement, or demolition. Never seeing any action, our eyes now just glaze over as they scan the continuing dilapidation in the Zombie Zone.

No more private islands

It is simply shocking that the government would even consider allowing Carnival Cruise Lines to take possession of, and ban everyone but its passengers from visiting yet another one of our beautiful islands. The practice of cruise companies establishing “private islands” is an abomination on every level - environmental, economic, ethical – and should never have been allowed to take place in the first place.

Parliamentary lessons to be learned

HOUSE of Assembly rules seem today to be stifling democracy. Over the past week or so I watched how the mother of all parliaments, The Commons, London, worked and wow what a difference.

Drilling for oil in our waters is not smart

A few months ago, a letter was signed by more than 16,000 supporting scientists around the world. Essentially, the letter says that if there is not a groundswell of public pressure to change human behaviour, the planet will sustain “substantial and irreversible harm”. The urgent necessity for action by the human species has never been greater.

The PM and Immigration

IN less than one year the Prime Minister has made two appearances before Haitian congregations to address immigration issues he sees as important to them. The most recent meeting concerned shanty town residents, the vast majority of whom we are told, have legal residence status.

Time for foreign police consultants

I was shocked to learn of the absolute travesty made of our police force by Ellison Greenslade and the former PLP government. Hundreds of possibly undeserved promotions that add no value to the force and destroy morale, on the eve of election? That should be against the law.

The return of Christie?

NATIONAL Review wrote that former Prime Minister Perry Christie is feeling vindicated after the official opening of Rosewood at Baha Mar on May 22. Rosewood has in its employment 450 persons. The entire Baha Mar Resort has over 4,000 employees, and is expected to hire an additional 1,000.

Understand it’s public service

I read where a senior public servant recently hung up on a journalist who was asking a question on behalf of the public, after demanding to know how the reporter got his “private cell”.

Muddying the LNG waters

I read in your columns recently that the new LNG facility at Clifton Pier will be a “tri-fuel” facility. Apparently this means that Liquefied Natural Gas will be added to the already existing heavy polluting fuels that are used to power the BPL plant and other facilities located at the pier. So then, I have to ask, where on earth is the progress?

Promotion of police

THE recent media exposure of the report, related to the most recent promotions on the Royal Bahamas Police Force, my alma mater has prompted me to provide information about the system of promotion, that existed from 1951-1981 when I retired as Assistant Commissioner. It was a fair and efficient system, left with us by the British officers, who were in command of the Force.

AirBNB warning

A warning to those using the internet services of AirBnB - Home Away from home like services - make sure that your insurance policy allows for a rental.

Stopover return

Thank goodness stopover tourism is finally back and our nightmare of reliance on cruise ships seems to be coming to an end. Baha Mar, The Pointe, new or redeveloped properties in Grand Bahama: not since the establishment of Atlantis has there been so much potential to sell thousands of new room nights, employ thousands of Bahamians and reinvigorate our tourism economy.

Driving out the tenants?

Has the Minnis Government considered the effect if a landlord takes advantages of the FNM Grants-Bain scheme and adds an inside toilet and flowing water service?

Bahamas education system

IT is no secret that our education system isn’t thriving, to say the least. By definition, to educate means to give intellectual, moral, and social instruction to (someone). Our education system is trying to educate our students, but the efforts have been mostly ineffective thus far. We can point the finger in many different directions as to why it is failing, but in short, the children simply aren’t interested.

Billboard advertising

Were we not told that the new policy would be strict and you would not see numerous billboards and outside advertising?

PO move

Moving the General Post Office to Gladstone Road.

Carifta medal bungle

The Holy Bible encourages us to plan intricately at Luke 14:28, 29 & 30

Police sirens

While many of us believed that The Divine Right of Kings and Potentates ended with the Magna Carta in 1215AD. I don’t think that the memo reached The Bahamas. Certainly not those in our police force assigned to taking dignitaries along the streets of Nassau, at speeds that the average potcake Bahamian would be jailed for.