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Missing cash

What will cause the Attorney General or the Prime Minister to simply say look this is enough we have to have urgent and in depth audits of all revenue generating departments and anyone found questionable must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Enough of Ingraham

LATE last month, the former Prime Minster, Hubert A Ingraham, was interviewed by one of the local television stations wherein he was asked if he was returning to frontline politics. His response to that question went something like this: “I will respond when I have an announcement to make.”

The PLP want Minnis to win race

Hubert Minnis should be ashamed of the dirty tricks he is employing in his bid to retain the leadership of the FNM.

PM: Face up to fundamentalists

I read with disbelief The Nassau Guardian’s article of 29 June 2016; “Group seeks to pressure PM to resign”.

A victim of crime tells her tale

I don’t know about other Bahamians and residents of New Providence but I take cold comfort in the assurances of the Minister of National Security that crime is down.

Examining the news of the day

MOODY’S THREAT... I am sure you would have had a big headline IF the FNM had voted against the 2016-2017 Budget... hot air Mr Peter Turnquest, hot air.

Moody with Moody's

Just who do these foreigners (Moody’s) think they are by threatening to downgrade our great little country’s credit rating again - and all over a paltry thing like worsening government debt accumulation?

Chesapeake legal issue

I read with great interest the response of the Grand Bahama Port Authority (GBPA), to my appearance on the Love 97 programme Issues of The Day, hosted by Mr Wendall K Jones, on the 29th AD 2016.

Move COB

There has been much movement and discussion in relation to transitioning the College of the Bahamas (COB) to the University of the Bahamas (UOB).

Invaded by the Chinese

The Bahamas is the laughing stock of the world. We have disgraced ourselves by confirming that we are prostitutes. We have a knack for genuflecting to foreigners, giving our land for a sack of flour. We are so foolish and without shame for giving away all of our choice beachfront property, thus preventing our ordinary Bahamians from accessing the beaches.

FNM leadership?

The reported comments of Brent Symonette that the Butler-Sands duo are gaining party support and that a Poll indicates that is totally laughable. Mr Symonette surely knows only delegates, MP’s, Freedom Fighters vote. What Joe Public might say is of no influence to the Convention vote.

Happy Independence?

Please allow me to express my concerns for this country that I love so dearly called The Bahamas.

PLP's weak claims on jobs front

WITH the election now on the horizon PM Perry Christie and the PLP propaganda machinery will kick into high gear in order to convince the masses that the PLP government has lived up to its many pledges penned in its Charter for Governance. One of the pledges Christie and Co, made on the campaign trail would be the creation of thousands of jobs. Christie those stated that if his administration was able to create 22,000 years between 2002-2007 when the economy was moribund, he would be able again to create thousands of jobs in a bad economy.

Baha Mar blame

Just how can Rt Hon Perry Christie not take the fullest blame for the debacle of Baha Mar? 2005 sale of Ruffin’s Cable Beach assets none other than Christie pushed-consorted with Sarkis Izmirlian to develop then a $1.25 billion development. Minister Wilchcombe took the project to Parliament. Izmirlian borrowed $220m to purchase...could not prove to Harrah’s he had the development money. Who else is responsible, Mr PM?

Caribbean trade

THE Caribbean and the world have been discussing Brexit. Some of our eminent thinkers have explained the consequences of Britain leaving the European union. Some argue they did so to assert control over the continent. I know they exited because it is in their national interest. Whether it be immigration, billions spent on EU dues or cumbersome bureaucracy, the EU was hindering their national interest.

Time for change

Since the electorate’s rejection of Prime Minister Christie’s second referendum in two years, I have publicly stated that he should do the honourable thing and resign as Prime Minister of this country. This nation, as a proud product of the Westminster System, is operated by a force of Conventions, which has been countries’ guiding principles for centuries. Any structure is only as good as the foundation upon which it rests. My friend and brother, the Hon Fred Mitchell acknowledged this much when he called for The Right Honourable Hubert Alexander Ingraham’s resignation after a rejected 2002 referendum.

Music beats bullying

I really was stunned when I saw on the internet a little boy with autism bursting into tears in the rock concert of Coldplay when he listened to his favourite song. Amazingly the little one never before reacted in that way from an external stimulus.

Ease of doing business?

The Prime Minister and the Minister of State for Investments have given candid assessments of the (lack of) ease of doing business in the Bahamas and the lack of a (functioning) National Development Plan. They have committed to turn these situations around. These intentions are good.

Loretta's poster boy

Brent Symonette, a multi-millionaire has now become the poster boy for Loretta Butler-Turner. It is a power play move and a last ditch effort by some Free National Movement members who want Dr Minnis ousted as FNM leader.

A lack of leadership

I could not believe my ears when I heard the Minister of Education suggest we seemingly are doing him an enormous favour as he is making a large financial sacrifice for being an MP and a Minister. Well blow me down!

FNM and Minnis

It is clear that Zhivargo Laing, Focus, Front Porch Simon and The Graduate see the world as they want to see it and not as the world is; therefore facts and truth is alien to them. They want to attack others with propaganda, lies and innuendo and when the facts and truths are revealed they cry foul and write nonsense about bragging but I will not lay down and play dead when I believe this country is fed doses of lies and false propaganda. I am basically in retirement and I am not looking for any position. All I want now is to help and if possible to guide the people of this country to see that for the last forty years or so they were hoodwinked and led to vote for leaders who may be good talkers and politicians but were failures in governance, business and otherwise.

Unappreciated sponsor

Having just read in today’s Tribune’s sports section the joint announcement of the Eleventh Annual Summer Sailing Camp by the Ministry of Education, Sports & Culture, Ministry of Agriculture & Marine Resources and the Bahamas Sailing Association, I should like to congratulate them and all of those sponsors mentioned for their continued support of this worthy programme.

Property tax assessments

On a certain morning talk show a Mr Forbes from property valuations confirmed that today, ongoing, Ministry of Finance is re-evaluating all properties that fall under Real Property Tax.

Grant gives backing to Butler-Turner and Sands

CENTRAL Grand Bahama MP Neko Grant yesterday said it is no secret that he “absolutely” supports Long Island MP Loretta Butler-Turner and Senator Dr Duane Sands as the two move to challenge FNM Leader Dr Hubert Minnis and Deputy Leader Peter Turnquest at the party’s convention next month.

Don't kill the messenger

In 1903 Pierre Dupuch’s grandfather, Leon Dupuch, decided to risk his treasure, his reputation and the ire of the British colonial masters and set up a newspaper that has now published continuously for the past 113 years.