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Lightbourn’s political Kryptonite

Richard Lightbourn stumbled into a room full of FNMs and bumbled around like an old gelding that couldn’t tell the difference between an abattoir and a stable. Either way, he is political dead meat and he will surely be put out to pasture soon. Only the good people of Montagu can save him now.

The single parent society

While Richard Lightbourne’s recent comments regarding mandatory sterilisation of unwed mothers were neither tasteful nor tactful, there is no denying the message he was attempting to articulate however repugnant it might seem for many of us.

A chance to clarify privilege

The recent landmark ruling by Supreme Court Justice Indra Charles against Minister of Education Jerome Fitzgerald for leaking private emails in the House of Assembly sounds so familiar.

Responsible parenting

NOW THAT we have accepted that women are free to have as many children as they wish or they can bear, and we have excoriated the hapless Richard Lightbourn for his unwise, unfortunate and offensive remarks at the FNM Convention last week, perhaps we can use some of that passion positively to effect change to a problem which we have been ignoring for decades - responsible parenting.

Wrong to apologise

THE haste with which Mr Richard Lightbourn retracted his statements regarding ‘tubal ligations’ was unwarranted and so are the attempts to eviscerate him in the media.

Only in The Bahamas!

The audacity of the cronies in our Bahamas is astounding! Only in the Bahamas would a leading physician in the Ministry of Health in conjunction with some politicians have the audacity to be a partner in a physician group which has presented a proposal to provide the government its services as an Independent Practice Association (IPA) to administrate parts of the government’s NHI proposed scheme.

In defence of Richard Lightbourn

I continue to be surprised by the unfair criticism that is being levelled against Mr Richard Lightbourn for his “tube tying” comments at the recent FNM convention.

Turning on our women

IT IS so sad when we, as Bahamians, have no respect in desecrating some of our finest ladies in our country.

We accept apology of Mr Lightbourn

Mr Richard Lightbourn is our MP. He has assisted in the community of Kemp Road consistently and without any issues.

Butler-Turner deserted by fellow MPs

FREE National Movement Leader Dr Hubert Minnis has extended the olive branch to Loretta Butler-Turner and her large group of senior supporters as well as members of the media who have been busy undermining him over the last three plus years.

What next for Minnis?

WHAT really are Hon. Hubert Minnis’ plans for the FNM?

Why I support Christie

THERE has been much commentary regarding Prime Minister Perry Christie’s decision to remain as leader of the Progressive Liberal Party and the validity of his statement that he was encouraged to do so by the younger members of his parliamentary caucus.

Are KPMG government puppets?

KPMG appears to be pandering to the government’s wishes at every corner. They say what they mean but don’t actually mean what they say. All of their reports, including their Review of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas 2014-2015 Mid-Year National Budget, give opinions that are meagre at best and stated in a way not to upset the government. Their predecessors Pricewaterhouse, when asked to give their opinion on the controversial NHI Scheme, seem to be cast aside and threatened when giving their honest opinion which was not in keeping with that of the government and their plans.

Damage from web shops

I am strongly opposed to web shops (gambling), not so much from a Christian point of view as from a social perspective.

The end game

Mercifully, the debacle of the FNM Convention and the parade of political clowns and grotesque dancers are over and Bahamians are now able to get on with the very serious business and issues at hand. Good governance in a so-called democracy requires a strong opposition and a cadre of civil society partners to keep the government in focus; transparent and, more elusively, transparent.

Who wins and who loses

AS we move into the final day of the FNM Convention, I urge the delegates and I urge the people of The Bahamas to carefully consider who wins and who loses if each nominee is successful or unsuccessful.

A vote for Doc is a vote for the PLP

Tomorrow is a critical day, not only for the FNM, but for the entire Bahamas. And, although the day will end with the FNM electing its leader to take the party into the 2017 election, whoever is elected will determine whether we will have an FNM government or another five years of going down the economic drain with the PLP.

The grass on the other side

THE great, French leader Charles de Gaulle said, “the cemeteries of the world are filled with indispensable men”.

A man of action

After more than four years of big talk and little action from Prime Minister Perry Christie, The Bahamas needs a leader that will simply get the job done.

Nightmare of tax compliance

Mr Branville McCartney is the latest in a long line of business people that has felt the sting of the government’s insensitive over regulation where presenting a Tax Compliance Certificate Certificate (TCC) in order to get paid for services already rendered or under the terms of a contract that are being ignored.

Raise small claims limit

Does anyone in this country owe you a small amount of money and refuses to pay? And if “yes”, what can you do about it?

Leaders know when to leave

POLITICIANS thinking that if they leave the scene everything will collapse is historically well established in fact go back through history this has been the inevitable downfall of the majority of leaders.

That familiar feeling

Re: Christie vows to stay as PM (July 19)

Boat thefts in Abaco

I am a business owner in Hope Town, Abaco. My family and I have been a part of this community for the past 60 years.

Remove the emperors

EMPEROR Napoleon Bonaparte once said, “I can no longer obey; I have tasted command, and I cannot give it up”.