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Denying our own people

Please forgive me if the following analogy on the present Constitution is incorrect.

Time to vote for our children

It is estimated that 60 per cent of students who leave their home for college or university abroad do not return home.

Dame Joan is wrong

As A member of the legal fraternity, I watched the video of Dame Joan’s speech at the Bahamas Bar Association’s forum held on Thursday, May 26, in complete and utter amazement; amazement which quickly turned to sadness and disbelief.

Ruled by the Church?

Re: Patterson: I’m voting no to Bill 4 (June 1).

Help fathers like John

John has been the primary caregiver for his nine-year-old daughter for the past five years.

Dissent in the FNM ranks

Found myself in the middle of a discussion with a couple of the young Turks in the Free National Movement this week.

Instant citizens?

One side of the upcoming Referendum that no one, especially the ‘Yes’ folk, has not addressed is after June 8th, and assent of these amendments how many people qualify to immediately apply for citizenship?

Tips for job tips

Re: Labour Dept. placing just 2 per cent of job seekers (The Tribune, May 13).

Pay up - and say sorry

On September 9, 1958, I was employed by The Board of Education, on East Bay Street, as a Student Teacher and posted at Eastern Senior School with Headmaster Donald W Davis. On January 7, 1959, I was confirmed as a teacher by Governor Sir Raynor Arthur.

FNM rift

I have been following the growing internal conflict within the FNM party since the initial airing of their grievances in the press.

Gay agenda?

I found it interesting if not naïve that two candidates of the PLP would raise or even whisper the alleged gay agenda in the referendum.

Simple math

Bradley Roberts requested that Terrance Bastian reveal the method he used to determine how millions of dollars were lost at Road Traffic.

Please say the coup ain’t true

I am amazed and perplexed beyond imagination, of what I heard reported over the airwaves this morning.

Don’t blame your beliefs on me

IF I COULD, I would ask Dr Hubert Minnis to help me understand the following: if I express what I believe unapologetically; if I make it unflinchingly clear where I stand on an issue, how does that amount to “shoving the issue down someone’s throat”?

Food priorities

We have one of the highest rates of obesity in the world, but Prime Minister Christie says his government will reduce or eliminate duty on macaroni, ice cream, biscuits, waffles, cakes and pastries.

PM believes

WE should all rejoice that the PM has such uncanny foresight and negotiating skills.

Two leaders not better than one

Amateur hour continues in the opposition as the two opposition party heads rolled out a harebrained scheme that is long on hot air but painfully short on common sense or realpolitik. The scheme mocked the idea of two heads being better than one.

What about those of us who paid our taxes?

I had to scratch my head after reading some remarks made by the Prime Minister during the Budget Presentation.

Beware of what you ask for

Each week, I struggle through Nicole Burrows somewhat rambling and long-winded commentaries. At the end, however, I am still unclear as to the point she is trying to make.

Where charity begins

Re: Miller: Bahamas Power & Light Lacking Compassion.

Little Harbour protest

A letter to the Prime Minister. I live on a sailboat and my husband and I have spent the past three winters sailing in your beautiful country.

Fix the statelessness

The upcoming referendum has it merits, its positives and negatives, but the statelessness of thousands of people born in The Bahamas and cannot be identified with The Bahamas or any other country is sickening.

Make sure the bills are paid

What precisely is government’s and consumer debt at this immediate moment a few days away from the budget presentation 2016?

Analysing bills in the referendum

PERHAPS the best explanation of the fourth question in the upcoming Referendum can be found in an analysis done by a partner in one of the major law firms in The Bahamas.

Perpall's Tract drainage

I live in Perpall’s Tract in Nassau and I have been living there for over 40 years. It is a lovely and peaceful neighbourhood, with caring and concerned individuals. I would not choose to live anywhere else in this country.