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Just go!

On June 23, 2016, the British public voted in a referendum to leave the European Union. The objective was either to leave the EU or to remain. Brexit, namely the term used for Britain to exit the EU was voted in favour of roughly 51 per cent to exit and 49 per cent to remain. The people of Britain voted against remaining in the EU against the wishes of most of the members of parliament and the Prime Minister, Mr David Cameron.

Neko Grant's Minnis vendetta

Neko Grant is one of the more fortunate MPs, due to him being in a very safe FNM constituency in Freeport. The Central Grand Bahama constituency is home to many highly accomplished Bahamian families who would not sell their votes for a mess of porridge like many lower income individuals from the ghetto areas of New Providence. Grant is one of the six renegade FNM MPs trying to destroy the leadership of Dr Hubert Minnis.

Fear of crime is up in the nation

Dr Bernard Nottage, the Minister of National Security, in his contribution to the budget debate stated that crime is down 29 per cent. He said that the government’s crime initiatives are working and that we should see a further reduction in overall crime during the second half of this year.

Crime down?

THE progress in official statistics is most encouraging.

Collective action on crime

I pen this letter with mixed emotions today, hovering somewhere between immense relief and immense sadness.

Minnis and Christie must go

Opposition leaders are obviously unaware of the pressure now on Jeremy Corbin to likewise fall on his sword with the Shadow Cabinet resigning or being fired due to Corbin’s (Minnis) lacklustre performance in the Referendum Campaign. Sound familiar?

A snub or an oversight for MP?

Watching the ZNS 6.30pm, newscast this evening, June 14, 2016, I was baffled to see the disrespect and disdain given to the duly elected MP for the said area, on the opening of Stat Oil’s New Administration Building.

Where is the victory?

I was disappointed – but not surprised – to hear a pastor identify the “elitist nature” of the Yes Campaign as one of the reasons for the failed referendum on gender equality.

Statistics not all in the battle with crime

I wish to commend Dr Nottage and the police in their fight against crime.

Roc Wit Doc

I was appalled that Dr Minnis would use up the precious little time allotted for his contribution to the budget debate to advance his campaign.

Runnin’ scared from the ‘gay agenda’

THE Christian Fundamentalists and Evangelicals must be running scared if they have to use the Preamble to the Constitution of The Bahamas to support their bible basis for marriage.  

Mitchell living in La La Land

After declaring that he will dedicate his 2017 election campaign to the fight of women’s right, Fox Hillians should shout: ‘’Earth to Fred Mitchell, you and your PLP colleagues please wake up from your La La Land dream and address the real issues affecting the Bahamian people!’’

Strange bedfellows

The saying that politics makes strange bedfellows aptly applies to the current political soap opera unfolding within the FNM between Dr Hubert Minnis and the six MPs who are pushing for his removal as leader.

Applying price control regardless

The spectacle of the Price Control Commission (PCC) visiting and demonising businesses in the press has recommenced, but with a twist.

I cry shame on unfit leaders

On June 7th, 2016, the Bahamian people spoke loud and clear.

Atlantis concessions

The Prime Minister mentions often that Atlantis has some special concessionary agreement which will not expire.

Christie must go after failed vote

Following the second rejection in three years of the government’s direct proposals by the people of The Bahamas, Mr Christie MUST resign.

Blame, blame everywhere


For an urgent national turnaround

My fellow Bahamians, our country stands at the precipice.

Bullying a problem going too far

I cannot explain with words how terrible a person can feel if they happen to be a bullying victim. But what is bullying you may wonder.

Tennyson dead wrong - again

My self-serving, narcissistic, overbearing, thin-skinned, oligarchic newest best friend Tennyson Wells has elevated me to the level of superstar. He has gifted me my very own groupies.

Minnis will prevail

As the Free National Movement’s convention draws near, it does my heart good to see the support that Dr Minnis is getting not just from the Nassau supporters, but from the Family Islands as well. While the battle for leadership raged, Dr Minnis has remained focused and done his work well. The sign of a great leader!

After the referendum

In the aftermath of the Referendum, there is much speculation. It is disturbing to hear accusations that the Bahamian people are ignorant or misogynistic, xenophobic or homophobic.

Casting the first stone

In recent times, Bahamians have been consumed with the realisation that many of our sons and daughters are not subscribing to what we call “old school” methodology. The discussion of alternative lifestyle has caused us to abandon Christian principles and become God himself.

The illogical fallacy of CA Smith

I should be grateful if you would permit me a little space to comment on the unwarranted attack by retired Parliamentarian and Ambassador to Washington C A Smith on retired Governor General Sir Arthur Foulkes which he made by open letter on the 10th June 2016.