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Lanisha Rolle is a liability

I sincerely respect Dr Hubert Minnis’ role as leader of the FNM. Minnis exercised his prerogative as leader of the opposition party by appointing Lanisha Rolle in early 2015 to the Senate in lieu of Heather Hunt, who was rumoured to be a supporter of FNM MP Loretta Butler-Turner.

Marriage for three

Gays should understand that most Bahamians regard marriage as a sacred institution with certain well-defined moral commitments.

Miller hypocrisy

SO Leslie Miller wants to exile transgenders and wants God to end the Earth now, I am sure God spends a lot of his spare time mulling over Mr Miller’s words of wisdom.

Why I will vote yes this time

Let me declare early on that I have a horse in this gender equality race.

A new day awaits after referendum

June 8th, maybe a new day for the following organisations around our Bahamas.

Stuck in the past

Galileo, who lived between 1564-1642, was a scientist/philosopher/astronomer and all round genius.

Morality and democracy - the debate

Thank God that, mercifully, the fiasco and total wastage of public funds on Junkanoo/Carnival has come and gone. The unwashed masses had their block party; plenty of loose behaviour; whining up; sexual gyrations and, I am sure, a degree of unprotected and licentious sexual escapades. The results, across the board, will be manifested within nine months.

Oh yes, the referendum

May I address the potential impact of the amendments when all is done and one presumes the voters approve (not guaranteed).

The use of public funds

I serve as the lead person for the referendum education group Think, Bahamas! It is our view that public funds should not be used to fund referenda campaigns.

Hope for Grand Bahama?

I applaud Terry Gape’s letter to the Editor in Thursday’s Freeport News. So many valid points about ‘the forgotten island’ of Grand Bahama.

Emergency sirens

On May 3, 2016, at approximately 4:22pm, a myriad of vehicles on Bernard Road attempted to pull off to the side of the road as the result of hearing the blaring siren of an ambulance owned by the Public Health Authority (PHA).

Are court fines really being paid?

In 2008, the Police conducted an investigation at a government ministry that resulted in the arrest of two persons, a female employee and a male contractor.

Rise and fall of the Elks

Fraternal organisations in the Bahamas are said to be a dying breed. There are numerous debatable reasons why this may be the case. I cannot speak for other organisations; I can only speak in regards to the one I dedicated up to if not over ten years of my life to.

What $5m gets you

Following up the $5m legal donation from Mr Nygard to the PLP

Puppet and the puppet master

In his rush to defend the hapless hopeless helpless leader of the opposition it seems Tennyson Wells forgot to throw in one key tidbit: an actual argument for why Dr Hubert Minnis would be a great prime minister.

Referendum Bill 3

In the news story on May 2 regarding the invitation sent to the YES Bahamas campaign to a live television debate on the gender equality referendum, I noticed that the purpose of Bill 3 is incorrectly stated.

Equality umbrella must not leak

There is nothing like the spectacle of a Dame twisting herself into a knot.

Auditor General is a true civil servant

If we had a competition to “name the man of the year” in the Civil Service, there is no doubt my choice would be Mr Terrance Bastian, Auditor General.

The vote facing The Bahamas

We already have a discrimination in our laws where residents may not gamble in the licensed casinos but that is covered and exempted by direct mention of the fact that it is discriminating.

The best price may not be the best pick

According to the Bahamian press, as well as the Prime Minister and Mr Winder himself, Sarkis Izmirlian’s offer to buy back Baha Mar seems to be unbeatable.

Frederick Bain

In the year 1975, a period in the life of our country when the fascination and intrigue of travelling abroad and the haunting images of opportunity of success especially in the United States, preoccupied our minds.

Bearing the progressive mantle

Paradoxically, Pastor Cedric Moss is both correct and incorrect. In an Op-Ed published on April 16 in The Nassau Guardian, he wrote that we are having a “dishonest debate” about “gender equality”.

Parliamentary privilege

NO one is above the law ---- except, of course, for some of the privileged few who actually make the laws. 

Equal rights comparison around the world

While our country has our own morals and standards I thought that it would be interesting to compare our laws on equality to those of the rest of the world so that our people could decide what nations they think we should group ourselves with from a legal and moral perspective.

Misleading on referendum

By your medium, I wish to share my personal views on Bill No. 4, that is one of the Bills to be voted upon in the upcoming referendum.