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Dr Rollins’ resignation

The resignation from the PLP of Dr Rollins seems to have brought out further craziness of even qualified attorneys pontificating totally irrationally that Dr Rollins should resign his seat.

Yamacraw FNM and entitlement?

I read with great interest the story in the other daily this past Saturday regarding the FNM Yamacraw nomination and wondered whether a sense of entitlement is involved.

Deafening silence on budget

The commencement of the National Budget Debate in the House of Assembly two weeks ago was met with eager anticipation and reserved anxiety as Bahamians everywhere watched and listened with a hopeful expectancy.

Anglicans happy to pay NHI tax?

According to a recent article published on the front page of the Guardian, Bishop Gomez seems to think so.

Get the right mix

I read both Adrian Gibson’s and “A Concerned FNM” views on who should or should not be candidates for the FNM.

93% is not a failure

When is ninety-three per cent a failing grade? I ask this question because evidently, the critics of the Prime Minister are aggressively seeking to convince the Bahamian public that ninety-three per cent is a failing grade.

Time for a Bahamas Republic

Amidst all of the political shenanigans, trickery and exploitation of an uneducated and unassuming, electorate, the system has been used to keep the black Bahamians poor, controlled and out of the loop. Now many, especially all those who are guilty of this, would ridicule the messenger, but be that as it may. Call me anything, but don’t call me collect!

Of political parties, budgets and inadequate debate

Although this gentleman, Prof Tinker, did not appear on any of The Tribune media he made a significant contribution to a morning radio show.

A plan for development

So we are told we will have a National Development Plan - I immediately wonder who is qualified will draft this? Ministry of Investment says: The People!

Marching to his own tune

There will be no argument from me, whether Candia Dames is good at what she does.

Don’t worry about the differences

The  public need not be concerned about the reported differences, that may exist between our law enforcement agencies. It is nothing new to law enforcement.

No more free pass for Rubis

Were I an executive of Rubis Bahamas, I would be quite happy today, all things considered.

Time for a convention

THE FNM Chairman is quoted as making the above statement in responding to Mr Frank Watson.

Too much to pay

Valet parking at hotels.....surely $16.75 is ridiculous?

But the PLP are really transparent

Just look at the statesmanship, openness and concern for spending the public’s tax dollars by presenting the Auditor General’s Report on the former government’s Jobs Programme so we know what’s going wrong. Or should I say, what “went” wrong.

PAC teeth surgically extracted

What’s going on in this country? Slowly but surely we are being stripped of every form of decency, integrity, law and order.

Just desserts

Re: Mitchell: PLP Deserves Second Term In Office. - The Tribune, June 4, 2015.

Second term?

I can’t believe the arrogant conceit of our Foreign Affairs Minister. Did Fred Mitchell really say the PLP “deserves another term in government” because its members have “better ideas” than those of the FNM?

A tribute to Gabriel Sastre

It would be greatly appreciated if you would agree to print a brief tribute to the late Gabriel Sastre who passed away and was interred just recently.

The costs of NHI

Retired Archbishop Drexel Gomez I suggest should speak to a few, note few, of his inner circle and associates and canvass them to see how many owe thousands in back real property taxes and utility bills before advocating further tax burdens.

The FNM in 2017

As the FNM prepares for the next general elections which is fast approaching and given the National Chairman’s comments this week in the newspapers about the candidate selection process, the question that immediately comes to mind is, what role will Tommy Turnquest, Brent Symonette, Dion Foulkes, Carl Bethel and Zhivago Laing play in 2017?

Ingraham will boost Christie

Life is about cause and effect. If you plant corn, it follows that you ought to pray for rain.

National Health Insurance

The newspapers have been filled with articles on the government’s plan to introduce National Health Insurance in a matter of months which will mean another tax on the citizens, which is cause for much concern. In a similar vein as the folly of BAMSI and of COB attempting to transition into a University – we are trying to run before we have even begun to creep!

Labour laws

Please allow me to voice my observations regarding the current labour laws of The Bahamas.

Don’t let politicians into the pulpit

The criticism by the Chairman of the PLP of The Christian Council raises an interesting perspective left in the war-chest of the BCC.