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Fred Mitchell's threat

I write to share my views on Minister Fred Mitchel’s recent threat about the possible revocation of Mr. Sarkis Izmirlian’s Bahamian permanent resident status because of personal opinions Mr Izmirlian shared about the leadership of Prime Minister Perry Christie.

Paying tribute to Errol Cartwright

It was in 1989 and I was just elected Secretary General of the Free National Movement when the MP for Inagua and Mayaguana, Vernon Symonette, asked me to conduct the election of Association officers in Inagua and Mayaguana.

I pray Izmirlian wins this contest

Seems to me the government with the pronouncements it is now making — including the latest by State Minister for Legal Affairs Damian Gomez in questioning the source of Mr Izmirlian’s $200,000 million – is acting as though its winding up petition, to be heard on July 31 by a Supreme Court justice, has already been decided in its favour

Immigration policy kills arbitration

AS LONG ago as 2006, imaginative lawyers like Bar leader Peter Maynard as well as financial executives began encouraging arbitration in the Bahamas.

The missing pieces

When Baha Mar developer Sarkis Izmirlian announced on Monday, June 29, that the resort had voluntarily filed for Chapter 11 in a Delaware Court, I think it’s safe to say that the prime minister was not the only one who was blindsided.

Leadership void

“The overarching purpose of access to information legislation … is to facilitate democracy. It does so in two related ways. It helps to ensure first, that citizens have the information required to participate meaningfully in the democratic process, and secondly, that politicians and bureaucrats remain accountable to the citizenry.” – Gerard LaForest, former Supreme Court of Canada Justice, in Dagg vs Canada (1997).

The Amateur

The seeming implosion of Baha Mar and the legal wrangling between the relevant parties, including the government, does not bode well for our economic and political viability.

Answers, Mr Sands

The letter published in both morning dailies yesterday, from Sandy Sands, VP, Baha Mar, was rather surprising and raises in my thinking some serious questions, probably on every single Bahamian’s lips.

Is national pride worth the price?

Recent events have caused me to focus more closely at the given circumstances and I can only conclude that decisions have been taken in the name of “National Pride” but nobody has questioned at what cost.

For whom is the PM speaking?

Twice in less than 24 hours, our Prime Minister has publicly addressed the nation wrapping himself in our Bahamian flag to justify his government’s unwarranted interference in matters involving private businesses. Why?

Cell phone competition

After the carnival music has died down, our Marathon brothers and sisters are given the respect and attention they deserve, Baha Mar is finally open, and BAMSI is rebuilt, I shudder think that we will wake up one day to find out that we have been swindled and hoodwinked into believing that we finally have competition in our cell phones service.

Problems facing Baha Mar

I recently posted an item on my blog, unfortunately contributing to the unnecessary discussion of Baha Mar’s completion woes. The purpose was to point out that comments in the public realm (and some in the media) have been contributing to the mis-education of the public. The common view seems to be that the contractor has left the site with the project unfinished, and with defective infrastructure and finishes.

Way of the Albatross

Long ago, in the distant past, there lived a fabled bird - the Albatross. That magnificent winged creation of Yahweh was rumoured to be capable of flying across oceans, real and imaginary, without nourishment or rest. Alas, after serving whatever role that was allotted, the Albatross has now been relegated to the ranks of extinct.

What is the true prognosis of VAT?

Many prior to the introduction warned government that there would be a grave and serious danger of economic business contraction - I ask: Has this become or is becoming a reality?

Time to rethink

As an Offshore Bahamian of Chinese ancestry, my views of the Baha Mar project is and how it is playing out is quite tragic and sad.

Things fall apart, so who will lead?

The grand coalition which brought the Progressive Liberal Party back to power is crumbling right before our very eyes due to broken promises; cronyism; mismanagement and political slackness. It is very distasteful that if one were to appear to be critical of the PLP that one is liable to be labelled an apostate, if not something stronger. I call a spade a spade and to hell with the repercussions, so long as they are legitimate.

Learn - or face disaster

Your editorial today speaks volumes about the state, or non-state, of this 42-year-old country.

Bill Cosby

I am so terribly disappointed in Bill Cosby “One time America’s dad” over the years I read all of his books, on educating black folks, that there’s a better life than the hood life, particularly in his book “Come On People” sad to say.

Wake up or lose this Paradise

My wife and I married in The Bahamas 23 years ago and have made annual visits as tourists since our wedding.

Baha Mar jobs - but at what cost?

BAHA MAR  — jobs, jobs but at what cost should be asked now and for the future?

Well done, Mr Mitchell

I would like to publicly commend Mr Fred Mitchell and the immigration department for the progress that has been made at the department of immigration regarding short-term work permits for persons like manufacturer representatives who only visit The Bahamas one week at a time throughout the year to touch base with distributors, or meet with customers.

Educational system

I would be grateful for you to allow me the opportunity to express my view on the Bahamas’ Educational System.

VAT on private health insurance

I am a senior citizen and pensioner living on fixed income with private health insurance.

Baha Mar’s week of infamy

This week will remain in infamy for many years if history is remembered in the crucial manner that it should.

What a mess

Sitting in Scotland, I cannot believe what I am reading in the paper about Baha Mar.