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Cable getting the jump?

URCA and Cable Bahamas are going at each other in the media on CBL’s tower construction exercise, but does anyone else care?

What are the facts?

I was amused to read the unsubstantiated remarks in The Tribune’s article of May 19 – Police Say 90,000 Attended Carnival.

Evolution of Junkanoo and Rake 'n Scrape

“You cannot discover new oceans unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.”

Culture of secrecy

House Speaker Dr Kendal Major’s blocking of the PAC probe of Urban Renewal is in keeping with the PLP’s culture of secrecy in all matters pertaining to their spending of public funds.

Mystery of the BTC Foundation

In a recent letter to another newspaper, Bradley Roberts, Chairman of the PLP, in listing the accomplishments of his party, extolled its success in getting BTC back in Bahamian hands. In a transaction announced with great fanfare early in 2014, we were told that Government never intended to take operational management control of BTC but that the nation acquired a majority economic interest in the company, at no cost.

How much was Paul Major paid?

The PLP are delirious in what they “perceive” as a successful launch of Junkanoo Carnival.

Time to rethink traffic light set-up

Can the persons in charge of traffic lights, please study and reprogramme the Village Road/Wulff Road/Johnson Road/Soldier Road/Parkgate Road junctions travelling north during the early morning traffic period?

PAC blocked by Speaker

Erskine May Parliamentary Practice Twentieth Edition at page 728 states...

A tribute to Bertram Brown

It was a beautiful summer day in 1986. At the time I was Assistant Secretary General of our party and a member of a delegation to Black Point, Exuma, headed by our then Leader the late Sir Kendal Isaacs.

Web shop money

I applaud the fast thinking of Mr Christie, also the swift move of our Chief Executive, as related to the banking of monies coming from the newly regulated and legalised web shops.

A money-saving tip

What’s with all the excessive travelling of some of our politicians? In many cases just to have a conversation? It’s 2015! Have they ever heard of Skype? It’s a lot cheaper than flying and they can even look into the face of the person they are speaking with!

Have we lost our pride?

Every time I read the online paper, there are countless entries of shots fired, someone clinging onto life and the ever-rising murder count. I read articles stating that other countries have issued advisories to tourists travelling to our shores.

Bahamians love to party

Even a deaf and blind person if they knew The Bahamas would have understood that the Carnival would be an enormous success – hey Bahamians love to party.

Minister's crime concern

I can’t believe my ears.

Paying tribute

The late Bertram Brown, FNM Meritorious Council Member (MCM) and a Freedom Fighter (FF), of Black Point, Exuma, was funeralised at Zion Baptist Church, Nassau, on Saturday and memorialised on Thursday at FNM Headquarters, Mackey Street.

Writing on the wall for the PLP

The handwriting is on the wall for the Progressive Liberal Party is as clear as the message that was written for King Belshazzar of Babylon and was interpreted by the Prophet Daniel.

The problems of The Bahamas

The Bahamas has always had it share of problems, but I remember a time when Bahamians were generally regarded to be a noble, principled and decent people. A people who carried themselves with a certain dignity with the result that our country was often viewed with envy by other island states in the Caribbean. We were a country to be emulated, and in our communities the elders often did not compromise principles purely for profit.

BEC documents

I am not casting aspersions but where does the US Company… PowerSource International come into the RFP for BEC?

Time to go?

The recently concluded general elections in the UK have resulted in a majority Conservative government and the return to 10 Downing Street of Prime Minister David Cameron. At one point the now vanquished leader of the Labour Party, Ed Miliband, was considered neck and neck with the Conservatives by most polls, if not a majority. The results, however, were decisive and spoke volumes about just how the average electorate sees political parties and judges their manifestoes or charters for governance.

Brave, Shane and Bodie

After reading this morning’s Tribune, I have decided it is time to leave the rock and start life again somewhere else.

Carnival group trashes park

This morning, I went with a group of cyclists past Clifton Heritage site near Jaws Beach around 7:30am. There was a group of Carnival partiers that had clearly been going all night.

Break out the box

THE ruling Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) is celebrating its third year in office following its re-election in 2012. This is a wonderful time to give thanks to God and to the people of this wonderful little nation for allowing us to govern, again, on behalf of the people of The Bahamas. I hope that we, corporately, will worship at Living Waters Kingdom Ministries where Apostle Raymond Wells is senior pastor.

Political 'dinosaurs' are here to stay

I always find the proposition intriguing when commentators or columnists anticipate the likely death of the Bahamian two-party establishment as a third party seemingly gains ground. Nicole Burrows is the most recent columnist to raise this spectre as she foresees the political dynamic shifting steadily in the Democratic National Alliance’s favour.

Disgust at the deplorable state of our roads

Kindly permit me space in your valuable columns to express my utter disgust over the deplorable state of our roads. For safety of life and limb one has to memorise the  numerous potholes throughout New Providence.

Carnival history

With Carnival arriving in The Bahamas we should have a clear understanding exactly the history behind Carnival.