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Lust for leadership

For a “tribe” to be successful, there must be a strong, decisive and well loved chief. In recent times, everyone, his brother and sister wants to be “chief” or leader.

Side with Bahamians

Initially, I thought PGC’s claim to being blindsided by Izmirlian was feasible - after all, the developer wouldn’t want to tip his hand so that it would get back to the Chinese, who seem to want to foreclose on the property.

A happy Independence?

Bahamians everywhere are getting ready to celebrate 42 years of independence. At this juncture in our nation’s history we really need to reflect on where we have come from and where we are headed as a nation. What concerns me is that after the festivities are over, this nation and her peoples will return to the routines that have us in the quagmire we are presently in.

Career politicians

I agree with Former Minister of Education Desmond Bannister and former Member of Parliament for Carmichael, who was quoted in the newspaper recently saying that, “it is time to say goodbye to career politicians, to people who can’t seem to get enough of being in public office”.

Gay marriage

With the recent ruling in the United States Supreme Court about gay marriage, we are on the verge of a paradigm shift in our nation with gay advocacy groups pushing for equality.

Same-sex marriage a misnomer

Radical elements within the  LGBTQ community scored a major victory when the United States Supreme Court finally acquiesced to their unreasonable demands by striking down prohibitions against same-sex marriage in all 50 states in the Obergefell v Hodges case. The court ruled five to four.

Another nail in tourism’s coffin

Baha Mar’s filing for Chapter Eleven bankruptcy in the US and bringing a lawsuit against China State Construction in a UK court, which could take months if not years to resolve, drives another nail into the coffin of our tourism industry and further exacerbates the government’s unemployment dilemma.

Rollins and the Speaker

The image on the television news of the Speaker of the House of Assembly, Dr. Kendal Major, standing patiently on the side while Dr Andre Rollins was interviewed by the news media and then afterwards fondly embracing him spoke volumes. This image was shot immediately after last Wednesday night’s debacle when the Speaker facilitated Dr Rollins making his contribution to the debate on the national budget contrary to the Rules of the House.

Tackling discrimination

Thought it ironic that on one of the evening News programmes the AG Allyson Maynard was promoting the proposed (only to be presented if there is no opposition) amendments to the constitution on the day that the US Supreme Court gave its tremendous judgment on “equality of the sexes” in the US throwing open that no state can ban marriage between same sex partners.

Leslie Miller, the bigot

I read Tall Pine MP Leslie Miller’s comments on marriage equality in the United States. The last person any right-thinking Bahamian should listen to on matters of equality is Miller.

Is PLP a one-man party?

The very premature comments of certain MP’s as to their aspirations for leadership is amusing to say the least because until a week ago all were supporting one person, their God, shuffling PC so what changed?

Positive things are happening

I have had occasion to interact with government employees in four different areas over the last few weeks.

PLP no longer wants Major

House Speaker Dr Kendal Major has been placed in a precarious predicament by the top brass of the PLP on at least three different occasions in 2015.

Speaker did not yield to temptation

The speaker, if only temporarily, saved the life of democracy in The Bahamas.

How long has Rubis known about leaks?

Following the recent revelations concerning the handling of the now notorious Marathon fuel leak, one would think Rubis would do everything it could to bring additional leaks to the public’s attention immediately.

Flowers talking big

The Tribune today says “Flowers to challenge banks over web money.”

Sir Durward should be first!

I read lately where the Minister of Education tabled in the House of Assembly during the Budget debate that they were going to name a road after Mychal Thompson. And this was to take place shortly.

PM Davis?

But does he have the blessing of the Shadow PM

Grand Bahama economy

Hawksbill Agreement — to be stupid or super sensitive to the economic conditions?

The nature of leadership

Merriam-Webster defines Failure as an omission of occurrence or performance; specifically: a failing to perform a duty or expected action.

Egregious error by PM

In the dispute on the motion for closure of the budget debate Prime Minister Perry Christie is reported as saying:

Flat fishing regulations

An open letter to V Alfred Gray, Bahamas Minister of Agriculture and Marine Resources

What a difference a word makes

Today’s Tribune headline reads “Gov’t to GIVE Baha Mar  $21 million”.

FNM Convention is overdue

Michael Pintard, chairman of the FNM, publicly stated that there will not be a convention this year.

Rules for fishing the flats

I am an Italian citizen and a passionate fly fisherman. I am really worried of the situation I will face arriving in Exuma for my hard earned holidays with my spouse on July 4, 2015.