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South Eleuthera

Kindly allow me space to share my reflections on a place near and dear to me… South Eleuthera, my home. Those were the days!

Keeping the dream alive

The Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) is at the cross roads of history. It came to office almost three years ago on the backs of multiple political promises many which it should have known could not be fulfilled much less implemented anytime soon. Unfortunately for the party and its leadership cadre, a whole dray load of Bahamians bought into the “charter for governance” and now they are demanding delivery.

The Baha Mar blues

What a waste… remember when Baha Mar and China State Construction started work the temporary office buildings were set up… we were told in one of Baha Mar‘s “blue moments of significance” that when the project was complete these buildings would be saved and donated to government.

Duped on VAT?

Mr Gowon Bowe, chairman of The Bahamas Chamber of Commerce and Employers Confederation, was recently reported as sending a shot across government’s bow, dressing them down about not answering matters raised by the private sector.

Memories of Kemuel Hepburn

The late former Assistant Commissioner of Police Kemuel Hepburn was a great Bahamian, who distinguished himself during his career as a police officer, as a very firm, astute, articulate, compassionate and courageous leader.

A loss of hope in our nation

Never have there been so many attacks on so many pillars of social order, which has added to our people’s confusion, hopelessness and frustration.

Increase MP salaries & allowances

It has come to my attention, and it also disturbs me greatly that the government of The Bahamas has deemed it fit to compensate Members of Parliament only a meagre $28,000 annually.

Cronyism in government

When a particular party wins, be it PLP or FNM, many positions are filled in Government with friends and supporters who are untrained for the position they are given and indifferent to the work they are assigned.

Same sex relationships

It is not my custom to watch ZNS in the afternoon due to work related commitments. However, shortly after 5pm on March 25th I was able to watch a portion of a programme called “Girlfriends”. This episode caught my attention because it was about one partner in a lesbian relationship getting ready to give birth with exchanges of affection between the “couple”.

KB on the Carnival

Like all of the other mistruths, wordplay and outright lies told about me, I will assume that the Minister of Tourism must have been misinformed, because according to the April 2nd, 2015, Punch newspaper article quoting the Minister, it is said that I am slated to perform at the Bahamas Junkanoo Carnival 2015 event. This is not true.  I am not booked to perform on any of the Bahamas Junkanoo Carnival 2015 events.


Press releases and statements of certain Ministers which glorify the status-quo of their responsibility.

Long Island - residents’ point of view

We write in response to an article in The Tribune dated April 2, 2015, page 8A & 9A. Residents of Long Island were deeply troubled and saddened by the utter nonsense written by Mr Adrian Gibson, a non-resident of the beautiful Long Island.

Going to hell

PM to COB Journalists “go to hell” will haunt him and the  PLP as much as the “bend or break” LOP speech has haunted Grand Bahama and that’s over 40 years ago.

Minnis must debate

I see where Prime Minister Christie challenged FNM Leader Dr Hubert Minnis and DNA Leader Branville McCartney to a debate. Mr McCartney has accepted the challenge but Dr Minnis says that he won’t debate Mr Christie.

Minnis and the House rules

In an article published on Monday of this week Miss Candia Dames alleged that the PLP members were attempting to suppress Dr Minnis from reading his poorly written (my words) statement.

BAMSI contracts

Minister of State for Works and Urban Development Arnold Forbes’ handling of the “investigation” into whether or not the fourteen BAMSI contracts are insured would appear to be nothing more than a grace period extended to government’s crony contractors to get their documents in order.

Bank support for web shops

I am the father of a 28-year-old Bahamian professional. My daughter and her husband recently applied for a mortgage at one of the commercial banks, even though they qualified they were informed that the bank was unable to give them the mortgage because the lot they were purchasing was in a subdivision owned by one of the Gaming Companies.

Gibson is irrational

Comments of Minister Shane Gibson on redundancies at Scotiabank are totally irrational and totally misunderstanding of the difference between a Work Permit holder and redundancy.

FNM must respect due process

I am here not to defend Minister V Alfred Gray, but to defend the principle of due process in dispensing justice.

Swift Justice

Re: Attorney General Urges Parliamentarians To Be Cautious In Comments On Gray.

One can but hope

I write today regarding the headlines in your paper of  March 30.

Death penalty

I cry shame on the Government for not fully implementing and carrying out the death penalty as required by law.

Tackling suicide rates

Many persons know the feeling of numbness, shock, disbelief and the deathly silence that grips us all when we hear of suicides in our bright and sunny tourist-loving community. This feeling is especially magnified when the individual who masterminds his own self-destruction decides to take others to their death as well.

New FNM leader is essential

Dr Hubert Minnis is a good man. A political leader he is not. Dr Minnis is trying his best to keep at the PLP but I fear the capacity is just not there with him to be a capable Prime Minister.

PLP is out of control

The Progressive Liberal Party is like a runaway train with no engineer in the caboose, or an airplane out of control without a pilot in the cockpit. The Bahamas is plunging down the mountainside with the precipice in plain sight but there is no one in place who is able to apply the brakes.