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Alfred Gray and responsibility

On May 12, 2012, Rt Hon Perry Christie announced his Cabinet and the matter was gazetted officially. It is interesting to read carefully the wording of that announcement, as it directly affects the correct decision, which if not the Prime Minister should have taken, certainly Mr Gray should have.

Davis should not represent anyone

Although, for the present, he may continue to sit in the House of Assembly, in my opinion Philip Davis does not deserve to be called honourable.

Yellow Elder blunder

I was reading through today’s Weekend section of the Tribune (March 27) and began to read page 22, attracted by the photos.

Dispute makes PM ‘uncomfortable’

Imagine that. Prime Minister Perry Christie is “very uncomfortable” with the dispute between the Melia Resort and the Bahamas Hotel Catering and Allied Workers Union.

NHI plan will harm pharmacies

National Health Insurance will put pharmacies out of business!

Vox populi

Why not get the Public’s opinion on National Health Insurance?

Dithering over our future

BEC is a living example of how not to run a business.

Department not above the law

As an organisation, BATCU is mandated to pursue and defend the fundamental rights and freedoms of its members within the confines of the law. It is my anticipation, that my subsequent contribution brings equity to the discussion pertaining to workers rights and current employment law.

Rejuvaseal cancer fear

I write with reference to an article in The Eleutheran on March 10 entitled ‘Eleuthera Residents Appeal To Gov’t To Rejuvaseal Roads’ that could lead to disastrous consequences for the Caribbean islands.

Celebrate our entertainment icons

Please allow me to address an open letter to the Minister of Tourism and the Minister of Sports & Culture in your columns.

VAT charged on top of duty

I recently flew from Ft Lauderdale to Nassau. I brought with me merchandise which cost $110 in Florida.

Ingraham was different

I’m sick of these excuses from Prime Minister Perry Christie and the PLP whenever they are caught doing the wrong thing. They always say that the FNM did it too. Well, even if that were true, it is no excuse for them. But it is not true.

Trust in govt with our health?

THE TUC reportedly believes “every Bahamian should have equal access to quality health care”. Surely, no one would wish otherwise.

Fox Hill police station

I recently called on the Fox Hill Police to help me with a life threatening psychiatric issue at home.

The people deserve better

Recently, high ranking members of the PLP government and party sought to deflect and point fingers at the FNM to justify callous abuses of authority and mediocrity in delivering on campaign promises. No less than the Prime Minister, Minister of Agriculture and PLP Chairman seem to have forgotten that as of May 7, 2012, the PLP secured the mandate to govern for five years.

Is Miller doing something right?

Re: BEC union call to fire Miller.

Comments by PM are brazen

Please allow me to share my views on a comment by the Prime Minister appearing in The Tribune on March 19, 2015, under the captioned PM “All BAMSI contracts insured”.

National health

The debate on national health insurance has most certainly polarised the Bahamian population. Whether we can afford this, whether we can afford not to do this. The arguments on both sides seem to forget one thing: the Bahamian government is asking to take over the responsibility for providing for our healthcare.

Do not trust govt with our health

Mr Christie not too long ago tried to allay our fears by saying that his government would not do anything stupid that would harm the people or the Bahamian economy.

Adults the cause of society’s decay

The Bahamas has come full circle. We have seen all of what we have been doing ourselves come back in “full colour”.

Praise for police professionals

I am inspired to write in praise of the dedicated and professional law enforcement officers of the Fox Hill division of the Royal Bahamas Police Force. I left for work one morning and upon returning home that evening I entered my home and immediately realized that it had been burgled. I called the Elizabeth police station, reported a burglary, gave them the address and waited for the police to arrive.

A fit place for a licence?

It is 11.15pm on Wednesday night and I have just been awakened to what sounds like demented baboons and parrots screaming at each other.

Culture before politics

Like I said from the outset of this debate on this Carnival, or Junkanoo Carnival idea, was that I will not support it as long as it is a Trinidadian soca-styled event.

Tired of PLP and Christie

The electricity situation in The Bahamas is disgraceful. We pay too much money to BEC and the corporation can’t keep our lights on. The PLP government promised it would reform BEC.

Democracy or dictatorship

As described in Wikipedia, democracy consists of four key elements: “1. A political system for choosing and replacing the government through free and fair elections. 2. The active participation of the people, as citizens, in politics and civic life. 3. Protection of the human rights of all citizens. 4. A rule of law, in which the laws and procedures apply equally to all citizens”.