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Cuban reply over man in prison

ALLOW me to clear up some elements in the article that appeared on March 13 in relation to Bahamian national Jamaric Green.

National health insurance

The Gold Rush Administration, led by a man whom many believe is delusional, even rip Van Winkleish, is again, on the wrong path at the wrong time. It is astounding that this administration seems to be so tone deaf as to the real needs and aspirations of the average Bahamian.

Plane crash questions

Thank you for your valuable space. I read the report about the plane that crashed into the sea off Clifton and was surprised to read that the pilot said it was more dangerous to land on the airport than to crash the plane into the shark-infested sea.

The wrong results

Re: Why Condoms Should Be Available In Schools.

Say no to condoms in schools

For quite some time now, we have been brainwashed to believe that education would be the golden path for enlightenment and a panacea for all mankind’s problems. Although education has its place, I would like to argue that the world does not need more “educated people”.

Storage of prescription drugs during blackout

With the recent power outage in Nassau, many have suffered material loss, but even more concerning to me are the safety risks involved that many may not even consider.

Garbage spoiling our nation

Is the Department of Environmental Health awake?

You must stop this travesty

It has come to our attention that permits and approvals are pending, if not already issued, for a horse excursion business on Harbour Island.

The only option for Davis is to resign

The Philip Davis statement on BASMI Insurance, Parliament Wednesday March 11, 2015.

A busy doctor

Re: Doctor Signs Sick Notes For 69 Prison Staff In One Day. – The Tribune, February 27, 2015.

What’s the punishment?

The revelation that the dormitory destroyed by fire at BAMSI was never insured doesn’t come as a surprise considering the way this and other government contracts are and have been awarded in the past.

Opposition visit to BAMSI

On March 2, 2015, Agriculture Minister V Alfred Gray criticised the Leader of the Opposition, Dr Hubert Minnis, for leading an FNM delegation on an unannounced tour of BAMSI in North Andros.

And what of you, Mr Christie?

You somewhat scathingly referred to “Rich Doctors” and “Wealthy people” when speaking of the new tax you are proposing for the NHS programme.

Orwellian Bahamas

My comment has to bring to the public’s attention that predictions written in George Orwell’s book 1984 are quickly becoming a reality in The Bahamas.

Think hard on NHI proposals

I beg space in your paper to express a few thoughts on the proposed National Health Bill.

Taxing those who grow our food

I was pleased to see earlier today that the Fish and Farm Store of the Ministry of Agriculture & Marine Resources at Potter’s Cay had 50 pound bags of fertilizer for sale.

Don’t back down

Some things are above politics. As the need for National Insurance was in the 1970s, so the need for National Health Insurance is today.

Frankie gone bananas

On Friday, March 6, I read with interest the Tribune’s business article, “Wilson: ‘Get VAT behind us’ prior to NHI Taxation”.

Praise for Bishop Ferguson

I must commend the new national Overseer Bishop Franklyn Ferguson of the COGOP, on his National, dynamic charge to the nation this evening.

Ruined reputation

How much of this country’s tourism marketing and advertising budget is negated is anybody’s guess, when we have a full page story (with photos) in the New York Post today of Peter Nygard and Louis Bacon, with the latter stating that “he is afraid for his life and that of his family”. These are not two guys from Hospital Lane now, but billionaires from Lyford Cay.

Delays and restructure at BEC

Please permit me to comment on an article appearing in your newspaper on the Prime Minister’s comments regarding the delay it is taking the government to make a decision on the restructuring of BEC.

Please save Little Harbour

My wife and two kids, eight and 13, own a 41’ Catamaran “First Wave” managed by Cruise Abaco.

Public workers to lose quality health insurance

Pulling down or making one segment of the population’s life more difficult in order to raise up another group is not how you create equality.

Not enough revenue

Sanigest, the company hired by the PLP government to develop the key design features of National Health Insurance (NHI) and aid in its implementation, admits that there are shortfalls in the revenue required to support it.

Help all Bahamians

Healthcare is not just about having access to your local doctor, or hospital. Healthcare is about the health and welfare of individuals