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Why the high cost for residency?

I was compelled to respond in writing by way of an open letter to the editor.

We’ll all be the same under NHI scheme

Re: Public ward deaths at PMH double those of private. – The Tribune, March 3, 2015.

Stop the attacks and listen

Shoot the messenger and the message will be silenced. That seems to be a plan of attack for the Christie administration when questioned about national health insurance. It is always easy to blame somebody, like rich doctors or businessmen, to distract attention from what you’re really doing. The facts remain the facts, however, new taxes always hurt economies.

The horses of Harbour Island

Recently, there has been a lot of talk, lobbying and pleading by many people (too many to name) in order to stop another “ride your horse on the beach” business opening up in Harbour Island (Tribune report, March 4).

City dump

I write in response to the “Dump” fire which prompted a conversation on Guardian Radio, where a few statements were made that need correction.

BAMSI insurance

Please permit me to share my views on the Minister of Works’ recent disclosure that the Contractors Insurance at BAMSI had expired, due to the delay in completion and the contractor had not extended the same.

Government secrets

For many months the government of The Bahamas has been working on a national health insurance plan.

Time to legalise marijuana?

How would one tell if a person was under the influence of marijuana, short of taking a blood test?

Little Harbour development

I am writing to you concerning the current plan by Winding Bay/Southworth Development to put a marina, store and snack bar in the small, residential community of Little Harbour.

Time to stop the damage

You are correct. Lots of young black men are dying, but it’s not because of the absence of national health insurance.

Governing against the national intent

The evidence at hand suggests that this present government is hell-bent on taking this nation down a path that is against what Bahamians call the “national intent”. There are choices that citizens make and there are decisions that administrations make, and this Government seems to be on a path that makes us question their intentions.

Gray and his defence of Christie

On page A3 of Saturday’s 21st February issue of The Nassau Guardian appeared an article under the heading “Gray: Some PLP backbenchers need to revaluate political futures.”

PhDs at COB?

I am reliably informed that at the 2015 Bahamas Business Outlook Forum, the first two questions asked of Dr Rodney Smith, President of The College of The Bahamas by two persons in the audience were: Where are the PhDs at COB?

Who will speak on behalf of Bahamians?

I write regarding the ongoing discussions of the recent enforcement of Immigration policies in the country. I note with interest that for the most part, both local dailies have taken the pro-immigrant position at every opportunity.

Politicians and the tongue

We are used to the lies that politicians feed us every election period. We are used to the endless promises of jobs and opportunities. You would have to be a fool to believe anything that these politicians promise.

Why bring race into it?

“If you are black and you are poor, you die. Surely a tax is better than death.” What kind of idiotic statement is that in a country of 85 per cent black, ruled by the majority?

Copper ban

The response to someone electrocuted by a man stealing copper is to ban copper!

Govt must ban copper export

By allowing copper export the PLP government is not encouraging the development of an industry but crime, a country exports what it produces, copper export is ridiculous, as far as I know The Bahamas does not produce copper.

Will real Christians stand up?

ON July 10, 1973, The Bahamas made a giant step in removing its shackles from the British Empire and becoming an independent nation. In our preamble to the constitution, it states that we are a Christian nation, abiding by Christian principles. This now remains to be seen.

Rollins the populist

Bahamians who are in the lower economic classes were probably rooting for Fort Charlotte MP Dr Andre Rollins as he exchanged words with Elizabeth MP Ryan Pinder last week in the House of Assembly, over the former’s revealed intentions to opposed the PLP’s proposal to introduce a National Health Insurance tax in January 2016.

Open letter on Little Harbour

By this time, it is no surprise to you that most, if not all of us, have serious concerns about your plans for a marina in Little Harbour. You may recall the Prime Minister’s remark upon your purchase of the Abaco Club at Winding Bay cautioning developers that “such projects cannot work unless they have the buy-in of locals”.

Rihanna and misplaced priorities

Baha Men founder Isaiah Taylor along with Bahamians who have a keen interest in PM Perry Christie’s brainchild Junkanoo Carnival are anxious to know who will be the lead act at the imported foreign cultural event.

Which is it, Mr Mitchell?

In a recent letter to the press, the Nassau Institute put forward observations about the government’s latest immigration policies.

Under surveillance

I live in Andros, Bonefishing capital of the world. I’m wondering what kind of message we are sending to tourists who are paying top dollars at the peak of our tourist season while green helicopters are flying over our resorts and homes day and night?

Problems facing the Bahamas

I have not written a letter to the editor for many years, but I am compelled to write after an experience last week.