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Why let banks treat us this way?

Why are Bahamians so complacent and accepting of the local banks avaricious almost predatory way of doing business in this country?

Revoke this man’s residency

IN 2010, a man (fictitious name Jay) was arrested at LPIA.

Humane Society does a great job

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” Mahatma Gandhi

Citizens in waiting

Policy is not law. It cannot override the law. In defending the new education policy, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Immigration has referred to the Immigration Act.

No to this sex show

The Crop Over Festival in Barbados, which ends with the spectacular Carnival/Kadooment Parade, is the season used to celebrate the ending of the local Sugar Cane harvest, and is distinctly unique from the Carnival festivities in other Caribbean countries.

Immigration crackdown

“On balance, immigrants are not a drag on the economy. As workers, consumers, entrepreneurs, and taxpayers, they invigorate it and contribute healthy economic benefits. Admitting immigrants improves everyone’s standard of living, theirs and ours.” – Julian Simon.

Spend the $9m on students

The natural evolutionary course of Bahamian junkanoo was forever altered about 18 years ago, when “cultural icons” Vola Francis and Gus Cooper began to frequent Trinidad’s Carnival.

The first month of VAT

VAT. Those three letters have been the brunt of many a jest, the subject of many an adverse comment and unfortunately the cause of much National Trauma and Anxiety. Almost the entire year just ended saw frowns and concerns, voiced and withheld. This anxiety was certainly not warranted and for it to have been so is inexcusable. It was placed upon us unnecessarily.

The Carnival problem

The problem with the Carnival is that there is no problem with the Carnival.

Bahamian Junkanoo

The natural evolutionary course of Bahamian junkanoo was forever altered about 18 years ago, when “cultural icons” Vola Francis and Gus Cooper began to frequent Trinidad’s Carnival.

A smokey forecast

When a Florida weather report can describe the weather in Nassau as “smokey” as it did last week, this should raise alarm bells for the government that something has to be done about the dump on Harrold Road.


Who cares anymore who is being “duplicitous” and who said what to whom or why or when.

Dancing the dance

THE Minister reportedly stressed that the Carnival will encourage “Bahamianism” and not “sins of the flesh”.

Fred Mitchell, hero of immigration

For the first time in recent memory, The Bahamas have been featured in a front-page New York Times story, published on January 30, just one day after our annual Business Outlook Conference.

Awards and titles

Awards and titles? Have we really gone stupid?

VAT misunderstanding

Some might say that the launch of VAT was a success but there is an enormous amount of total, I mean total, misunderstanding.

Is Urban Renewal 2.0 relevant?

The original concept of Urban Renewal 2.0 was and still remains a good one in that the primary objective is to improve, cosmetically, one community at a time. While this is a good concept, however, we must ask ourselves whether or not it is still relevant.

Working for government

Do a large constituency of persons in The Bahamas work for the government? You bet your life they do! As a matter of fact, the government of The Bahamas is the largest single employer in this country.

Will nation be found wanting?

A look at the national budget and debt over the decades reveals that spending and borrowing have grown exponentially. The country is in this mess because of both political parties, not just one or the other, so there is no point in casting blame. The country needs solutions.

Abandoned Cat Island roadworks

My name is Carlton Zonicle and I have been a resident of Zonicle Hill, Cat Island the majority of my life. As a concerned citizen, I would like to discuss and receive a response from Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Works, Philip “Brave” Davis regarding past and potential construction works performed on Cat Island. It is also worth noting that Mr Davis is the Member of Parliament for Cat Island.

Christie the man in charge

Surely the end result of the hyped Rollins drama on Farrington Road, PLP Headquarters ended up like a wet firework – hmm there has to be a major split in opinion in the PLP.

Stem cell research

The contents are about the Stem Cell Research, etc. That is now an official realisation for our country, the Bahamas.

Holocaust survivor in the Bahamas

Tuesday is the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, here is a holocaust story from the only Holocaust survivor in the Bahamas!

Grapevine rumours

I note in the Grapevine of today’s date that the Punch is intimating that I am upset about not having been named a QC.

Business as usual

The United States Department of State 2014 Investment Climate Report revealed the corrupt nature of doing business in the Bahamas and how acts of corporate malfeasance continue to go unchecked and unpunished.