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Assemblies of God on rape laws

I have attached a document for publication entitled, “Marriage is Sacred,” written by Rev Dr. Patrick Paul, General Superintendent of the Assemblies of God in the Bahamas, including the Turks and Caicos Islands regarding “Marital Rape.”

Why not Bishop Ellis?

On October 7, 2021 -- 21 days after the September 16 general election -- The Nassau Guardian published a story regarding Bishop Neil C Ellis’ announcement that he would be retiring as head pastor of the prestigious Mount Tabor Church.

Boarding schools to hold fair

THE first Boarding Schools Fair Bahamas will take place in Nassau on Wednesday.

Food security

Zimbabwe was known as the breadbasket of Africa until 2000 exporting wheat, tobacco, and corn to the wider world, especially to other African nations. However, today Zimbabwe is a net importer of foodstuffs from the Western World. Many farm owners and farm workers have been killed during violent takeovers.

Fitting site for food festival

It seems appropriate that the historic Collins House, also known as Centreville House, on Shirley Street, is to be the site for the upcoming International Culture Wine & Food Festival on the 22nd and 23rd of October.

Is Davis our version of Liz Truss?

One of the benefits of becoming Prime Minister after being a member of a law firm that has produced two Prime Ministers is that you have had an opportunity to gain insights that many aspiring politicians never get to experience.

Public works inspection of cruise port

I just stopped by briefly to ask for your permission for this letter to be published because I believe that what I have observed may not have been brought to the attention of the Bahamian people.

UB survey

Congratulations to UB students who led the survey on Abuse-Rape - one thing missing in their release was in which geographical areas of Nassau was the polling taken. This is an all important issue - do the findings change between Bain and Grants Town - Marathon - Elizabeth and Killarney?

Talk first, then take the action

PRICE Control – making changes before you consult with your supermarkets and food stores?

COVID’s ugly reach

Nearly one in 20 people who were infected by COVID have not completely recovered. That is a six to 18 month corridor from time of infection. 42% claim to have only partially recovered from the infection. Most people recover fully from the infection, but some people develop a wide variety of long-term problems. The government needed to understand Long COVID as an essential to forming health and social care policy and supports.

Performance of Members of Parliament

It has been a little over a year since scores of “new” members of parliament were elected; re-elected or rejected. How would some of the ones who were privileged to be elected for the first time would have performed; under performed or are unmitigated “miserable” F first year students of the subtle art of politics? I propose to grade them all over the course of the next few weeks.

Too little but not too late

There is nothing natural or “free market” about the low structural ratio of wages to prices and profits in The Bahamas.

Govt has its annus horribilis

This week was the equivalent of that famous quote of Her Majesty - ‘annus horribilis’.

Environmental health

The people’s environment in Nassau, Bahamas is in total need of deliverance, I would like to know why our inner cities are being neglected and overlooked by the minister of environment who appears to be sleeping.

Columbus confusion

So, we celebrate ex-Columbus Day and I started to think - so if Columbus never came across the Atlantic and landed in San Salvador would I be here?

Governor General pick

Selecting a Governor General - seeing we are sophisticated enough to choose MPs - nominate persons for National Honours, surely we can also be part of the process of appointing the Governor General?

Family rivals

Kindly consider the publication of this open letter to my beloved second cousin, Shane Gibson.

Criticism of police is unfair

THE criticism levied at The Bahamas Government and the Royal Baha­mas Police Force is unfair in the following paragraphs I will at­tempt to justify the need for this type of regional cooperation.

The return of Shane Gibson

As a firm believer in the redemptive powers of The Lord Jesus Christ, through The Holy Spirit, I am elated that my longtime friend and political colleague, the Hon Shane Gibson, former illustrious Member of Parliament for Golden Gates, and cabinet member, is considering offering himself for parliamentary office again in 2026. The MICAL constituency would be the perfect fit for his return.

Well done, Apostle Valentino Williams

Over the years, I have been privileged to have met and sat under the spiritual anointing of myriad clergy persons here at home and abroad internationally.

Roundabout suggestions

While I fully endorse the view expressed by Athena Damianos, with respect to the QC/BNT roundabout, perhaps, if the Government has some money for “Roundabouts”, it may wish to convert the nightmare that is the Village and Eastern Roads mess.

Do as I say, not as I do

Recently, the European Union has ratified the blacklisting of the Bahamas for the failure of maintaining tax compliance for the regulatory bodies in Europe. However, the Bahamas has been largely compliant for decades and the EU still decides to blacklist the country during the recent United Nations general assembly.

Thoughts on hurricane devastation in Florida

Looking at the devastation dealt Florida by hurricane Ian, I shudder to think where we here in the Bahamas would have been if it had come our way.

Prices on goods and services

There are not many Bahamians who are going to agree with the recently announced rate hikes in their electrical bills. The economy is gradually bouncing back post the effects of Dorian and the lingering pandemic. With the increased internationally based fuel costs and the drastic cuts in the supply chain, across the board, many nations, inclusive of The Bahamas, inflation is literally 'killing' The Bahamas.

Unlicensed and uninsured vehicles

Did I hear the Police complaining about the level of unlicensed vehicles and also uninsured?