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Tribune headline

While your story appearing in the business section of Thursday the 15th September, 2022 regarding a recent action involving two erstwhile clients of mine was somewhat balanced in its content, the chosen headline (“Ex-Minister’s son Denies Land Fraud”) tends to suggest that I was either a party or defendant to the action in question.

Dear Mr Pintard

If you don’t support legislation allowing Bahamian men and women to pass citizenship to their unborn children, I will not support your party in the next general election.

Madness and folly

The proposed Martial Rape Bill is what King Solomon would refer to as: madness and folly, and a chase after the wind.

Water crisis

I would like to write about a crisis we are and probably will experience sometime in our lives. Something many of us take for granted, that of water availability and purity. There are 37 nations globally who are experiencing extreme water stress today. Seven of these nations are Caribbean. Water Resource Groups estimate that by 2030, if no action is taken, with the projected population and economic growth rates, water demand will out pace globally supply by 40%.

Marriage Act

Not wanting to get ahead of the discussion, but with the upcoming third attempt of amending the Marriage Act, we can presume that many of the “i’s” and “t’s” have been crossed and the passing will only be a formality after the planned symposium irons out the kinks.

The death of Queen Elizabeth

The international community continues to mourn the passing of Queen Elizabeth II on September 8 at Balmoral Castle in Aberdeenshire, United Kingdom.

Politics as monarch changes

Such a short time ago we lost our Sovereign Queen - Queen of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas - monarchists will mourn anti-monarchists will see an opportunity to lobby - push for the removal of the Sovereign as Head of State to a Democratic Republic like the majority of the Commonwealth of Nations.

Tribute to Omar Davis Jr

OMAR Davis, Jr, was buried peacefully yesterday. His death still haunts me. I imagined a great many are still pondering, still trying to make claims of his body in the attempt that knowledge may be found there.

Marital rape and history

Apparently, there is a lack of understanding surrounding the Marital Rape issue that seems consensual. We know what the problem is, and we have had documentation in place since 2009 to address the issue with the removal and inclusion of a couple of words.

Mackey St response

I am sure it would be understood and a natural reaction to say to the Mackey Street man, give it a rest, but all things being equal, that would probably just spur him on to continue his ill-disguised and ill-advised campaign to see Michael Pintard unseated as leader of the Free National Movement.

Pintard to stay

Please permit me a space to say a few short words in response to the Mackey Street Man (letter published in The Tribune).

The Queen: A life of service

Now that the late Queen Elizabeth 11, Monarch of The Commonwealth of Nations, is dead and gone to her reward, I find it very disturbing hearing and reading some of the comments being made by Bahamians and others around the world about her legacy. The woman is not even buried yet, but the uncomplimentary and gratuitous remarks have exposed our darker side.

Pintard will not lead FNM into next election

We are at nearly one year since the PLP was elected. Philip Davis has proven to be inadequate as a leader, as we expected.

Republic would not help Bahamas

In our mourning as a nation for our beloved Queen Elizabeth who served us with dedication for over 70 years the remarks to the Canadian people by our progressive and modern Prime Minister Justin Trudeau were profound: “So much of the endurance and stability of our democracy is woven into our Westminster parliamentary system, our Constitutional Monarchy and The Crown”.

Right the wrong

For centuries, a woman’s body was used as a tool to maintain a deeply entrenched patriarchal status quo; regardless of progress, women today still struggle for human rights. Time and time, we see many christians misinterpret the biblical text 1 Corinthians 7:3–5 to support their erroneous view that a wife can never tell her husband that she would like to defer having sex for a time.

Fatal shark attack off Green Cay

I write in response to the fatal shark attack of a female American tourist in waters off Green Cay, also as a descendant of Lowe Sound, Andros, Bahamas.

Shark attack

The shark mauling of a visitor off Green Cay is horrific and our hearts go out to the family caught in this nightmare.

Fly the gate on mask wearing

September 16, 2021 came as a relief to many as they considered the draconian measures used by the People’s Time administration to control the COVID-19 pandemic too harsh and unnecessary. The New Day government promised an end to the nightly curfews, which ended in November and also granted more freedom with a new set of emergency orders.

Legal look at marital rape ruling

If the 31st August 2022 report of the the Supreme Court’s ruling in a recent divorce matter is true, the Ruling is a missed opportunity of epic and catastrophic proportions. It is a dog whistle to every abusive spouse in this country that has set us back decades in our mission to preserve basic human rights and the rights of women in particular.

Rape laws urgently need review

The laws governing what is rape and what isn’t urgently need review - repeat probably and a new sensibly written law will co-exist with modern convention and Statute Law.

Citizenship poll

So, a certain media outlet is holding a poll - subject: Should we grant automatic citizenship?

Congratulations to the Allens

I have been privileged to have known the Hon Algernon SPB Allen and his lovely wife, Dame Anita Allen, for all of their lives. They are both a few years older than myself, but I well remember them from the days when we were all at ‘the’ Government High School, then located at Poinciana Drive where the University of The Bahamas is now housed. It would appear that the ‘love affair’ began way back then.

Solution to the teachers problem

The Ministry of Education is facing a dire need of new teachers for growing classrooms. Our learning institutions are lacking the experience necessary to propel our students into the next level of tertiary discipline after graduation.

Culture of abuse

This morning while stopped at a red light, there was a car in the adjacent lane with a woman driver and two children, in the back seat. One child, about 18 months old was in a car seat behind the passenger’s seat.

Now is not the time for frugality

Both parties have it wrong in their apparent consensus that the way to deal with internationally driven inflation is to engage in belt-tightening at home.