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Convicted cannot be denied bail?

Greetings and thank you for this opportunity to release these several points of interest to scores of Bahamians, many of whom have had direct experiences relating to loved ones being murdered, or harmed by these brazen criminals, etc.

The Del Zottos

I was troubled to read in The Tribune a prominent contractor in Grand Bahama gloating over the potential departure of the Del Zotto family.

Penalties for gun possession

After 85 handgun murders so far this year, it is disturbing that Attorney General Ryan Pinder would continue to insist that “sentencing guidelines” for gun possession can be left to the Court of Appeal.

Crown grants

I would have been at The Bahamas Bar for a period in excess of 46 years had I still been a member in good standing this same month. Unfortunately (for me) I was disbarred many years ago for an act of malfeasance. The punishment, such as it was, was far too long, but I have accepted my fate and moved on as a Business & Media Consultant. The Lord Jesus Christ has been exceedingly wonderful to me in this venture.

Mental health

Loneliness casts gloom and darkness like a raging and merciless tornado.

PM right on Ingraham

It was reassuring to hear the Prime Minister single out the ideological shift of the post-1992 era as the most important challenge to the development of this country. It hopefully signals an emphasis on reversing the failed policies of that era and shifting us back toward genuinely progressive economic policies.

Nurses facing more violence

Local reports are coming in strong throughout the globe, any place a hospital, clinic or home care situation exists – being a medical assistant, nurse or caregiver can be in a very dangerous profession indeed.

Using too many superlatives

Earlier today I sent in an opinion on media over stating and using superlatives describing the status of something in The Bahamas or proposals.

Munroe’s controversy and theology

This coming November will mark the eighth anniversary of Bahamas Faith Ministries (BFM) founder Dr Myles Munroe’s untimely death in a tragic plane accident on Grand Bahama. Notwithstanding his death, the Munroe estate continues to upload his sermons on the Munroe Global YouTube channel that draws hundreds of thousands of viewers from around the world.

Return of the Surrey industry

It was with great dismay that I and other animal lovers read of the return of the Surrey industry to downtown Nassau.

Why do we make things so difficult?

DOUBLE talk — rubbish or what? Can’t OPM Health get on the same page and stop talking so much garbage of possibly when the Wear Mask Regulation will be cancelled.

Distress in South China Sea region

Nancy Pelosi, America’s Speaker of the house has visited Taiwan, to Communist China’s chagrin.

Please lift the mask mandate

Dear Bahamas Government: We are begging you to please lift the unnecessary and ineffective mask mandate that is still burdening our people and our nation. Mask mandates are dictatorial and authoritarian.

Why must seniors visit NIB?

Greetings and thank you for allowing me this very small space in your daily newspaper to alert the reading public of this unfair practice by NIB regarding senior members of the public and what is being demanded, causing them to be physically challenged, is unacceptable, if I may?

Breast feeding week celebrated

Each year worldwide August 1 to 7 is celebrated as Breast Feeding week. The theme for this year advocates for us to “Step Up For

CARICOM at its limits?

I am indebted for the title of this commentary to the Honourable Bruce Golding, a former Prime Minister of Jamaica, who has been and remains one of the foremost political minds in the Caribbean and wider afield.

Minimum sentencing for guns

Just how many more predictable murders, more children killed by stray bullets and more headlines blazoned around the world about gun violence in this tourist-dependent country will it take before our leaders do the obvious thing and introduce mandatory minimum sentencing for gun possession?

Another innocent life stolen

We are confronted with the worst form of such gun violence. An innocent child was robbed of his dreams and the nation is robbed of its future.

Social media and politics

With the advent of social media, the public world changed. No longer did you have to wait for the local TV News - somehow instantly it was on the social thing - popped up instantly.

CARICOM and Haiti’s gang issues

First off, I would like to extend condolences to the families of the Haitians who perished in the tragic incident over the past weekend. Psalm 30:5 says that weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. At times I am left to wonder if the wealthy nations of the Western Hemisphere have conspired to see the oldest Black republic in the world fail.

Tender on carbon trade

Curious: Is the required RFP-Tender process being followed and carried out by government according to rules on contracts over $50,000.00?

Baldwin’s approach

I took note of Mr Natino Thompson’s response to an opinion piece I had forwarded to the dailies recently.

The old rules

The newest strain of COVID-19 is spreading like a wild fire on the west coast, fiercely and uncontrolled. Researchers are discovering how and why these strains affect us in different ways.

Battle with unions in The Bahamas

I am a life long supporter of the rights or workers and their amalgamation into unions for the collective rights and respect due to them.

Listen to Labour

My word of advice to the present government (which, unlike its predecessor, is clearly progressive in its intentions) is to accede as much as possible to the demands of organized labour, which will be coming in fast and furious as the western proxy-war on Russia pays dividends in price-inflation around the world.