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Highlights of the history of the Bahamian Parliament

The Bahamas observed the 293rd anniversary of the establishment of the Bahamas Parliament on 29th September of this year. I believe that 293 years of continual representative parliament is something that we all could be proud of.

Exclusivity of wisdom

Human beings are not all great thinkers. Don’t want to insult anyone, but think about it.

Try to save another generation

Losing a generation of young people? Should have read Another Generation may be already two gone - lost!

Oblivious to the obvious in The Bahamas

The 14th annual Bahamian ‘Shakespeare in Paradise’ (SiP) Theatre Festival actors were preparing to ‘go on stage’ at the Philip A. Burrows Black Box Theatre on Friday night as I listened, aghast and incredulously, to our Minister of Tourism excitedly gushing about bringing Broadway to The Bahamas, New York style!

Beach Access in Cable Beach

My sister and her husband are currently visiting from England. She is partly disabled and is unable to walk long distances. Since due to the pandemic they have been unable to visit for some years I thought it would be nice to drive them to a local beach.

We allow govt to strip our blessings away

Bahamians, God has blessed us with so much, yet we continuously allow the government to strip our blessings away from us.

Online workshops

Editor, when I saw this - Online workshops on Conflict Resolution, negotiation, dealing with difficult people in-person-workshops and training@adr.ca: this Fall and Winter -– I just had to stop and take note in the hope that the information could be passed on to the relevant government body for action.

Humour was his game, but powerful he became

Humour is the capacity to express or perceive what’s funny, and is both a source of entertainment and a means to cope with what is difficult and awkward. Stressful situations often make for good environments that nurture humour, provoking laughter. Whether the joke is lighthearted or absurdly provocative, humour plays an important role in forming social bonds, releasing tension and attracting others.

Continuous blacklisting of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas by the European Union

Once again, I approach your reader’s desire to be heard on a matter that usurps itself - in a manner of adverse-ascendancy by the EU and without justification, I might add. A subject that I am anticipating will garner much buzz, as the political directorate has made the complaint known - and on the highest global level at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) in New York recently.

Prognosis is Denial? Agree or disagree?

Successive governments duly elected (sometimes I wonder how) exclaimed this land of ours was the best little country to every other claim of excellence and I wonder.

A job well done in first year in office

Many Bahamians seem to believe that I, Ortland H. Bodie Jr., am or maybe an unconstructed and unapologetic member and supporter of the iconic Progressive Liberal Party (PLP). I suspect that some of them may be correct. That, even if it were so, would never influence my financial or political acumen and judgment. I call a spade a spade and fear only The Lord Jesus Christ and in a good way.

The gift of optimism

Winston Churchill once said "a pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, while an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty". Optimism reflects the belief that the outcomes of events or experiences will generally be positive.

Many are called but only a few are chosen by God to lead a nation

Many are called, but only a few are chosen by God to lead a nation by being his instrument and servant to make a difference in the world for humankind.

Adelaide Pines Ltd application

Please find below for publication our citizen’s response email sent to Mr Charles Zonicle, Director of Physical Planning, following last evening’s Town Planning Meeting with regard to the proposed Application by Adelaide Pines Limited. - Pam Burnside

Scrap Village Rd roundabout

Please publish the following open letter to the Ministry of Works.

Please don’t get rid of cheques

SO, the good Governor of The Central Bank thinks cheques are redundant and in 2023 he will declare them a dinosaur.

‘Ya born dere, ya born dere’

Who are we? Saxon’s Superstars want to know.

Is $984,000 frugal?

Someone said a few days ago that we need to be more FRUGAL – thousands rushed to their cells and Googled - Frugal!

Downtown Nassau challenges

I just stopped by to indulge you in allowing me the small space in your letters column to highlight several points worth mentioning – and in the interest of Bahamians.

The Word and The Bahamas

Please allow me a little space to express what was put on my heart concerning the Bahamas and the word that was given.

Devil finds work for idle hands

Murders and gang related crime, including violence in the schools are plaguing the country, and getting worse by the minute.

Body language and a republic

If body language speaks, we clearly saw the body language of Prime Minister Davis being received by His Majesty Charles III as Prime Minister of one of His Realm States very clearly Republic is not on this Prime Minister’s agenda.

Good and bad news on human development

The good news is that The Bahamas has risen three places (from 58th to 55th in the world) in the United Nations’ first post-pandemic Human Development Index.

Disingenuous over protest by Coalition

In the September 15 Nassau Guardian editorial titled “Pintard must stay focused,” the writer, who I strongly believe could be Juan McCartney, took aim at Coalition of Independents Leader Lincoln Bain for leading a protest against the Progressive Liberal Party’s plan to amend the Bahamas Nationality Act.

Man accused of attacking his father with hammer

A MAN was granted $3,000 bail in Magistrate’s Court on Friday after he was accused of attacking his father with a hammer.