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Chinese response on Xinjiang

THE Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) published a so-called “assessment” on human rights in Xinjiang on August 31 despite the lack of mandate by the UN Human Rights Council to do so. The “assessment”, which exposed ignorance and deep-seated prejudices against China, smacks of political manipulation and has only damaged the credibility of the OHCHR.

BPSU needs to do better

What’s going on in BPSU with claim cheques?

The FNM Tonton Macoutes

Free National Movement (FNM) chair Dr Duane Sands’ bold assertion that the Dr Hubert Minnis era is over brings to mind the latter’s claim about the Hubert Ingraham era being over a decade ago.

What’s the deal with Village Rd?

Road works on Village Road - completion contracted for September now delayed till November, but the comment of the good Minister on the proposed new roundabout midst Village Road close to entrances of Queen’s College and National Trust beats it all.

No to Village Rd roundabout

Having attended the Village Road improvement project virtual meeting in March, I was shocked to learn the Ministry of Works now proposes to install a roundabout in the area of Queen’s College and the Bahamas National Trust.

Response to tragic boat disaster

The swift response by the police and the efficient and effective investigations conducted into the disaster involving the Human Trafficking vessel, that sank in our waters recently is commendable.

A response to letter of critique

I am surprised that a prolific editorial writer, Kevin Evans, who I do not know any more than the man in the Moon, submitted an extensive drivel about me the other day. With all of the pressing national issues confronting our wonderful nation, many inflamed by the disjointed policies of the former administration and its hapless leader, Evans could find the time to craft a lengthy critique of yours truly.

History of our nation

On December 19, 1962 a very significant international event occurred within the gates of Lyford Cay. President John F Kennedy - UK Prime Minister Macmillan and Canadian PM John Diefenbaker met and resulting from this meeting NATO's military position to the “cold war was established“.

Pintard does not need to hear from Bodie

I read Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) radio personality Ortland Bodie’s Nassau Guardian opinion piece on Free National Movement (FNM) Leader Michael Pintard and it dawned on me how utterly subjective the media in The Bahamas is regarding politics.

Citizenship - who has right?

Citizenship - who has the right to it?

Appeal for medical treatment

Re: Appeals for Lee Callender Medical Treatment

Ingraham’s continued distractions

On the 30th anniversary of the Free National Movement’s 1992 election victory, Hubert Ingraham took the opportunity to double down on some of the organisation’s foundational and self-justifying myths. Having spent years close enough to the bosom of Mr Ingraham’s party, I have heard all of these narratives repeatedly. They do not withstand serious scrutiny.

Firearms possession

Jamilla Kennyatta Thomas, 33, inadvertently carried a live round of ammunition into the Bahamas. She was arrested at Lynden Pindling International Airport on May 29th as she prepared to board a return flight to the US-Glendale, California. The bullet was a single 9mm round. Jamilla was pregnant, incurred travel delay and sustained mental distress over this event. She had to plead guilty to criminal possession of ammunition before a magistrate and pay a serious fine to avoid prison.

Goodman’s Bay parking plans

Goodman’s Bay - Will the eastern parking area be taken over by employees of the soon to be opened Wynn Condo Hotel?

Importance of Fox Hill celebration

The people of Fox Hill celebrated a successful Fox Hill Day on the 9th August. The celebrations were marred only by the actions of one idiot, but apart from that isolated incident it was a successful day.

Capital punishment

Since the last hanging during PM Ingraham's time there has been no hanging for murder. I recall within 24 hours of the much publicised hanging ZNS outside the walls of Fox Hill live coverage there were two murders (the point of hanging being a deterrent possibly minimised). Privy Council says none except for the worst of the worst, but what is that three?

Strange banking

The following is the body of a letter sent to the Central Bank Governor a week ago for attention. To date, however, I have not received acknowledgement of same, and would therefore wish to share it with the public in your publication as well as on social media so that many more of ‘we, the people’ can also register our concern over this situation that continues to plague the ‘customers’ of banking institutions in this country. Our voices must be heard, as we too have rights. Speak up Bahamas!

Did Freeport embarrass nation?

Pineridge MP Ginger Moxey and Bahamas Association of Athletic Associations (BAAA) President Drumeco Archer should not be raked over the coals by the people of Nassau for choosing Freeport as host for the North American Central American and Caribbean Athletic Association event over the weekend.

Don’t listen to Chamber

Khrystle Rutherford-Ferguson and her colleagues at the Bahamas Chamber of Commerce can perhaps be excused for pretending to believe that minimum wage rises in The Bahamas are an inflationary, rather than anti-inflationary measure. After all, they are self-evidently an interest group looking to secure their own narrow interests, rather than the general welfare of The Bahamas.

Promises made & kept

It is a common expectation here in The Bahamas and I am sure almost all around the world, that voters are accustomed to politicians and their allies making big and bold promises to them about high browed plans to make their lives better while encouraging the economic and societal advancements of the nation, once elected. This is a sad refrain that has played out in our wonderful nation for successive decades ad nauseum.

The day that Freeport and GB died

At the outset I would like to commend the Grand Bahama Port Authority (GBPA) for extending an olive branch to Mr William Del Zotto and his family. Their importance to Grand Bahama cannot be overstated. I am relieved that the principals at the GBPA appreciate the urgency in saving the jobs of 130 Grand Bahamians at a time when employment opportunities are scarce on the island. Gold Rock Concrete could play a pivotal role in the resurgence of the so-called Magic City.

NGOs struggle to open bank account

I noted with interest the claim by a Canadian bank operating in The Bahamas that they “support NGOs”. This statement came in response to complaints that banks operating in The Bahamas, and in particular Canadian banks, discriminate against local non-profits and charities by heaping numerous difficulties, onerous hinderances and ever-changing conditions upon their attempts to simply open a bank account.

Increase in murders

There has been an alarming uptick in murders over the past couple of months and, as always, there are voices giving causes and solutions and the political voices are not least among them. One side seems content to let the other stew because this is not their “watch”, but that does not change the fact that they are equally at fault for what is happening.

Speaker of the House

May it please your Majesty, I have neither eye to see nor tongue to speak in this place, but as the House is pleased to direct me.

Concerns at development

I have just invested almost two hours on my computer, “participating” in a town meeting about the 4 ‘skyscrapers’ that are planned for construction in Lyford Cay.