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Climate change

“...one would think that over multiple geological periods the earth’s climate has never changed. Most don’t even know we are in an interglacial period right now, but let these crusaders continue their efforts to change the climate!” A comment responding to a May 5 Tribune story headlined, “Pinder: We Will Lead On Climate Change.”

New Providence or New Orleans?

I saw Twitter images of severe flooding throughout parts of New Providence over the weekend. I believe it was a meteorologist who told either The Nassau Guardian or The Tribune that the severe flooding caused by torrential rains was a hurricane drill for New Providence residents. As a resident of Grand Bahama who lived through Hurricanes Francis, Jeanne, Matthew and Dorian, I want Nassau residents to understand that the recent flooding in their communities is nothing compared to the flooding the aforementioned cyclones brought to our island.

Flooding shows need for insurance

Why does insurance coverage matter in this new Climate Change era? Unfortunately, flooding like what we had this weekend will be the norm rather than the exception. My useful advice to you is to make sure to take the opportunity to call anyone of the insurance companies within The Bahamas if you need any hurricane insurance (Life, Home, Auto, Marine, Business, Aviation, etc...). Most experts predict that this upcoming hurricane season will be another active one. I know that hurricane and homeowners’ insurance are expensive, but I beg you to consider the alternative.

Are private pension funds sustainable?

As the debates had been about the lack of funds for Bahamians at the National Insurance Board and it is obvious it will run out because the lack of businesses paying employees funds at the National Insurance Board.

Banks no longer want to serve us

Banks and their lack of any customer service or what is their job description. Haven’t you noticed how banks don’t want to serve you personally anymore?

We need full explanation of Exuma deaths

I hope very soon that your government and Sandals Resorts will be forthcoming with a proper explanation of the sad deaths in Exuma and what measures will be taken to prevent more deaths. It was pitiful to read yesterday’s Tribune online with your Tourism Minister really avoiding the issue and spouting out about how tourism is increasing and the forthcoming months will see increasing visitor numbers.

GBPA must accommodate Electra group

Grand Bahamians are both happy and cautiously optimistic about the pending sale of the state-owned Grand Lucayan Resort to Electra America Hospitality Group for $100m.

The Davis administration

In all things we give God thanks, look where we are nine months later after Minnis called an early election, isn’t God good? We learn to thank Him for all things, His divine intervention is like bringing the children out of Egypt to the promised land.

Honour thy father and mother

The fifth commandment is often referred to as the first commandment with a promise: “Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.” (Ex. 20:12.)

Tragedy in Exuma rings alarm bells

What a tumultuous past two days at my travel agencies in New Jersey with the sad news of the deaths at Sandals Resort in Exuma. It has been difficult enough to get bookings for your country in the past two years. Clients come into our agencies, many having alluring feelings about a trip to the Bahamas. In the past forty years until 2020 we could get instant bookings and travellers would be on their way.

What is latest on Governor General’s health?

On April 7, both The Nassau Guardian and The Tribune broke the story of Governor General C.A. Smith falling ill while on official duty in North Eleuthera at P.A. Gibson Primary School.

Family tree chopped down by the rules

This will come as a shock to all members of Ancestry DNA, who are involved in building family trees.

Watson on disclosures is ludicrous

The comment from none other than PM press secretary on the non-compliance of many MPs is totally ludicrous... we take that approach then not paying $1bn of taxes we can use the same excuse? Sorry, Mr Watson, out of order.

The right use of official titles

TITLES - right to use prefixes before ones name an issue as there is unfortunately many who abuse and are never corrected.

Sentencing on guns must be addressed

It is almost laughable to read the daily editorials, columnists and social commentators agonising about the need to address the root causes of crime in our country, when we are apparently incapable of treating even the surface symptoms – like the widespread availability of guns.

Blocking mangroves

Ten years ago, a foreign developer was allowed to destroy thousands of acres of mangrove forest in North Bimini without needing any special permit from the government to do so. Today, concerned Bahamians trying to regrow these rare and vital natural resources, are being blocked by the powers that be, and told they need a permit. It really is the height of irony.

Act now to protect everyone

Senator Michaela Barnet-Ellis’ renewal of calls to “act now to protect women and children” in The Tribune on May 5, 2022 continues to expose issues of sexual violence in the Bahamas, but are echoed across the globe.

Police are doing a good job

The efficient and effective performance of our Police Force continues to impress.

Prevention measures

The government must show and demonstrate it is committed and serious on crime by taking Crime Prevention Policies to reduce crime that is becoming a vexing problem for many Bahamians in The Bahamas.


These past few years have put a strain upon our life styles, personal routines and outlook upon life in general.

Apparent conflict

Appointment of the Chairman of Town Planning Committee to Subdivision and Development Appeal Board – an apparent conflict of interest.

Children are hurting

Yesterday I had the most traumatic experience that I’ve had in many years. I stopped at a little store off East Street near the COGOP Cathedral to purchase a case of canned gas that’s used in the camping stoves. Outside the store was a little girl who was probably about ten years old.

Exploiting women

Organisers of the forthcoming Bahamas Carnival series of events have received the green light from the Ministry of Health and Wellness to go ahead with their plans for 2022 Survival Weekend on May 20-22. The main concern of the Progressive Liberal Party administration is the safety of participants, as COVID-19 remains a threat.

Modernising our nation

Most Bahamians would agree that the Bahamas has made significant progress since becoming an independent country in 1973.

Why Moncur job is very dangerous

The Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) has circled the wagon around the gaffe-prone Rodney Moncur. His appointment in the Ministry of National Security as a violence interrupter suggests to this writer that the hierarchy of the PLP government believes that Moncur is one of them, despite his flirtation with the Free National Movement (FNM) in 2016, when he was appointed to the Senate by Loretta Butler-Turner.