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When not to wear a hat

A gentleman should remove his hat as he enters a building, including a restaurant, home, classroom, theatre, church. This rule includes baseball caps and casual hats.

What are the rules on masks?

Clarification, has the Ministry of Health and Wellness cancelled the wear mask mandate?

Protect our precious patrimony

This is a call to action once again for Bahamians to wake up and protect our precious patrimony!

Moncur issue is a distraction

The former Senator the Hon Rodney Moncur and I go back decades as community activists and influencers. He has no known public scandal attached to his name.

Bitcoin and The Bahamas

Boy full blast all cylinders the PR from OPM but possibly they could have done a Google search first before all the claims - exclamations and use of superlatives.

Definition of hypocrisy over war

While the western media agonises over Russia’s supposedly out-of-the-blue intervention in a war that their audiences probably do not realise has been going on since 2014, half a world away events are transpiring that show the staggering hypocrisy and double standards that neo-colonial politicians in certain countries continue to press upon the world.

Consultants and advisors

So, we chose advisors and consultants — let’s hope their choice or initial consideration for retention is based on critical criteria at the least in the area they are intended to be retained the person or persons have already shown their expertise and have been called on by a Ministry — a Minister - a Permanent Secretary or a Board.

Thank you for rescuing me

I am writing this letter in the hopes that it may be read by the wonderful, caring couple who came to my aid last Saturday night.

Unvaccinated lives matter

Bahamians are now cautiously optimistic that the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic is finally behind us, with declining infections and hospitalisations.

Restoring Nassau’s glory days

Every time I drive through downtown Nassau it depresses me.

Baha Mar snub

BAHA MAR... snubbed By PM! Years open incredible success but celebration snubbed by Prime Minister - Deputy Prime Minister-Minister of Tourism and virtually all of Cabinet as they were off to Regatta! A massive red-letter day...massive investor confidence, but No.

We want PM - not the PR

Seems the OPM has totally adopted the US system of a “policy-stating Director of Public Relations”... a position that should simply tell the facts — certainly never editorialise and just state the “policy” oh, sorry guy, no attacking a critical comment from the free press except correcting misinformation.

Larson a victim of fragility?

I must confess from the outset that I too had joined the chorus of irate Black Bahamians subsequent to revelations in Parliament by Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis that the former Free National Movement (FNM) government had paid Susan Holowesko-Larson $1,750 per week to chair the National Food Security Taskforce.

The cost of hosting sport events

July 10th, 2023 will be our 50th anniversary of Independence — certainly we should celebrate and celebrate but let’s use some sense and purpose.

Plea for Kietta

I am writing on behalf of the dog on the street named Kietta to formally complain about the terrible conditions she is in, the way she is being treated, and my concerns. As a former owner, this is really unsettling.

Why is a mentor so essential?

The beginning of your career is both thrilling and frightening too. Starting anything new is enticing, but uncertainty of how you will do or how your career will unfold is also daunting.

Raising the rates for NIB

So, PM Davis will not increase the level of NIB Contributions although the experts, the IMO actuaries say NIB must have higher contributions and experts for 10 plus years have been telling Government it is a must..

My Winn Dixie nostalgia

A prominent Grand Bahamian fisherman informed me today that he saw a 10 pound bag of chicken wings going for $35 minus VAT in a major grocery store.

Travel rules

Your Tourism and Hotel Association officials are hailing the decision of the American Government to upgrade the travel advisory for travel to The Bahamas. They say that now conferences and conventions will return. The Americans have done their part. Now we await your Government abolishing all the ridiculously difficult entry rules to make that happen.

Climate change

Thank you for granting me this space to support my fellow scientist Kelli Armstrong, who last week gave voice to one of the worst kept secrets among the local scientific community: that when it comes to the critical challenge of climate change, The Bahamas is essentially flying blind.

The crime problem

My name is John Brown. For a minute, crime is at the top of everyone’s concern, MP ministers and the police. So I take this opportunity to call BS on an effort for the last 20 years to stop crime.

A Brave New World

It is exactly seven months since the fateful election of the PLP and its parliamentary team, led by the Honourable Philip ‘Brave’ Davis, QC, MP. How do you, the Bahamian voter, rate their performances without fear of bias, rancor or downright fawning? I am a partisan of the ruling party, but I do believe that all of my views expressed herein are truthful and based on the ground facts and figures.

Bank fees

Convinced after my experience today to be treated as if I am an alien and have not been a client of either of my two banks for 30 plus years.

Athol Island

The former “Most Honourable Prime Minister” Dr Hubert Minnis, will undoubtedly go down in history as The Crown Land Prime Minister, if for no other reason than his largesse in this sphere. I don’t know if there is any register anywhere where one can discover what Crown Land any particular Prime Minister transfers, from the Crown or Treasury to private citizens and Corporations, but it would surely make interesting reading in this case.

Oil embargo

MINISTER of Economic Affairs Michael Halkitis’ comment to Our News about the government not benefiting from fuel inflation has rankled the feathers of many middle to lower class Bahamian households attempting to keep their heads above water.