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Biden’s war on oil

There was a Twitter post on Facebook alleging that a Bahamas Petroleum Dealers Association official stated that a gallon of gasoline had surpassed $7 at one particular service station in Nassau. A June 6 New York Post article stated that a Chevron station in Mendocino is charging $9.60 per gallon. In the US, the national average price is $4.86. Diesel is now $5.64.

Scientists losing jobs

Because of a knee jerk, silly law passed by the former FNM government, our brightest young scientists are finding themselves out of work and at risk of permanent serious damage to their careers.

Barefoot boy

As I walked to the corner to catch the 21 bus, something inside kept telling me that this would be one of the best days I had ever had.

Happy Platinum Jubilee

What an achievement. Something most of us can only aspire to and look on in awe. Her Majesty The Queen is celebrating a Platinum Jubilee, marking 70 years of service to the people of the United Kingdom, the Realms and the Commonwealth.

Response to China allegations

This letter to The Tribune editor is regarding a report in The Tribune’s May 30th issue raising questions about Chinese products and technologies.

Leaders need to act on flooding

What has happened over the last few weeks should now more than ever be a wake up call for our country’s parliamentary leaders.

Bahamian blood on US Second Amendment

Prime Minister Philip Brave Davis’ startling claim that 90 percent of confiscated guns used in murders in this country have been traced to American manufacturers and firearm retailers suggests to this writer that the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution is stained with Bahamian blood.

Forward, Upward, Onward...

Tourism Minister Chester Cooper rightly noted that there is fatigue regarding the stubborn persistence of COVID-19 that refuses to go away.

Seize the opportunity

As Prime Minister Philip Edward “Brave” Davis and his New Day Government thrive, flourish and grow abundantly, opportunities continue to pop up in favour of our country’s economy and by extension, the PLP government.

What is our plan?

The Bahamas is still grappling with COVID and its aftermath. People are still driving in vehicles alone with windows up or walking alone on the street wearing masks.

Loyalty to Minnis is fault line for FNM

At the peak of the Black Lives Matter debate in the US in 2021, the noted African American evangelical Voddie Baucham penned Fault Lines, which is a scathing critique of Critical Race Theory, Intersectionality and Marxism and their subtle encroachment into the evangelical church, most notably the Southern Baptist Convention.

Take the tools of death out of the marketplace

The definition of fire arm is a weapon from which a shot is discharged by gunpowder —usually called small arms.

The hypocrisy of America

A shooting at a school in Texas. 19 dead children, many wounded and two adults killed. The first thing you notice is the parents of these students appear to be primarily Hispanic.

Compare Davis v Zelensky

Had PM Davis been in Volodymyr Zelensky’s shoes, I would want him to do the following:

Tribute to Dr Eugene Newry

I am deeply saddened by the passing of Dr Eugene Newry, my dear friend of many decades and a comrade in the struggle for the fullness of democracy in our Bahamas. He was one of a group of young men who banded together back in the late Fifties to further the cause of majority rule for the Bahamas.

Cat Island is suffering

Cat Island is so beautiful, but it has a good reason to sing “O Lord We Got Do Right In" - you see the people of Cat Island had made you honourable for the past 21 years please tell us what have you done for us lately or in the past 21 years?

Protect our sovereignty

I write to you as a concerned Bahamian citizen, urging The Bahamas Government to oppose the proposed amendments to the World Health Organisation's International Health Regulations, which would effectively cede the Bahamas' sovereignty to a globalist organisation seeking the power to control free nations' response to future health crises.

Supporter of Minnis or a lost soul?

Please allow me a small place in your newspaper to respond to a letter I read signed “The Mackey Street Man” dated May 22, 2022.

Is Adrian Gibson a target?

Please allow me space in your column to express my views on the recent probe into the Water & Sewerage Corporation and what now it appears to be a focus on the Long Island Member of Parliament Mr Adrian Gibson.

Pintard has a hint of Pindling

I was watching a news segment on Our News Bahamas regarding Free National Movement (FNM) Leader Michael Pintard on a point of order in Parliament and was thoroughly impressed with his uncanny ability to speak extemporaneously.

Spread the message on climate change

Almost exactly 30 years after the United Nations declared at COP1 that human activities are changing the Earth’s climate and that these “adverse effects are a common concern of mankind,” little has changed for the better, and the facts remain:

Pintard went too far in Minnis criticism

I always send my draft letters to a dear friend before I publish them. We graduated high school together in the late 1970s, and have remained close all these years.

Disaster looming for FNM?

The Nassau Guardian’s front page article about police investigators wanting a discussion with Free National Movement (FNM) MP Adrian Gibson is just one more development in an ongoing saga that hasn’t received as much attention from the mainstream media as one would think it should.

Reimagining education

Throughout its 47 short years of existence, The College of The Bahamas (COB), now University of The Bahamas, has been marked by tides of change. Similarly, in more recent times, we have had change thrust upon us as a nation; first through Hurricane Dorian’s devastation resulting from climate change, and then the catastrophic health and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Judicial propriety

Over a 30-plus year career in law and as a former magistrate, I am pleased to say there has been a steady positive evolution in both our judiciary and our jurisprudence. Unlike in the past, the present complement of our judiciary each possesses the comportment and temperament the esteemed position demands. They are in all respects judicious, something which those of us who are senior attorneys truly appreciate.