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Big Pharma and price controls

As we hear about Easter gas station strikes, because of price controls, I have heard about strange medical and insurance practices before, but came across a doozer today.

Who gains from a long war?

Greed is an antidote to good judgment. The profit-oriented military industrial machine that drives western countries to pursue endless wars is simply incapable of sensitivity to the fact that, thanks to its antics, the world is now closer to self-destruction than at any point during the Cold War, which ended in 1989.

Deterring gangs

As the debates are being discussed about the legal age of consensual sex at age 16 or 18 with a young teenager there are some things to examine and consider that are impacting the social issues with families in the Bahamas. For too long young teenage girls 14,15,16 and 17 were having babies as a single parent.

Tough love really love?

Last night in a social setting a video was shown about one of our former athletes that has been experiencing the most challenging time one can imagine. While the video was heartbreaking what was most disturbing were the negative comments coming from some of the people in the group. It makes one wonder what happened to us as a people. When did we become so cold and uncaring?

End the Travel Health Visa

When is The Bahamas going to become realistic and end all the complicated and time consuming entry rules like most other countries? We were regular visitors to Nassau coming to stay at our holiday home for many years. However, we have not been able to complete all the hassles and be on the ground in three days.

Laws on age of consent in Canada

In the public discussion about the age of consent, it is useful to see what other jurisdictions are doing. It is important when making laws to not allow a particular case or the unwise pronouncements by a Minister of National Security to determine legal canons.

Stop gun terrorists

Over the last few days, a gang war erupted in the streets of Nassau, disrupting the peace and leaving over 20 people dead in March. Recently, Nassau suffers one murder every two or three nights since the weekend where five people were killed, hours apart from one another.

Ship building and the Star class sailboat

On the flight from Nassau to New Jersey a couple of weeks ago I read the interesting and entertaining letter from Bruce Raine about the rich history of ship building and sailing in The Bahamas. Not only did it make the flight seem shorter, but it also brought up vivid memories of some of my experiences at sea while growing up as a young boy in Nassau during the war years.

Permits problem

I read with great interest what Dr Nick Higgs and other scientists had to say on how permit delays and red tape are holding up important environmental research and conservation, and threatening the survival of our natural resources.

Wayne Munroe’s opinions

So our esteemed cabinet minister Wayne Munroe feels his 40-year-old male client got a “too severe sentence” for having sex with a 14-year-old child. He said the child consented so everything is presumably rosy in the garden. Well, Mr Munroe, if the girl was 12, 10 or 8 and consented is that similarly fine by you? The reason why civilized societies have age of consent laws is to protect children. Guess why, Munroe? Yes, they are children they are not emotionally or intellectually developed so we protect them. Your client is a paedophile and in a first world country they would throw away the key and even on his release he would be carefully monitored.

Albany West proposals

As a resident of South Ocean Village Phase I am an opponent of the foolish rerouting of Adelaide Road to accommodate the high end, gated luxury development of Albany, I feel compelled to respond to The Tribune’s March 21st edition public notice from the Department of Physical Planning concerning the proposed Albany West development.

National sport

What’s the national sport of The Bahamas? - Tribune Wednesday, 6th April.

Will Smith and the slap

Over the past several days most of us have seen the Chris Rock/Will Smith showdown at the Oscars. My honest question to you is this: What if Chris Rock had been a white comedian say on par with one of the late night TV comedy hosts, do you think Will Smith would have slapped Chris Rock in a public venue?

The Ike Turner syndrome

Senate President LaShell Adderley gave a heartwarming tribute to the late Carissa Culmer, who is alleged to have taken her own life on March 10.

New appointments

I was sitting with my knitting as ordered so to do by the Hon. Minister of Foreign Affairs when my attention was drawn to the appointment of new envoys for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I was so struck by the announcement that I dropped a stitch in the scarf I was knitting for the Hon Minister.

Age of consent

Recently, a 40-year-old child sexual predator was given a light plea deal sentence of four years in prison for repeatedly engaging in unlawful sexual intercourse with a 14-year-old child. Such a light sentence for such a horrific crime should cause us to hang our national head in shame. Why? Because the way a society truly feels about a particular crime is expressed by the punishment meted out to it. And it matters not that the maximum sentence for unlawful sexual intercourse with a child under age 16 is life in prison. Sadly, that maximum sentence on the law books is functionally irrelevant because the sentences given to child sexual predators are slaps on the wrist. In truth, they amount more to reward than punishment.

Mystified by commentary

Hearing the pronouncements of Mr Williams, Acting Director of Public Prosecutions, and the subsequent media statements from Minister Wayne Munroe, QC, and Attorney Christina Galanos in reference to the plea-bargained sentence handed to the 40-year-old gentleman who admitted to having sexual intercourses with a then 14-year-old girl, I remain mystified by their logic.

Where is the outrage over guns?

It is refreshing to see the outrage being expressed by Bahamians about sexual exploitation and domestic violence. It clearly speaks to an evolving civil culture – with perhaps a bit of virtue signaling thrown in, too.

Anita Doherty – a valued club member

TODAY I became aware of Anita Doherty’s passing in Grand Bahama.

Egg on the face

Mr Prime Minister egg all over your face warned and told by the professionals don’t include bread basket items with the Vat 10% but you did … you will have to remove Vat on bread basket very soon and face the laughter from the opposition and the public.

Rasta belief

Based on a March 25 Tribune article on Bobo Ashanti members of the Ethiopia Africa Black International Congress (EABIC), I am inclined to believe that these Nassau-based Rastas were unhappy about the visit of the Dutch and Duchess of Cambridge to The Bahamas. It was either on the 26 or 27 of March when Prince William posted on Twitter a moving tribute about the resilience of Abaconians some two-and-a-half years removed from Hurricane Dorian.

National Youth Service

I have long called for the introduction of a scheme/system of National Youth Service.

Blame game

Crime, just like our Finances, no Government has been willing to address the fundamental issues and continually play politics and most of the time knee jerk reactions – of course the blame game.

Athol Island and plans of the past

The late E Dawson Roberts often quoted what has been attributed to Thomas Jefferson “Eternal Vigilance is the price of Liberty”.

Property taxation

Real property owners screaming on the valuations Property Tax Department sent.