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The Bank is the legal business where money is kept at all times. If there is no money and bankers in the bank it cannot function. If all the clients take all of their money out of the bank, it cannot survive. Continue to bank. The number places are trying to replace the banks in the Bahamas. Mr Banks from USA was here.

Crime prevention and prisoner rehabilitation

As the debates are being discussed as how to solve the crime problems in the Bahamas, here are some suggestions to deal with the vexing problems. The first way to deal with the crime problem is having a Police Task Force assigned to dismantling gangs in the Bahamas and be able to identify gang members so they can get them off the street from committing crimes.

Health Visa and medical tests must be abolished

From all the coverage in the UK press the Royal Visit to the Bahamas has been an outstanding success. As my family are owners of travel agencies along the south coast of England and with family connections in Nassau we have always tried to promote your country to our clients.

Consult with different people on crime

Crime, just like our Finances, no Government has been willing to address the fundamental issues and continually play politics and most of the time knee jerk reactions – of course the blame game.

A tribute to Anita Doherty

Imagine being a naïve 13-year-old new student of a new school, not knowing anyone there. That’s what I experienced on my first day at the then Freeport Anglican High School – the day I met then Vice Principal Anita Doherty.

World Water Day

It’s disgraceful that Zimbabwe is not on the list of countries who are going to celebrate world water day. Water in Zimbabwe is unsafe to drink because there are no chemicals for treatment and it is causing an outbreak of waterborne diseases like cholera, typhoid and bilharzia. People are releasing their waste near and inside the rivers and others are accidentally drinking contaminated water.

MP’s tweet about Jada

The famed JoBeth Coleby-Davis Tweet about American actress Jada Pinkett Smith has created a ruckus among supporters of the Opposition Free National Movement (FNM). The Tweet was posted subsequent to Will Smith striking comedian Chris Rock in the face after the latter joked about Smith’s wife, Jada, looking like the fictional character GI Jane. Jada Smith suffers from alopecia, which explains her bald head.

The history of sailing in The Bahamas

If there is anyone in the Bahamas who is yet unconvinced that sailing has been the bedrock of transportation, boat building, ocean freighting, pleasure boating, commercial fishing, competitive sportsmanship, and finally a Royal Regatta with the future King and Queen of England racing against each other and teaming up with some of the very best Bahamian sailing talent, then you are definitely inconvincible.

In honour of Anita Doherty

It has been widely circulated on social media and confirmed that The Bahamas at large and the Grand Bahama and East End communities have lost a warrior of a woman in the person of Anita Doherty. A former Chief Councilor for the City of Grand Bahama, and a well-known athlete, Anita received many accolades in her lifetime and has held many titles.

Abortion and marital rape

There is no such legal creature as “marital rape” and I, as a trained lawyer, am sick and dead tired over the miss abuse application of that terminology. In law, rape is rape....the forcible sexual intimacy between a male and female, regardless of marital status. A woman's or man's body belongs to him or herself, apart from God as our Creator.

The debate on Republic has begun

Well the debate on Republic or not Republic has started and hopefully the commentators will do their research and not talk total garbage so we get a mixed up opinion of untruths.

Ukraine war and Putin

We are very lucky to live in a democracy, in a democracy we are allowed to write and say what we like.

Western Air A-Team shines bright

I would be very pleased if you would grant me but a little space to express myself in your prestigious and highly regarded column.

The monarchy

Great Britain has historically had a foolproof method of dealing with corruption: it just legalised it.

Are we out of the woods yet?

Potentially the US and EU maybe experiencing another wave of COVID-19 this spring. In the US cases are at an eight month low, but the exponential growth in infections seen in The EU is the latest evidence that COVID-19 remains a persistent threat with the potential to upend our hopes for moving past this pandemic.

Cartwright the future for FNM

This year of 2022 is the second year of the arrival of our long lost and not missed cousin, COVID-19.

Hanna Martin meddling with UB decision

Once again, Minister of Education Glenys Hanna Martin has been a terrible disappointment.

Take a look in the mirror

AS Bahamians, we should all admit to ourselves after looking in the mirror that when we go to our so-called election polls every four years plus now, we go to vote for what we see in the mirror.

Crocodile tears, bogus sympathies

IN recent times two young Bahamian women lost their lives in horrific circumstances before their toddlers. We all mourned their passing and made calls for justice and amendments to the law. After a few weeks those events are just a passing memory. Truly, the dead will bury the dead...

Governor General successor

There is serious significance of who will the Prime Minister nominate to follow HE Cornelius Smith as Governor General or will he allow Smith to continue for a further term through the 50th anniversary of Independence and on and the anticipated Referendum on whether The Bahamas stays a Realm State or graduates to a Democratic Republic.

Media narrative on Ukraine wrong

I hold no brief for Vladimir Putin. I never met him nor even visited his country.

Don’t let cruise ships define us

For some time now I have been trying to deal with a subject matter that is not a pleasant topic. Most people avoid it; but I feel it must be dealt with.

The trying times that face us all

Do you ever feel like the darkness is winning?

No sign of normal

Your Tourism Minister has cheerily declared that tourism will be back to normal very soon.

Tribute to trailblazer Burrows

“Give me my flowers now,” have been said regarding several events to honour trailblazers. But for one young man, the urgency to recognise his contribution to a whole country has become more evident. As we mourn the passing of a junior baseball icon in the recent death of Jeff Albury, we must act now.