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Hopefully the end of NATO

Since 1989, NATO has had no good reason to exist.

Shenseea should be banned

A US-based online news site recently reported that The Bahamas leads the world in rape cases per capita. According to the site, the rate is pegged at 133 per 100,000 people. In the Caribbean country of St Vincent and the Grenadines, the rate is 112 per 100,000; while in Jamaica it is 51 per 100,000.

Researching a living wage

I’m Lesvie Archer, principal investigator behind the living wages study. Public interest in the study's findings is exciting and I'd like to contribute by sharing some short, but interesting facts:

Democracy needs you

OVER half a century ago on a chilly morning in March, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. reminded us that “the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.” Though change may be slow and difficult — whether on racial justice, democratic reform, or economic equality —progress is possible when like-minded people, institutions, and governments join forces to bend the moral arc toward justice.

Is PM Davis serious?

The Law requires statutory fiscal reporting by I believe February 24th… who cares why comply with the Law… we will accommodate the FNM so they can scream at the Government at their convention!

Forgetful when it suits them

It amazes this writer just how conveniently forgetful our politicians are when it suits them … I recall with the sale of the Hotel Corp property on Cable Beach to Arison and the building of The Crystal Palace, Carnival were granted, as I recall, a large amount of Government land in Andros and required to grow produce…I believe the Hon Loftus Roker insisted and proposed this.

Bahamians continue to use Obeah

I was fascinated by a February 22 front page Tribune article titled “Sacrilege.” The article was about the alleged desecration of several graves at the Spikenard Graveyard off Cowpen Road.

Environmental education

The lack of proper environmental education in Bahamian school systems is preposterous.

Researchers need to do GB prices homework

Our News Bahamas recently interviewed a University of The Bahamas (UB) official who conducted a research study on the cost of living in New Providence and Grand Bahama.

Cable Beach Post Office

I am driven to write to you in light of the utter chaos and madness that affects the post office box-renting public at the Cable Beach Post Office.

Ending clause on contract?

GAZETTED a RFP for a proposed New General Post Office – me hopes AG office has advised if there are early ending clauses for Town Centre Mall (Brent Symonette) because we don’t want to be paying millions of penalty money for breaching the lease early?

Arabian nights

The Davis administration has taken a bold and innovative approach to international geopolitical relations and tapping into non- traditional sources of funding and investment possibilities.

Governor General

Reading the Constitution as to the Office of Governor General, Article 32, it is interesting it provides for the appointment, but seemingly does not stipulate once appointed how long is the tenure of being Governor General.

Grow more

I am writing an open letter to the Minister of Agriculture and Marine Resources, Clay Sweeting. I read an article in the paper about how the pandemic has affected Barbados. Now their government has started to give out large portions of Crown land to those persons interested and needing to do backyard farming as a way to sustain, and feed themselves.

Rape is rape

Not surprising our politicians look for a flavour of the month issue and try desperately to make browny points from it when in reality the issue is stupid.

Sir Godfrey PLP slight a disgrace

It WAS disgraceful to listen to the PLP in the House of Assembly saying they somehow just forgot to give Sir Godfrey Kelly the honours he deserved in death. I don’t buy their apology. I think it was a deliberate slight.

PLP food tax attack on poor

The PLP fooled the Bahamian people on the campaign trail. They said they would lower VAT. That sounded good. No one likes paying taxes. Everyone wants taxes lowered.

Bank service

I am disturbed and even more disgusted by the way customers are treated at the Commercial Banks in our country, especially the ones that are in the South Western District of New Providence.

Keep masks

COVID related – Ministry of Health please - please do not follow the US and remove the mandatory masks as yet. Be sensible and lets wait till Easter hopefully by then a considerably improved COVID condition.

What about minimum hours worked?

Your editorial Wednesday, as well as other news items, including Peter Goudie on the Tribune Business page are all abuzz with talk of “Minimum Wage” and whilst there is no doubt that there are many justifiable cases, I wonder why we never see any news items or discussion about minimum hours or basic work ethic.

Underground abortion industry

Bahamian evangelical Christians must play close attention to the Progressive Liberal Party’s (PLP) impending policy announcement on abortion.

Emancipate your mind, Bahamas

I have been reading with despair about events happening in our beloved country and seeing the blatant lack of care for we, the people, who continue to be blinded and duped by partisan “politricks” instead of demanding accountability, transparency, and truth!

Pension form and invasion of privacy

A friend sent a copy of the “Pension Continuing Eligibility Form 2022” which he recently received from NIB.

Double standard

The alcoholic beverages are flowing, the basketball court has been taken over by their volleyball net, the pavilion is full, and it is not available to our children and residents.

Securities sales

The performance of The Central Bank sale of Securities recently is exceptionally significant not because the securities were over-subscribed but only 25% of a $34m offer caught interest of those who purchase.