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COVID protocols

COVID protocols... rules are made to be kept, Mr Prime Minister. Feeble excuse.

Ministers and masks

I believe it is okay if you have someone in your house positive with COVID if you test negative, but at the least wait five-days then certainly you can venture out taking a further test.

Shift the narrative

Over and repeatedly we hear people ask: “Why do women stay in abusive relationships?’’ or “Why doesn’t she just leave him?” Although these may seem like valid questions, all these very simple questions have very complicated, multi-layered answers.

Lucayan workers

PRIME Minister Philip Davis is to be commended for showing early in his tenure that the Memorandum of Understanding between his party and the trade union movement is a matter of substance and not just words.

FNM lacks political identity

The PLP appears to be smartly embracing the moral vision and concept of majority rule – in The Bahamas. The present makeup of that party looks to be a solidly engaging Bahamian political organisation.

Misinformation over shelter

Could you please allow me some space in your most read paper.

Marital rape law

Following the recent horrific death of a young woman by her companion there has been much said and promised by members of government, the church and civic groups to rein in domestic violence in our society.

Women safety

I would like to express my feelings about women’s safety. When we turn the pages of a newspaper, we come across many headlines reporting cases of sexual assault, molestation, sexual harassment, rapes, trafficking, ill treatment of women in houses, violence against women in outside areas.

The bridge

The 2021 general elections were pivotal to the recovery of the nation from the ravages of the devastating hurricane Dorian and her brother Andrew coupled with the arrival of the cousin COVID-19. They all came here uninvited and, clearly, we had not prepared rooms for them.

Did Dubai trip show our culture?

Who we sent to the Dubai Trade Fair raises yet again what really is the culture of our country? Culture is US!

Tourism must be win for all

After more than 30 years in the hospitality industry with the last six years as a taxi driver, I am convinced that there must be a change in the building of our tourism model in our country. There needs to be more discussion, not only with developers, but with Bahamian stakeholders in open forums that could result in a Win-Win for all, especially when it comes to large-scale developments.

Fix the penalty

Regarding your editorial on Friday, January 21, 2021 all right-thinking persons share your outrage and the magistrate’s apparent regret at the pathetically-lenient penalties imposed in this case.

Criminalise marital rape

It may not have dawned on the president of the Bahamas Christian Council, but The Bahamas’ lack of regard for the well-being of females goes hand in hand with the level of gender-based violence in the country.

Bloody murder

It has been exactly one month, but I can no longer stranglehold myself into a position of silence, so I am here to scream, “Bloody Murder”!

Income tax

Permit me to respond to a few questions posed to me by G Minnis (Friday, January 21, 2022), in reference to my recent letter decrying the regressive nature of the Bahamian economy and proposing corporate and personal income taxes to fix it.

Calling on church to speak up

“NOT everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.” ~ James Baldwin.

Save what?

Let’s get one thing straight once and for all: Bahamians have substantial savings and investments.

Clint Watson and standards in public office

When he was the host of Beyond the Headlines at Eyewitness News, Clint Watson, now Press Secretary in the Office of the Prime Minister, saw it as his job to hold certain public officials accountable.

No wonder hotels close with these rules

How sad to read in The Tribune that the British Colonial Hotel is closing down. My husband and I spent our honeymoon there in 1982 and have been regular visitors ever since. The location was excellent and all the amenities were of the highest standard. We shall really miss staying there.

Wear a mask, Minister

I implore the Minister of Health and Wellness to fine all persons that can be identified, seen on social media - in newspapers or on News not wearing a mask. Isn’t it $200 per incident?

Mitchell inappropriate

It was with shock and disbelief that I read the disparaging and insulting remarks made by the Foreign Minister of this country about one of our nation’s journalists. I was waiting for the Press Association to defend their colleague, but I heard naught but the sound of gentle silence.

Bad policy to open in a surge

It is important for schools to open. Our children need to be educated. They need to peer bond. They need socialisation.

Reopen 100%

In regards to the schools opening at 50% hybrid learning - this is unacceptable!

Income taxes

Income tax... who pays it? Whatever levied on Business ends up you and I pay 100%.

Treat all people the same

Health controls and protocols have to be as close to the same whether it involves us residents, the visitors, or the cruise visitors who are here for a few hours... we have to accept COVID virus does not respect curfews - lockdowns or the unvaccinated and in the case of the current scourge not even the vaccinated it seems.