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Barriers stop Bahamas travel

We have been attempting to come to stay at our holiday property and visit Bahamian relatives for nearly two years without success. Every time we are able to travel your Government has restrictions which make it impossible to comply with your draconian entry rules.

Is an end to cheques a good move?

Central Bank No more cheques after 2023..... have they thought this through?

Social injustice for students

The Minister of Education has revealed that there are 8,000 delinquent students of the Virtual Learning Platform – who have been missing in action since the COVID-19 pandemic began. What a shameful social injustice.

Thanks for balancing Allen story

Thank you for permitting my family to air its response to the story carried under the headline “Judge Cuts $66,000 from Sir William’s outstanding loans”, which gave considerable coverage to one-sided comments by Anthony Myers, a litigant against my father’s estate (Business Section, Tuesday, January 18, 2022).

Flat on our face over good service

There is a science for providing service unfortunately we talk a lot about being ‘Better and Better’ but we fall flat on our face many times when suggesting you are offering the general public a reasonable level of service.

Parks authority audit

Do two wrongs ever make a right - Public Parks Authority contracts comments of FNM Leader.

Leave the schools shuttered

The Prime Minister is a man after my own heart. In the midst of the ongoing pandemic he is focus and relentless on getting the nation into a recovery mode. The economy is showing vital signs of improvement and more and more Bahamians are going back to work and/starting new businesses. Churches; restaurants and other social venues are gradually reopening. There are some who are calling for the reopening of schools, especially within the public sector.

The new Singapore?

There is an article in the business section reference turning The Bahamas into the equivalent of Singapore.

PM to party in Dubai

The pandemic is not over. Currently, the Omicron wave is in magnitude nearly our second worst wave of pandemic. More than 120 people are in hospital. Some are fighting for their lives.

Send in the clowns...

As a follow-up to the Christmas Carnival caper we now have the Dubai Debacle. The back-to-back mini-disasters by the PLP government are very revealing. We have a seemingly giddy, frivolous, non-serious prime minister who seems to like showmanship and hanging out with celebrities instead of substance.

Lead by example on masks

So many Ministers - MPs - spouses of Ministers - Beauty Queens - MPs getting married all should be fined for every breach of the still in existence protocol and requirement of wearing a mask.

Open schools

The mission statement of The Ministry of Education & Technical & Vocational Training, Bahamas is “To provide ALL persons in the Bahamas an opportunity to receive a quality education in an interdependent changing world.” I cannot think of a more true example than the world we live in today.

Around town

Sort of around town... the big McDonald protest at their Oakes Field branch seems to be all over as the line up of cars to their drive through lane certainly confirmed that.

Police are human

I am honored that you have given me this opportunity to say thank you to the Commissioner and the officers of the Royal Bahamas Police Force for all that they do.

Cannabis addiction

Contrary to popular belief, people can become addicted to Cannabis, just like any other drug. Continued, frequent and heavy Cannabis use can cause serious physical dependency and addiction. Logically we can see the government’s two-faced approach to the issue of addiction, health and safety in Canada.

Republic move

In response to the letter “Bahamas Republic” praising Barbados for becoming a republic I would say that it was done in the most undemocratic manner. PM Mia Mottley rushed through the process with indecent haste. There was no proper discussion and no referendum took place to determine whether the people wanted her republic. Leading citizens spoke out against a republic, including the world famous cricketer Sir Garry Sobers.

Bahamas Bowl

How many years have we sponsored as a “big Tourism event” the Bahamas Bowl… well like all previous years very, very few spectators and fortunately the TV producers avoided further embarrassment by showing the bleachers, but on one or two videos you got the confirmation as like the previous years… no one attended.

Stupid are we!

I see that the politics of remote learning is not keeping pace with the reality of it all. Indeed, virtual learning is a new cultural pill that many Bahamian parents will have to swallow, and adjust to eventually.

Don’t trust the hype

Certain business celebrities if they need a description, love the use of extreme superlatives to describe something they are just getting into, or even at concept stage, a thought, but it is already a world beater, will shoot the Bahamas ahead of the world, and, of course, it is already internationally famous hardly conceived.

A waste of time

Surely after four administrations spending millions on community clean-ups, someone would understand this is a useless exercise as the community messes up right after the last truck and tractor leave the area.

Sir Sidney a hero of The Bahamas

Sir Sidney Poitier was a Bahamas National Treasure and priceless Jewel to the world, which shared his God-gifted talent of acting with the world on the world stage on television and in movies.

Bahamas Republic

The reason why the UK keeps its antiquated colonial institutions relevant is by the awarding of various gongs - OBE, MBE and, of course, the top gong a knighthood.

Make the next act the best

HAVING celebrated a bountiful 2019 with unprecedented record-breaking tourist arrivals. We reaped the benefit of its harvest for the first two months of 2020.

Tackling rape in The Bahamas

A woman while walking to the bus stop was kidnapped and rape by an unknown assailant, a woman was raped in her home by an intruder, these are just a few of the recent reported rape cases in this country. Back in 2020, “reports of sexual offences increased by 34% with 213 cases, compared to 159 in 2019.

Majority Rule Day

Amid the surging COVID-19 numbers on New Providence, The Bahamas is gearing up to commemorate Majority Rule Day on January 10.