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COVID entry rules hitting bookings for The Bahamas

As the owner of travel agencies in northern New Jersey for many years we were always successful in sending clients to The Bahamas.

Settling judgments should be a priority

The new Attorney General Ryan Pinder came out guns blazing according to an Eyewitness News post online on November 1, 2021 with headline Unbudgeted and Unfunded: AG says judgments against government ‘have to be paid’.

50 percent of Bahamians are not fully vaccinated

I was disappointed to hear Minister of Health Dr Michael Darville say in his last press conference before the holidays that nearly 50 percent of Bahamians were fully vaccinated.

Are we all the same?

I knew a gentleman many years ago who spoke volumes to me as a young man, some the truth and a lot of bravado also. I was apprenticing for a machinist and he was one of my foremen. Paul was from Italy, and had worked for my dad’s firm for over twenty years. His conversations were like a Margaret Atwood novel, long, precise and often long winded, until finally a bead of truth appeared that was relevant to you the reader.

Michael Pintard displays hypocrisy

Michael Pintard, the comedian-turned-leader of the FNM, in my opinion displayed hypocrisy in his comments in The Nassau Guardian on Tuesday, January 4, 2022.

Let new FNM leader unify the party

I must commend our Leader, the Hon. Michael Pintard for setting the record straight in Tuesday’s Tribune, 4th of January.

A double whammy of COVID challenges in the new year

As the year comes to an end, governments worldwide brace themselves to face the latest COVID-19 variant. Omicron.

Bucket list for 2022

2021 is gone and will not be missed too much by most Bahamians.

There is a bright light within us

What makes humanity so special? Yes, special. We are agents of destruction and creation too. We look at our universe often in a survivalist manner, applying the rules of Darwinism to much that we do.

Are political parties ‘not for profit entities’?

Yes, carnival.....accepted the “tradition” party in-office has a business arrangement with the Carnival Company, but does the political party have a Business Licence? Has it a VAT Tin number?

Anglicans should not canonise Bishop Tutu

South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu died on Boxing Day in Cape Town at the ripe age of 90. The recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984, Tutu, along with Nelson Mandela and FW de Klerk, was instrumental in dismantling the Apartheid system implemented by the White South African National Party, after its ascent to high office in 1948.

Dilemma of reopening the schools

As the proud parent of a University of The Bahamas student, like other parents; students and teachers we are all anxious that in-person tuition become the norm again in the shortest time possible. Many students, unfortunately, do not have access to electricity or computers. This greatly curtails their ability to be taught online. There is little doubt that this will negatively impact their grade averages and results of examinations if and when they are held.

How to get infected in 3, 2, 1...

When you flaunt basic disciplines and protocols of COVID what do you expect.....infection.

Minnis no longer the scapegoat

The December 2019 SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in Wuhan, China has exacted an immense social, physical, economic, psychological and political toll on Bahamians.

Time to act on bail and guns

One wonders how many more high-profile murders it will take before Bahamian politicians wake up, stop wringing their hands and start wielding the power that is in them to fix the immediate problem.

Desmond Mpilo Tutu

In Fire Forged and Purified [Desmond Mpilo Tutu, October 7, 1931 to December 26, 2021]

Govt acted lawfully on Carnival

I thank you for the opportunity to respond to a letter that appeared in the editorial sections of the print media on the 21st and 22nd of December 2021 under the pen of SLB and the title “Incompetence and lack of transparency over carnival”.

Zimbabwe fears

It's extremely disheartening to keep on witnessing negative sentiments and lack of concerns by the Zimbabwean government about citizens who are continuously leaving Zimbabwe in search of better economic conditions in other foreign countries, particularly South Africa.

Unity benefits the Caribbean

A Commonwealth is a nation, state and or other political unit, founded on law and united by compactor tacit agreement by the people for the common good.

Making hard decisions with compassion

This past week the Hon Philip 'Brave' Davis, QC, MP, our beloved, for now at least, had to make the tough decision to say no to the hosting of Carnival this year. The rationale which I fully agree with was that there were too many risks of the event being a possible super spreader of the deadly COVID. Health and medical personnel had also warned about such possibilities. Educators were also concerned that with the proposed reopening of class rooms in January that children and young adults ran yet more risks of infecting other students or becoming infected themselves.

New Day or same as usual?

Did the Carnival issue cause the New Day to become "same as usual"? Carnival arrives…set up on Clifford Park.

Go tell it on the mountain

In my late teen age years I discovered the literary works of the late James Baldwin, a prolific African American writer and novelist. He wrote many books that became best sellers. One of his classics was: “Go tell it on the Mountain”. It described the path to emancipation by many black Americans back in the day. What he described therein was/is akin to conditions obtaining in The Bahamas today.

Fight for our country

Many persons know me as a youth advocate through my work as national director of the Governor General’s Youth Award. Post retirement, I have also come to identify as an environmentalist.

The problems facing Freeport

International Bazaar – Freeport – aren't two unions on the property?

Incompetence and lack of transparency over carnival

There are still so many questions on the Christmas Carnival mess the government is refusing to answer. After he read a statement on the Carnival, Press Secretary Clint Watson refused to answer questions. This is not the kind of transparency and accountability the PLP promised.