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Why can't people obey the rules on social distancing?

As a permanent resident ln the Bahamas I am reluctant to express my views, but suffice it to say I am so disappointed and frustrated with the country’s, and in particular the Government’s, reaction to the COVID 19 situation that I am compelled to put pen to paper.

A fantastic statue

The Bahamas was discovered by Christopher Columbus. In 1492 Columbus sailed the Ocean blue, they had three ships: the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria.

Don't believe airline's tears

Recently we have had a river of tears cried over Bahamasair by everyone from the Minister of Tourism, the Chairman and the CEO of Bahamasair and most recently the auditors, PricewaterhouseCoopers.

We need the imagination to run our country ourselves

I had an interesting chat with a lady several days ago. Her name was Andros and she belonged to the Bahamas family.

Sands' delay

I write in connection with your Editorial of the 12th June in which you question the delay in former minister of health, Dr Duane Sands speaking out about his concerns over the government’s handling of the list of missing persons following Hurricane Dorian.

Lessons of COVID-19

With the many negatives that covid-19 has and continues to leave in its wake, it is imperative for countries such as The Bahamas to derive as many positives from this period as possible.

A museum is now the right place for Columbus statue

It is no coincidence that the debate surrounding the statue of Christopher Columbus has resurfaced in recent weeks.

EDITORIAL: Leave no island behind

WHEN Iram Lewis spoke in Parliament during his Budget contribution, his words would have been reassuring.

People seem to kill at the drop of a hat

The good old fashioned system of values which my late father (Reverend Dr. Ortland H. Bodie Sr.) and my late beloved mother (Annie Hepburn Deveaux) instilled in me and my siblings growing up back in the day has stood the test of time. Those values included a love and respect for The Lord Jesus Christ; taking responsibility for one’s behaviour and choices; self reliance; hard work; thrift and honesty.

Looks like Columbus has overstayed his tourist visa

The latest in a long line of protests for equality in the United States has pricked the consciences of some here who are again questioning the symbols of veneration that dot our landscape.

Explorer’s landmark must stay

Nothing is black and white; there are always areas of grey. Columbus’ statue is no exception.

In defence of the statue of Columbus

I have never read so much rubbish out of the mouth of a clergyman as I read in Thursday’s Tribune giving reasons why Christopher Columbus’ statue should be removed from in front of Government House.

Like it or not, Columbus belongs to us

“Dad changed the world!” shouted a happy, innocent 6-year-old child as she rode on her uncle’s back while he plowed through crowds of demonstrators, shouting her father’s name in protest to his death at the hands of the Houston police.

Many great memories of Edna Lowe

The passing of Edna Lenora Lowe (according to Death Notice published May 21, 2020) at age 94 years marks the end of an era in the history of the Registrar General’s Department, where she was the last survivor of what was referred to in the old days as “the Lily White Registry”.

About time we put some money into new homes

The so-called question of affordable housing has eluded successive national government since the days when the Rt. Hon. Hubert Alexander Ingraham served as Minister of Housing under the Pindling administration. He was charged with the development of several new lower income housing subdivisions. Successive governments all tried their level best to bring affordable housing to as many qualified Bahamians as possible.

Not if, but when we devalue

The question was is the Bahamas Treasury broke?

Let's not risk another surge

In The Bahamas, and around the world, there are people that are acting as if the COVID-19 virus has gone away.

We must work with the workers

Without worker participation, creating a “Plan for Re-entry into the Tourism Market” is wrong.

Patrick was a man of enormous wisdom and knowledge

As I knew Patrick Bethel, here is my salute to an incomparable national hero.

Let's keep it quiet

I’m looking forward to going to the beach, but I am NOT looking forward to ear splitting “music” when the Montagu Park and Club Waterloo reopen.

One chance to create a new vision

The global economy is on lockdown and the predictions are staggering. And, there is one regional economy where the long-term realities of the coronavirus are already clear: The Caribbean.

That was a Budget? Not in my book

The National Budget presented in the House of Assembly on Wednesday, 27th instant, by the Minister of Finance, was nothing short of a document that is not worthy of being referred to as a Budget.

Lulled into a false sense of security

The news that the Bahamas Petroleum Company has not paid its licensing bills for an undisclosed number of years did not come as a shock. It is exactly what I expected from them. What did surprise me was that the government accepted a mere $900,000 to cancel the bill, which was surely in the millions of dollars. And what was really astonishing is that BPC admitted that it used money from Bahamian investors to pay it!

Lighthouse project will be good for everyone

Today, it is me asking you for your support, tomorrow it might be you asking me for my support. Bahamians do a great job at supporting each other. We must stand with each other.

Or, in other words

In the words of Robbie Burns. “The best laid plans of mice and men gang aft a-gley”