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First, we should address our flaws

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but building the new.”- Socrates.

We must ensure we take care of the public good

According to The Tribune of May 19, 2020, a group calling itself the Organisation for Responsible Government (ORG) apparently sees it as quite responsible that a country that runs itself on revenues representing a mere 18 percent of Gross Domestic Product (among the lowest on the planet) and that derives the bulk (more than 70 percent) of these revenues from taxes that disproportionately impact the poor while exempting wealthier residents from worldwide norms of taxation on income, capital gains and property, should respond to the resulting fiscal imbalance by further downsizing the public sector.

Minnis & Co are just playing follow the leader

The question which is baffling every Bahamian and resident in our wonderful nation is: ‘What is next?’ Obviously, no one in his/her right mind has a clue as to the thinking process of the Prime Minister much less that of the individual cabinet ministers and parliamentarians. The coronavirus has decimated the economy and the societal and mental dislocation caused by the effects of the same will wreak even more misery and pain on the average Bahamian.

Coronavirus has taught us some vital lessons in finance

Businesses are closing, jobs are disappearing, and the global economy is shrinking. The coronavirus has had a negative effect on so many lives and so many wallets. Many of us have questions we need answered:

We owe Dr Sands a huge debt of thanks

Regardless of the COVID-19 related quagmire that led to his resignation, the former Minister of Health Dr. Duane Sands deserves our appreciation for his historic, frank and passionate plea to make the nation’s wellness a serious and singularly important goal.

Yes, we have been sold down the river

The late E. Dawson Roberts would frequently quote the unattributed maxim that “Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Freedom”.

Standing in the bread line

A few months ago, while appearing live, large and in charge at a political event at the Edmund Moxey Park off Blue Hill Road, the PM announced that “the campaign” was on. I am certain that he, not being a known prophet, had absolutely no idea how correct he would have been. Had he known better he would have talked about other issues and matters of concern. Indeed it has often been said: “Be careful what you ask or wish for”.

My memory of Michael will never fade

On Friday, April 24, The Tribune reported that paperboy Michael died after a car accident. According to the newspaper article, Michael was going to the Guardian to get papers. As he was walking he had a seizure. A car ended up rolling over him. He was hospitalised for one month before he died.

The last thing we need right now is austerity

Government should be wary of the voices out there that are using the Covid-19 pandemic to promote their own agendas by advocating fiscal austerity as a response to the crisis.

Webshops economic vampires

As is commonly known, the public health crisis brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in most of our economy being shut down.

Power out at BPL

It is amazing that on Saturday past and just yesterday (Tuesday, 12th instant) there were island-wide power outages for hours on end without a coherent explanation from Bahamas Power & Light.

Dispelling a few myths

If I may give an address to the graduating students of 2020.

Look at internet control

For those of us who watch TV on WIFI, that familiar circling on screen as the image and sound lags behind due to inadequate bandwidth, it’s enough to drive you crazy. Of course as the peak use hours surge and retreat, you know that a few more users have connected to the network.

It's never too late to do the right thing, Dr Minnis

While listening to the Prime Minister’s address, I was very pleased to hear from his own lips that the web shops are NOT able to restart business under the curbside pickup or home delivery rules, although I’m sure they’ll leave no stone unturned searching for other ways around this edict.

In politics, we are mere actors on the stage

It is ironic that on today’s date, a Sunday and Mother’s Day coupled with the third year of the FNM in power, the sky is overcast and it looks like a shower will fall down later. We all know that when it rains the crabs start to walk. The masses of the Bahamian people have woken up from what turned out to be a long and unexpected nightmare.

End of Sands no bad thing

A sure sign that it’s time for a Prime Minister to shuffle his cabinet is when individual ministers delude themselves into believing that they have a lock on a particular ministry.

Sad to see numbers shops reopening

I was very disappointed with the Prime Minister‘s decision to reopen the numbers web shops.

Should Dr Sands have got the job in the first place?

Dr Duane Sands (FNM-Elizabeth) has been obliged to pick up his marbles and to demit office as Minister of Health. Years ago, I held a brief for him and a few other then candidates.

Set a plan in motion

The time is upon us to rise up from this state of paralysis caused by the Covid 19 pandemic and set a plan of action in motion to restore the health of the economy of our glorious Bahamas. Here are some ideas the government should consider:

Saddened to see Dr Sands resign

Kindly allow me space in your valuable paper to express my opinion on learning about the resignation of Dr Duane Sands, the Honourable Minister of Health.

We shouldn't allow long line fishing

Why are we discussing long line fishing in 2020?

Banks shouldn't impose such onerus rules

As we enter the second month of curfew and lockdown due to COVID-19, I am led to put pen to paper once again to highlight the banking institutions in this country that continue to hold us, their customers, hostage by imposing onerous rules, fees and processes that discourage and frustrate us, private and corporate customers alike, as opposed to making ‘the ease of doing business’ a reality!

We must find ways for people to get water during curfew

The Tribune of April, 28 2020 carried a story under the headline, “Man Fined $500 for Helping Out His Great Grandfather”.

Can Bahamians drink and behave responsibly?

Your editorial yesterday April 29 was interesting beyond Minister Dames’ lack of transparency.

Let your light shine

COVID-19 is a new coronavirus that has spawned a global health crisis and economic collapse. In order to survive, move forward and thrive we must unleash the creativity and resilience of the Bahamian people. Let us work together to stop the virus and rebuild The Bahamas.