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Extra bandwith

One hears of private sector companies in the USA and UK making ventilators . . .

So important to teach tech

Bahamians, we are living in unprecedented times.

US was the worst prepared for virus

Viruses are older than human existence. In 1918 we had the Spanish flu which infected 500 million and killed 20 million to 50 million people. We had the SARS outbreak of 2002 to 2004. It infected 8098 and killed 774 people from China, other Asian countries, the UK (4) and Toronto, Canada. In 2014 the Ebola outbreak killed 11,315 in 5 African countries and the US. So why wasn’t the world prepared? Maybe because it was not profitable because they occur over a decade apart, but that can change.

Acting responsibly

Re: Strike ‘happy medium’ over virus lockdown. – The Tribune, Business, 26 March, 2020.

Pensive about the global order

As the world is gripped by by Covid-19 pandemic, I find myself pensive about the global political, economic and social order.

Too long to open a bank account

Malcolm Strachan wrote a very good article in The Tribune the other day, and his advice to the public and admonishment to those not following the new rules about social distancing and behaving in a responsible manner should be read and understood by everyone.

All hands on deck for this

The idea of the West End Clinic being used as a quarantine facility for COVID-19 patients has been rejected outright by some West End residents.

All in this together

Stephen Hawking, the late 74-year-old Cambridge professor, said: “The world is facing huge environmental and technological challenges and needs to unite and work together to protect the humanity. We face awesome environmental challenges:

This is a time to try men's souls

The advent of the deadly and highly contagious Corona Virus a/k/a ‘COVID-19’ has upended everything and everyone’s plans for the present and for the future worldwide. Here at home we are between a rock and a very hard place. This is the so-called flu season and when compounded with the known symptoms of COVID-19 the average Bahamian may well be confused and perplexed beyond measure.

We need a multi-step approach

In order to stop the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19), a multi-step plan should be enacted.

More meat needed on the bone

I am aware that the mainstream media is biased towards what it hoped would be the successful navigation of the Corona Virus syndrome by the Minnis regime. It is now known that the official Opposition is lockstep with the PM and his allies in the imposition of draconian emergency powers which might abrogate the Bahamas Independence Order, 1973.

Fallout from this pandemic will test us like never before

Thank you Dr. Minnis, Dr. Sands and the medical team for leading the charge in the war against COVID-19.

Davis got it wrong on curfew

Conventional wisdom dictates that in times of health pandemics we should ignore the posturing of politicians and instead lean on the advice of medical professionals.

What are we? Chopped liver?

ONE hears of private sector companies in the USA and UK making ventilators instead of vacuum cleaners...

LETTERS: See the danger and put the coffin on hold

BAHAMIANS are complaining about government’s restrictions on their activities, while America’s president is fighting to lift the severe business restrictions in the US to preserve the strength of the almighty dollar — obviously to secure his own re-election!

LETTERS: Crisis must not spark a 'fire sale'

The tragic danger of current events for The Bahamas is that our government will treat the impending crisis in the world economy as an opportunity to double down on the fire sale approach they have taken toward foreign investment projects, rather than reflecting on how badly recent governments have squandered this country’s abundant opportunities for sustainable and equitable growth.

How my friend helped fulfill a dream for these islands

It is most difficult for me to accept that Sol Kerzner has died at the age of 84. I had the very good fortune of working with Sol from the day he assumed control and management.

Why we must listen to our Birth Mother

On this first day of Spring, I should like to share these words in your publication as we face this present day crisis together in the Commonwealth of The Bahamas and all around the world.

Whose rights are more important?

I have been closely monitoring the standoff between a local Bahamian entrepreneur and the Free National Movement (FNM) government concerning the leasing of Crown Land on Colonial Beach, Paradise Island.

Challenges for poor women

As we celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women in general, it is also important to accelerate women’s equality particularly in developing countries.

Dionisio has winning way

I make no secret of the fact that my favourite cabinet minister within the Minnis regime is the Hon Dionisio D’Aguilar (FNM-Free Town) our erstwhile Minister of Tourism & Aviation.

Grand Bahamians have good reason to be excited

Bahamians who are harbouring pessimism about Royal Caribbean’s and the ITM Group’s impressive plans for the Grand Lucayan and Freeport Harbour should visit Royal Caribbean blog site in order to read an article by one Matt Hochberg concerning the planned $300 million investment.

We must worry about the poor

The Federal Reserve took its rate to zero and additional $700 billion in stimulus on March 15, 2020. The Federal Reserve balance sheet will be at its peak of $4.5 trillion. This will be done by purchasing assets – in this case, $500 billion in Treasury securities and $200 billion in mortgage-backed securities. The purchases will begin right away, with $40 billion in purchases set to take place on Monday, March 16, 2020.

No place for party politics

IF one were to peruse the annals of modern Bahamian history, dating back to the era of the United Bahamian Party, when the Bahamian Colony first achieved internal self government from England in 1964, one would be hard pressed to name one other PM who has had the kind of challenges Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis is currently faced with.

Leave this crisis to the experts

We have listened to and read so much about Covid-19 that the brain is totally confused about the whole affair. We have experts and experts, Government officials, health officials all adding their two cents to the issue how to wash you hands, how to sneeze, what to sing while washing your hands and how not to hoard loo rolls and other necessary products and so on.