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LPIA arrivals

This is a letter to the Minister of Tourism about arriving passengers going through immigration at the airport. Arriving off British Airways on Friday afternoon my wife and I were met in the pre-immigration area by a vast crowd waiting to go through immigration which filled the whole area to overflowing. There was hardly enough room to stand.

Let me get this right

A Bahamian investor receives a lease agreement from government for Crown land on Paradise Island.

Political pandering

Campaigning for the next scheduled general elections has started in earnest by the major political parties. The DNA seems to have fallen off the proverbial map. So sad but a reality. The FNM and the PLP both have a lot of baggage and must do a lot more to convince voters that either of them has the people’s interests at heart.

Tough love – is it really love?

Last night in a social setting a video was shown about one of our athletes who has been experiencing the most challenging time one can imagine. While the video was heartbreaking what was most disturbing were the negative comments coming from some of the people in the group. It makes one wonder what happened to us as a people. When did we become so cold and uncaring?

Bahamian work ethic

While it could be argued that Bahamians, on average, are not into certain type works, such as gardening and housekeeping, that aversion should not be used as the standard to judge the Bahamian work ethic.

Lack of property payment

Property owners of land acquired by the Government of the Bahamas over ten years ago are still awaiting payment.

Offer hope, not blame

When a government finds that it does not have the answers to the myriad problems facing a society it is not unusual for it to engage in lashing out at the most vulnerable.

Corporal discipline in schools

At present The Bahamas is not prepared to ban corporal punishment in schools even though many of the developed countries of the world have outlawed physical discipline in private and public schools. This builds a compelling case for all jurisdictions to abolish corporal punishment.

This airport is just a bad joke

As legendary tennis star John McEnroe said more than once to an umpire “you cannot be serious”.

Stop the cruise ships coming

Perhaps with the very real threat of the corona virus spreading we should start now cutting back on the cruise ships entering the Bahamas.

Don't lose another generation

I wrote concerning the Marijuana Committee and mentioned in my letter which you published that recent surveys, for or against legalising indicated 70% seventy were against legalising.

We need a commission into alleged corruption

I would fully support a Commission of Inquiry into the allegations of political corruption against Peter Nygard in The Bahamas. In the past, commissions were launched in response to negative international publicity and allegations that ran the risk of affecting the reputation of The Bahamas, and the same thing is happening again now.

Cartwright the one bright spot for FNM

Over the last few years, Bahamians have been watching the steady decline, and I daresay implosion of the FNM. The movers and shakers of the party are already scrambling for an immediate successor but the party is short on talent save for a few.

Unwanted invasion

Re: Observation of illegal immigrants agitating for Ownership/Bahamian people’s Crown land.

Much cheaper options

As someone with an electrical engineering background, I found the description of the problems and goings on with the new power generators unbelievable and almost risible if not for all the money being wasted.

Time to end licence chaos

Having just licensed three vehicles this week, I suddenly realized why there has been such an outcry about people driving uninsured vehicles.

Scratching back time

Fake News Network (FNN) political operatives in this country lie more than fish drink water.

Achieving social justice

We cannot effectively commemorate World Social Justice Day – which was held on February 20 – without reflecting thoughtfully about setbacks and progresses made by poor countries in tackling social injustices.

Allow us to pay in cash

Please permit me to comment on the disclosure by the Minister of Transport & Local Government during his mid-year budget contribution on the initiative by the Road Traffic Department to move to a cashless operation.

The dangers of supressing news

In the 1970s and 1980s I watched our Bahamas change. Drugs came here in large amounts. Young men were dealing it and making plenty, plenty money. Young men just barely out of their teenage years were driving luxury cars and living in mansions. The fast life came to The Bahamas.

Flood waters had nowhere to go

I hear the comment of Minister Lewis who we must not forget is a qualified architect, but in 245 years of the history of hurricanes hitting The Bahamas only one in seven years is there a hit…35 in 245 years!

A Christian education

While technological innovation has its place in the overall transformation, growth and development of education in The Bahamas, the teaching of Christian values in our schools ought to continue to play a pivotal role in nation building. If we want productive, responsible and spiritual citizens, then spiritual values taught from a Christian perspective is crucial.

Reservists like my father deserve better treatment

My father is a Reservist with many years of service. He had performed duties in the Royal Bahamas Police Reserve, he is one of those officers that can be called upon at any time. Without hesitating or complaining and stop whatever it is he is doing to go to that appointed station or function.

A history of corruption

Let’s look back to the earliest times of when The Bahamas was discovered by Columbus…on behalf of the Spanish many of the original tribes of the Bahamas were taken as slaves to Mexico and other parts.

This silence is deafening

Years have passed since the late Dr. B. J. Nottage, former Minister of National Security, committed himself to legislation his government would introduce, that he called “Marco’s Law”.