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Police need our support

Can you imagine going to work each day and not being sure you’ll survive your shift and see your family again?

A love for light skin

Last week, during the PLP’s rally, Patricia Deveaux introduced Senator the Hon Dr Michael Darville with specific language.

It's good to see a paper that is standing up for the underdog

THE Tribune is The Bahamas’ most courageous newspaper.

Follow the British example

House of Assembly – just how open to speech is the House when an opposing side MP can interrupt constantly through a presentation? Compare that to the mother of parliaments, this never occurs.

Don't just blame Mrs Deveaux for having her views

PLP National vice-chairman Patricia Deveaux’s racist remarks — for which she later had to apologise — brought back many childhood memories.

The real war on crime

I thank the Lord Jesus Christ that He, obviously, protected Sir Arthur Foulkes, our beloved senior statesman and former Governor General, and his wife, Lady Joan, from bodily harm or worse during a recent invasion at their home. One shudders at the very thought of what could have happened to them both.

All quiet on Oban

Have you noticed the OPM-FNM is not talking about that OBAN deal whilst Freeport is so desperately looking for employment and investment? Strange I hope not as the AG should be looking at prosecutions and Ministerial resignations but you know how we go.

No shame in being a 'darkie'

After reflecting on the racist gaffe committed by a Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) official at a recent rally at Columbus Primary School, I began to reflect on the PLP’s history on race relations.

Where's the emergency?

When may a Police or Fire truck or Ambulance use a siren? I ask because over the past months there has been a serious misuse I suggest of that blaring noisy siren without any emergency whatsoever – Why?

Still struggling for a fair society

The spinning sound we heard this week was not a carnival ride, rather, the late patriot and statesman Sir Milo Boughton Butler turning in his grave.

Unselfish volunteers

Five dreary months have passed since Hurricane Dorian lay waste Abaco and Grand Bahama, and daily in the local press we hear and read of persons being dissatisfied with the pace of hurricane reconstruction.

Fred Smith was off the mark with Carnival

Mr Smith, I am with you on many issues. However, your Carnival defence piece was off the mark.

PLP out to win over media

I recently saw a collage of Facebook photos of high ranking Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) officials and prominent media personalities frolicking comfortably at what looked like a lavish social event at a high-end residence.

It's a question of security

Security for present and past Governor Generals - Prime Ministers - Judges - Magistrates, etc…can the Minister confirm or deny that none of the above has 24/7 security?

Keep up the quarantine

We certainly hope there is no weakening on the part of Dr Sands to lessen the quarantine measures for the Bahamas to prevent the dreaded coronavirus being introduced here just because the Chinese Ambassador to the Bahamas thinks his quarantine measures for the Bahamas are too severe.

Driving so dangerous

The driving in Nassau has become nothing short of frightening. I have noticed three trends, all occurring at traffic intersections and all of which have become the norm.

Marijuana madness

DEAR Honourable Brother Marvin H Dames, the Most Honourable Hubert A Minnis, the Honourable Carl W Bethel, QC, et al:

A Pointe to prove

Re: Bay Street ‘Facing The Wrong Way’. The Tribune, February 7, 2020.

Missing the Haitians

This is no time to be critical, or even sarcastic, but I can’t help but comment on an observation made recently by a friend of mine about how much cleaning up of debris that still had to be done in Abaco after Hurricane Dorian. His aside was that the people seemed to be waiting to see who was going to arrive to do the heavy lifting.

It's easy to confuse tactics and strategy

Leader of the opposition is never an easy job.

Bloated health insurance

Re: All Homes Must Have Insurance’: Leading Insurer Warns Mandatory Cover Has To Be On Agenda After Dorian. – Tribune, Wednesday, Feb 5th.

The saga of marijuana

The Bahamas marijuana commission deliberated for more than a year to determine the way forward on marijuana only to present the Prime Minister with an incomplete report.

The high cost of Bahamas life

An international report places The Bahamas as Number six as the most expensive places to live. Is it equitable - fair?

Dysfunctional relationships

Truth be told the vast majority of Bahamian relationships are dysfunctional.

Ministerial travel

Ministerial travel…not a problem with increase except the $650.00 a head for American Eagle Club which could cause a $40,000.00 pa cost…except PM - DPM.