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The politics of pandering

Very conscious that the FNM are gearing up for an election? FNM are finally going to hold their long overdue Convention we have to look and understand why Minnis is pushing certain issues.

Wrong to say rape is impossible in marriage

House Speaker Halson Moultrie stirred up a hornet’s nest while commenting on a report titled: “The Criminalisation of Marital Rape and Intimate Partner Sexual Violence Across the Commonwealth”.

Pelosi a hypocrite

Since Donald Trump became President he has not received a lot of benefits from the Liberal Media. It has been a constant barrage of negatives comments by almost every TV News Anchor from Norah O’ Donnell, Lester Holt and even people like F Chuck Todd and even George Stephanopoulos.

Poems which sum up my life on this lovely island

Please a little space in your paper to allow me to commend the people of your little nation of nations via your newspaper regarding my experience in The Bahamas.

Don't hide the crime

The policy of the Minnis government to expunge criminal records for what could be described as ‘minor – not serious crimes’ – raises a serious issue of rights of an Employer and right of foreign governments to know if that person applying for employment or a VISA or Residence has been sentenced by a Court of the Bahamas?

Too quick to get rid of Shenique

The abrupt termination of veteran journalist and host of The Conversation at ZNS, Shenique Miller, is being labelled political victimisation by Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) supporters.

Watch for fake news

The Bahamas’ very own Muhammadan apologist, The Graduate, has fallen into the same egregious error as former US President George W Bush, when he mischaracterised Islam, the second largest religion in the world, as a religion of peace.

Our PM has done nothing spectacular since the start

The Most Honourable Prime Minister has announced the launching of the FNM’s campaign for re-election.

Time to shuffle the FNM pack

If the FNM were a four-cylinder motor engine it would be firing on two cylinders and with fits and starts of misfiring at that. A major problem in our wonderful nation. as it relates to politics is that if one were to critique something that a party or its leader may do or say, others who should know better tend to accuse that detractor of being an enemy of the nation, God forbid, or the party itself.

Build for future

The threat that climate change poses is existential.

Another generation ruined

THE Marijuana Committee did not have to complete their report as it is or was obvious what was the intent of the Prime Minister a long time ago…decriminalise and further expunge any criminal record for the use of small amounts of marijuana. Ex Asst Commissioner McCartney and Bishop Emeritus Simeon Hall really wasted a lot of time and probably money and now imagine after the Report was presented to the PM the Committee is going to test the opinion of the people? Why didn’t you do that from the beginning? Surveys I have seen 70% are against this.

Hall playing interesting role yet again

Pastor Emeritus of New Covenant Baptist Church, Bishop Simeon Hall has played a massive role in two watershed events in recent Bahamian history.

Lloyd needs reality check

Education Minister Jeff Lloyd needs a serious reality check. His recent self-serving rant about why he sometimes needs his wife by his side when he undertakes official foreign travel came across as defending an entitlement.

Keep out of the pulpit

Take the Gazette announcement…Sunday, January 5th, 2020 Royal Bahamas Annual Church Service will be held at Holy Family Roman Catholic Church Robinson Road…thereafter came the Traffic arrangements.

Global growth too low

Since September 2019, the Federal Reserve has been buying 80% of US Treasury debt. The US is borrowing from itself – unprecedented. The attack on the Abqaiq oil facility in Saudi Arabia in September 2019 that affected global oil supplies significantly barely increased oil prices. The killing of the Iran general by the US on January 3, 2020 barely influenced oil prices. The markets are not being influenced by threat to Middle Eastern oil.

Doing something right

RE: A Servant Of The Nation Who deserves Respect. The Tribune, Editorial, January 24, 2020.

Ragged Island in desperate need of help

Please allow a little space in your paper for our letter expressing concerns we have for our beloved home of Ragged Island.

Brilliant passport service

If you feel the following message is worth sharing ...

Here's where money talks

Reference your editorial today 21st January 2020, “The Law Must Be Upheld. “ As they say in Internet Cryptography, FOTFL or Fell on the floor laughing.

Time to tell the public

The Chair of BP&L, Mr Moxey - his Minister when speaking about the all essential use of standby generators always speaks about their cost, but never speaks or confirms if BP&L makes a profit from their extensive use – why?

We deserve better service

Not long ago, we were reminded that the Bahamas is a difficult place to do business. We are stuck well over the 100th worst place to do business in the world. Successive governments have boasted that legislation planned or enacted would address this problem. So far there has been little movement.

Abaco's sorry trailer

The most recent back and forth about the unfortunate, insensitive and cold state that the people of Abaco find themselves, are through no fault of their own.

Winning Rasta vote

Expressing his support for the decriminalisation of marijuana, Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis may have endeared himself to the Rastafarian community, particularly Bobo Ashanti members of the late Prince Charles Emmanuel Edwards’ Ethiopian African Black International Congress (EABIC). To the Rastafari, marijuana is a sacrament.

It's our job to hold the police to account

The Commissioner of Police is complaining that this village is producing so many idiots that he is obliged to lower his recruitment standards.

Election will tell us

Seeing that, before their appointment, the closest most FNM cabinet ministers would have come to the first class world travel they are now enjoying would have been a weekend at Day’s Inn in Fort Lauderdale, there is perhaps some truth to the PM’s assertion that his government has “uplifted the poor’’.