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Who is Foulkes kidding?

I read with horror, the comments attributed to the Minister of Labour Dion Foulkes, in regards to the clear violation of The Pointe and their Heads of Agreement on the employees on that construction site.

Time to open your eyes

Is it just me or have others out there ever wondered about like how liberals, the world over, especially the demon craps, otherwise known as democrats, have this new condition called Trump Derangement Syndrome?

Majority Rule in The Bahamas

When Hitler came to power he used a secret weapon called Goebbels. Goebbels was Hitler’s Minister of Propaganda who believed that if a lie were repeated often enough people would start believing it. And it did wonders for him. He destroyed Germany and killed six-million Jews.

Montagu Ramp issues

Fishermen: Dredging is hurting our business. Tribune May 3rd, 2018.

Bite that tongue

IN political life many times a Minister has to bite his tongue rather than saying what he/she would really wish - the Minister Lloyd moment ‘I am happy to…’ was one of those and for him and his future political career it will haunt him.

Cutting out the corruption

The classic Hollywood movie “Casablanca” featured a police chief superintendent, Captain Louis Renault, who was cheeky, a liar, back-stabber and totally corrupt.

Nygard’s shame

USUALLY it’s pointless to drag up old stories of political chicanery and corruption. The issues have faded, and the evidence is muddy and ambiguous.

What’s in a name?

A name is a very serious thing!

Government facilitated moral decline

In a few days, barring divine intervention, the moral sensibilities of an overwhelming majority of Bahamians will be assaulted by the public nudity, brazen vulgarity, and unbridled debauchery of carnival.

Offshore finance demise

Recent events are somewhat discouraging which I can only conclude will bring about the termination of the Bahamas as an Offshore Financial Centre and place even more emphasis on Tourism as the main and only driver of the Bahamas Economy.

LNG and effect on climate change

I thought it was paramount policy of the FNM that they would safeguard the environment - our fishery resources and assist in the global project to curtail-control climate warming?

LNG is our best alternative

Once again the radical environmentalists are opposing the installation of an LPG terminal and power plant in Clifton Pier. Some 15 years ago they killed the first LPG proposal with entirely emotional and impractical opposition. I wrote a letter at the time. Nothing has changed since then, other than the fact that we have suffered another 15 years of pollution to deal with at Clifton Pier, and, moreover using diesel instead of LPG in places like Wilson City in Abaco.

. . . but will it be enough?

THE announcement of the success by Shell to provide LNG to BP&L and reduced KW rates is certainly good news but…

Chief justice appointment

Although I am disappointed in the Prime Minister’s cavalier attitude to the appointment of a substantive Chief Justice, I have always been more concerned that the method of the appointment of a Chief Justice and the fact that this head of the Judiciary does not control the Budget for this important arm of government, is more of a threat to the independence of the Judiciary.

More LNG information needed

THE public needs a lot more information about the proposed Liquefied Natural Gas facility at Clifton Pier before we can feel comfortable that it will be in our best interests.

Where are the activists?

MUST congratulate the letter writer Abraham Moss on his criticism of the Government on LNG.

Facts behind the $200m

IS there any validity as to the accuracy that there is a factor of between $200-500m lost to corruption?

Stop Mashing Up Our Boats

When the late Timothy Gibson composed the national anthem, he wanted to capture the essence of this archipelago. He warned us to beware of the wide and treacherous shoal.

Police praise

The recent announcement that there has been a “downward trending” with murders, declining by 45%, is to be commended.

The maths of tourism

PM that GDP will grow by 2.5%…not because anything the FNM did actually because of what Baha Mar which they did not want to open — The Warwick Hotel and Courtyard.

Beneficial owner register

Re: Tribune Business 26 April 2018 - Beneficial Owner Register

Doubts remain over Oban

OBAN Heads of Agreement…Article:5.1 page: 8

LNG plans

LNG - am shocked that PM Minnis will endorse this fuel for BP&L without absolutely any investigation or studies but then today we expect ignorance as the mantra of this Government.

Tourism and the debate over education

REGARDLESS of any political differences which might exist between me and the FNM administration, there are two cabinet ministers whom I am constrained to congratulate on performing their portfolios well and beyond expectations.

Climate change

IS Prime Minister Minnis really serious about climate change and the environment?