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Not what the tourist brochures promised

I attempted to drop some Canadian friends off at the eastern access point to Cabbage Beach on the weekend.

Dare we hope for better?

Re: Friday 6 April 2018 Editorial page.

No Pointe labour ratio survey?

Did the director of the Department of Labour really admit a survey hasn’t been carried out on The Pointe’s Bahamian/Chinese labour ratio since pre-May 2017?

No longer an impartial observer

As a cultural commentator, playwright James Catalyn produced a summer madness series aptly named “Laughin’ at we sef”. This was the essence of satire and what tickled our funny bones the most were the parts of the narrative that were not fiction but were actually culled from the news headlines of the day.

Reece Chipman is a loose cannon

The FNM tried to erect a wall of protection around Reece Chipman, the MP for Centreville, but it is looking pointless because he is a loose cannon who keeps lobbing cheap shots across the Prime Minister’s bow.

Rumour of a vote of no confidence in PM

A short while ago it was said that I was starting and spreading rumours about Hubert Ingraham being a part of a coup to challenge Dr. Hubert Minnis for leadership.

Govt making wrong decision on Post Office

I’ve spoken with a lot of Bahamians concerning the Post Office move to Gladstone Road. They say it’s foolish, does not make sense and it’s the wrong decision the government is making.

Saving grace will be Baha Mar

Well we have some would say endured a week plus of House of Assembly pontificating but at least we did learn a little as to what the Minnis Government has been working on since May 2017.

Is a Clifton polluter involved in LNG bid?

About a year ago, BEC’s deputy general manager Shevonn Cambridge and safety and environment manager Bharti Jones were quoted in the press saying BEC is “not the sole contributor” to Clifton’s oil pollution problems. According to a Tribune Business story, they were referring to the presence of nearby facilities belonging to the three major oil operations – Rubis, Sol Bahamas (Esso), and FOCOL (Shell).

94 years of helping people

This letter is prompted by things that other people, mostly my wife, show me on Facebook.

PM must act quickly to revisit the Oban deal

It is incredulous that the Cabinet would sign on to a deal for the eye-popping sum of $5.5 billion (with a B) representing 50% of GDP, and then think that it was going to go down with a drum-roll and a ticker-tape parade. At first whiff, Oban doesn’t pass the smell test.

Government must say no to LNG at Clifton

I read this week that the government is considering plans to locate a Liquefied Natural Gas facility in New Providence to aid in power generation. This is a great idea. LNG is far safer, cleaner and less expensive than the outdated and wasteful system we have been using for generations.

Animal cruelty


Remembering Winnie Mandela

WINNIE MANDELA Statement by Shridath Ramphal

Could Reece Chipman be manoeuvring to be a PLP?

I read in the newspapers that Reece Chipman was fired by the Prime Minister. Dr Hubert Minnis did not say why he fired him. Mature leaders want young people to be able to move on from failure. Dr Minnis has made the right decision to let Mr. Chipman go unharmed.

The web shops and the “Absence of Data”

“OUR lives begin to end the day we remain silent on things that matter.” Martin Luther King Jr.

DNAs should join the PLP

AFTER two flops at back-to-back elections it is obvious the DNA is done. The party can’t win seats. It won’t ever form a government.

Gladstone Rd post office move

Boy now that has to be totally crazy.

Alternatives to Customs duty

IF Customs duty revenue goes, some ideas where we can make up.

Bridge striping

PARADISE Bridge the Sir Sidney Poitier side…stripping.

Student protest

AS a former student protester (ban the Bomb, anti -Apartheid, etc) I have always been disappointed that tertiary students in The Bahamas did not protest.

Glad that Laville has gone

PLEASE allow me a space in your paper to express myself on the dismissal of the General Manager of Water & Sewerage.

A fistful of dollars

Arriving at the Bridge Toll Booth yesterday, with only a $50.00 note and a debit card, I asked the attendant if I could pay the toll with the latter debit card. No sir, we only take cash the attendant said with a smile. So I thereupon tendered my $50.00 note and she painstakingly counted out 48 $1.00 notes. Picture above.

Too many murders

MINISTER of National Security says and is quite naturally proud that murders are down a whopping 47%. Let’s understand this.

Support for Adrian Gibson

Now, I read with interest on what is and has taken place at Water and Sewerage Corporation. An entity owned by the Bahamian taxpayers. Any government has a right to have an audit done, whether or not the Executives of that government-owned entity is appraised of it or not.