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Wayward donkey and busy roads

Culminating an almost year-long dialogue with my MP Brent Symonette, about the abuse of the Eastern Road, the chickens came home to roost on Friday last.

Christie the worst

WHEN I saw your headline - “Davis - Peter Turnquest is worst Finance Minister” it made my blood boil - the arrogance he accuses Turnquest of!

Stan gets his Sideburns trimmed

If you hurl a metaphorical rock into a room full of satirists it’s a safe bet the one that lampoons you in his cartoon the next morning is probably the one you hit.

Animal cruelty case

THE case of the man who was killing innocent dogs with his pit bull must be dealt with severely. We in The Bahamas want so badly to be taken seriously by first world countries but this will not happen if we continue to show that we do not care about the well being of living creatures. I read a letter to the editor in which the writer said we should “feel sorry” for the man who encouraged the dog’s death. I totally disagree.

Is this deal the best we can get?

I AM willing to take Michael Maura’s opinion on the BP&L announcement with Shell.

Poll brings bad news for FNM

PUBLIC Domain’s favour Poll of the current political favour has to have shocked Cabinet and the 35 FNM MPs as they all perceive they have been doing an incredible job. One Minister said phenomenon! Hey No!

By the rivers of Babylon

THE FNM administration is a work in progress. While in opposition, it promised too much, if that were possible, to the people of this wonderful nation. We are a strange breed of people. Unlike our counterparts in the wider Caribbean, we are politically passive in the extreme but once you’ve made a promise to us, we fully expect to see a concrete delivery and instantly. We are impatient and have very short attention span. It is what it is.

Police reserves

I HAVE been a member of the RBDF Reserves for the past thirty-eight years and am currently attached to the north eastern division. The reason as to why I am writing this letter is because, we the hard working Reserve Officers, have not yet received any stipend since January 2018, which would have been payment for the month of December 2017.

Union Boss Blows A Fuse

Sixty years ago, one of the coolest government jobs in town (literally) was at the ice house in Oakes Field, a stone’s throw from The Guardian’s media house.

BTC failure

I am perturbed, to say the least, by the service I have received today (4/16/2018) from BTC! I consider myself an exemplary customer as I do not complain and I give this service provider the benefit of the doubt! As a matter of fact, I had recently refused to give Aliv a chance but after today’s experience I am converted to Aliv.

Oft attire!

FIRSTLY, I’m not professing to be an authority on proper attire and when, but, my Hospitality training over the last 50 years still holds firm today, and having been told on many occasions with the numerous number of seminars, courses, I have attended throughout the United States, becoming a Certified Hospitality Trainer from the American Hotel Motel Association, I believe I’m qualified to speak on proper attire. etiquette, table manners, and proper grooming, and standards that never change!

Nurse shifts

Re: your article the patient must come first. In The Tribune, dated April 12, 2018.

Press secretary

OPM Press Secretary continues to amaze me that he makes statements which are challenged, I wish the journalists would challenge him, are inaccurate and shows that he has not read public documents such as the Heads of Agreement of OBAN Energies.

Lima gaffe

ON a recent trip to Lima Peru, the Prime Minister made comments in an international forum that both confused and astounded me.

Inhumanity to a woman

It has come to my attention that rumours have begun to spin the past few months regarding who will become the new Controller of Road Traffic.

Show us $200m corruption

SO how did or where did the $200m corruption come from?

FNM must turn the tide

IN a few short weeks the FNM administration, led by the Hon Prime Minister, Hubert A Minnis (FNM-Killarney), along with other Bahamians, will be celebrating one year since that party’s return to office. They have made a few missteps and the PM has demonstrated that he is incapable of coherently and decisively articulating and initiating public policy initiatives. It is to be remembered, however, that while he, the PM that is, is regarded as a good medical doctor, his leadership style leaves much, in my view, to be desired.

Post office move

IF it is the people’s time, the needs of the people should be considered by the FNM government. Everybody knows that it makes no sense to put the main post office on Gladstone Road. That location is too far and not convenient for Bahamians and tourists alike.

Thoughts on the new National Breadbasket

THE only constant thing in life is change, and the time for changes to our approach for improving our nation’s nutrition status is now!

Blunder after blunder by the FNM govt

POPULARITY of a sitting government has always to be crucial to their well being any politician disregarding a poll which concludes what the Domain Poll did has to be seriously conscious that the public perception - public gratification - public support has diminished appreciably actually to a level where if there was an election it would be hard for the sitting political party to win.

Laws on loud music

As a Bahamian I am writing to request that the laws pertaining to the playing of loud music be changed or enforced.

Concerns over Oban project

Please publish this open letter to the Rt. Hon. Prime Minister Hubert Minnis and copied to the Hon. Peter Turnquest, Finance Minister.

Will the Bahamas remain attractive to the investor?

WHEN a Businessman talks about he is not scared about income Tax or Corporate Taxes as sure as the sun rose in the east he knows he ain’t going to pay its as All taxes are passed onto the Consumer just like Vat was.

Why should politicians be invited to speak?

CHURCH of God Convention - appearance for Prime Minister in the pulpit - I have to ask as I have when Sir Lynden and certainly Perry Christie accepted the invite of this church to address their convention - why should politicians be invited to speak?

Forget the potential environmental issues with the Oban deal

The Bahamas National Trust has come out strongly against the Oban Energies deal the Government has signed citing potential environmental damage to the nearby National Parks.