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A DNA vote is a PLP vote

IT SHOULD be obvious to everyone by now that in this upcoming election, a vote for the Democratic National Alliance (DNA) or for an Independent candidate is essentially a vote for the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP).

The clue to governance

YOUR April 3rd edition had a headline on page five - “PM: Minnis has no clue about governance”.

Cut down on plastic bag usage

WHILE everyone is concerned with the political fervour now consuming our nation, I wish to change strides and mention something on the environmental front (although it does in some way connect to recent and past politics – vis a vis the New Providence “landfill” debacle).

Serve the people

IT IS very important that in this election on May 10, 2017, that the political parties present to the Bahamain people the best ideas, solutions and visions to address the problems facing The Bahamas.

Say it again

THANK YOU, THANK YOU! Wish there was a possibility of The Tribune running that same Editorial (April 6) up to the day of Election, or even separate flyers.

No need for outside observers

THE BAHAMAS has enjoyed Parliamentary system of government for over 200 years. The Bahamas has been an independent sovereign nation for over 43 years. During this period this country has enjoyed General Elections on a regular basis.

An open letter to the DNA

“Righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people”. Proverbs 14:34.

Swaying the voters? A ridiculous thought

Re: Free electricity pledge by PLP (The Tribune, April 13)

PLP only checking for PLPs

CHILE please, the current iteration of the PLP is only checking for PLPs.

The two PLPs

ALFRED Sears is running on the PLP ticket for Fort Charlotte.  He ran for leader of the PLP against Perry Christie, with the message that the PLP will lose under the Christie leadership. Is

Bird or crab?

Re: PM ‘should resign’ after ‘foul’ gesture.

By the rivers of Babylon

THE upcoming general elections will be the most important ever in our wonderful nation, make no mistake about this.

Biased reporting

WATCHING the evening news on ZNS this evening. Monday 03/10.

Time to tackle paedophilia

BEFORE Christ walked the earth homosexuality has existed. Approximately 2 per cent of the world’s population is homo or bi-sexual. I really don’t see why it’s an issue in a civilised educated world?

PLP slogan

THE Progressive Liberal Party’s election slogan of “Forward Together Bahamians” conjures up ominous images in my mind.

Leave our tourists alone

ON March 16, 2017, the United States Embassy in Nassau sent out another warning to the American public.

NHI omissions


Boomerangs for Bradley Roberts

While Bradley Roberts is busy lobbing stones to smear the reputations of Opposition candidates, he should be on his guard that one doesn’t hit him in the back of his bald head. He would certainly deserve it. Just who is he to pass judgment on the reputations of “bad and unfit” election candidates?

A cashflow solution

Web shop owners, their money, and cash (over flow)

The Carnival merry-go-round

To some Bahamians, the world came to an end this week because Perry Christie postponed Carnival.

Signs of election season

I AM so glad to see residents finally taking the initiative and working together. As I travel across New Providence, I see lots of activities going on.

The tower of Babel

“Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it”. Psalm 127:1.

What food are we producing?

In the wake of the Brazilian beef ban, Consumer Protection Commission Chairman Jerome Gomez has suggested that we need organisations to watch and to warn us about what is going on in other parts of the world.

The PLP Iron Lady

THE island of Grand Bahama has two PLP MPs, Obie Wilchcombe and Dr Michael Darville. In terms of the political pecking order, one would think that Wilchcombe is ranked higher than Darville, due to him being minister of tourism in addition to being a 15-year veteran in the House.

Accountability over PPP

KINDLY permit me to share my views on the recent public pronouncement by the Prime Minister on the Government plan to aggressively utilise Public Private Partnership (PPP) in the provision of Public infrastructure and services and more particularly the need for any future government to legislate to ensure protection for investors in these PPP initiatives.