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The lie of free NHI care

NHI…has the programme taken away ‘Free Medical Care’ for our old people?

Nygard’s giving

I must agree with V Alfred Gray’s timely statement when he said Peter Nygard has done more for The Bahamas than most Bahamians have. That might sound controversial, but it is the undeniable truth.

Failure of the PLP

Forget all the rallies - the political signs and face reality as this I believe has already cast who will win Government on May 10th.

Promises, promises...

Promises, you keep making. Promises, you keep breaking.

Munroe deserves no votes

I was sick to my stomach when I learned that outspoken and extremely controversial attorney and Queen’s Council, Wayne Munroe, had been both chosen and ratified to represent the constituency of Free Town, formerly Montagu, for the Progressive Liberal Party in the upcoming General Election.

FNM and PLP go head-to-head

I, along with other Bahamians, agonise over the fact that neither of the two major parties are completely acceptable. We are not card carrying members of either party and would gladly vote for another party. We would not, however, wish to wake up on the May 11, 2017, to another PLP government.

Swing goes against Christie

In my opinion, both the PLP and the DNA have misread the outcome of the 2012 General Elections when many FNM supporters, just like Branville McCartney, revolted against Ingraham’s leadership, supported the breakaway DNA and defeated Ingraham.

Copycat slogan

THE PLP’s 2016 campaign slogan Forward Together Bahamians reminds me of its 2012 Believe in Bahamians slogan. The 2012 campaign propaganda helped to etch in the minds of angry Bahamians that the Free National Movement was, derisively speaking, the Foreign National Movement.

The ballad of Beggar J

O Jerome you come off smellin’ like a rose – Because you’ve bin proven to have the nose,

Jokes about God

ONCE upon a time . . .

Police reservist pay

WHEN are the Royal Bahamas Police Force reservists going to be paid for hours worked?

History of Bahamian rights

I GOT home from the FNM Tsunami Rally about 11 last night.  I hurriedly tuned into ZNS TV13 to see what the PLP rally looked like.  

The sleeping PM

NOMINATION Day was held on April 20. PM Perry Christie was nominated for the Centerville constituency for the ninth time.

What we tolerate

EVERY five years political parties do two things:  embrace new faces to create the illusion that they are fresh, dynamic and relevant and publish a manifesto.

Branville will do the right thing

THE Democratic National Alliance (DNA) has been around on the Bahamian political scene for more than five years now.

Spoiling our Bahamas

I consider myself extremely lucky to be able to attend a small college in the United States, in addition to playing on one of the Varsity sports teams on campus.

Politicians who have nine lives

WHATSOEVER a man sows that shall he reap, said St Paul to the Galatians. Jerome Fitzgerald is learning about this reciprocal principle firsthand.


TODAY it is a story about Leadership. A few years ago I went to a lunch in Florida and the speaker was General Schwarzkopf or “Stormin’ Norman” as he was called when he led the US troops in the first Iraq war.

FNM rally experience

WOW! Was at the FNM rally several days ago. Must admit the FNM candidate for Sea Breeze, Ms Lanisha Rolle, was phenomenal. She had that “fire and brimstone gospel wibe” that makes or breaks a political campaign.

Spoil the ballot - by voting DNA

THIS election cycle is so interesting to watch. In 2012, when the DNA emerged as a party contesting every seat, the governing FNM did not see them as a threat, just some insignificant little bug who would garner less than 100 votes.

A vote for the DNA is a vote for the PLP

IT should be obvious to everyone by now that in this upcoming election, a vote for the Democratic National Alliance or for an independent candidate is essentially a vote for the PLP.

The way the wind is blowing

Mr Bradley Roberts’ complaint to the Commissioner of Police about PLP posters being torn down over the weekend, (implying Opposition Members doing the tearing) got me to wondering if Mr Roberts is even a Bahamian.

Welcome to the 21st century

Former PLP cabinet minister Loftus Roker (he who gave us the cheeky moniker “Rokerpure” for brackish drinking water) recently expressed his disdain over the fact that outside observers were coming to invigilate our election next month.

Save our antiquities

After reading the article on Nassau’s lighthouse in today’s Tribune I should like to add to the observations made by Mr Ronald Lightbourn, not only is our historic lighthouse in dire straits but many of our other historical buildings and landmarks have also been, one might say, criminally neglected.

Our future, all things considered

Considering all that has been said and done under a PLP administration, we are looking at the possible consolidation of an enslaved state.